
Chapter 66

If you want to read up to 20 chaps ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Currently on chapter: 85 on Patreön...

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Tomorrow I restart the double releases.


After my talk with the overpowered grandmas, I entered the camp transforming into a cat, and by that I mean, fully transforming into a cat, no illusion. While the idea of claiming a realm was more than enticing, I wasn't entirely sure how the Roman aspects would welcome me. While I had Hestia's word they were more amiable in some ways, I decided to be careful, for all I knew they would also think I was working with Kronos, or in this case Saturn.

With that little thought in mind, I decided it was best to infiltrate the camp to gather valuable information about what the gods thought of me, and only once I was sure of them not desiring to hunt me, I would openly show myself. In the meantime I would meow my way to victory.

"I have the strange need of pushing valuable stuff to the floor," I thought as I walked through the camp, maybe I should've picked another animal, one with less… assholy tendencies.

Taking a deep breath I shook my head, and decided to focus on the task at hand… at paw?... at paw… After all, I would have time to judge my animal decision for this mission.

Camp Jupiter, was… big, and less campy, and what I meant by that was that the kids in here behaved like a trained military force, I mean… I had walked for a good ten minutes around then and none of them had decided to pet me, granted I would probably scratch the fuck out of them, but still… I like to feel wanted, as any cat… ok maybe a cat wasn't the right option.

"Aren't you an adorable little fellow," Someone said, finally picking me up, it was fucking time. Yeah… I shouldn't have definitely picked a cat.

The one that had picked me up, was a girl, around twelve years old, her skin was a milky brown chocolate allowing her face to show some shades of pink of her cheeks , her hair and eyes being a bit darker going very well with her skin, "My name is Reyna, what's yours little friend?" Reyna, was her name. What an interesting development.

"Meow," I purred… what? She was petting me, and she was very… very good at finding that weird spot in my back.

"Mmmm, how about I call you… Mr. soft?" Reyna offered and at that I hissed, I mean, Mr. soft? How dare she?! Yes I was very soft, I had picked a Persian cat as my cover, making sure I had the fluffiest and softest petting hair, but I would not be named Mr soft, I deserved a better name, the destructor, the almighty… something like that.

"Ok, ok," Reyna giggled, "How about, Genesis?"

Genesis…. well, I suppose that is more acceptable, so at that, I trilled a meow and a purr at the same time, letting her know I accepted the name, for now.

"I see, so now Genesis…. how did you get into the camp," Reyna inquired her voice going dangerously low, her petting stopping dead on its tracks.

I narrowed my eyes at her, and hissed.

"Will take you to my superiors, they ought to know how a cat entered the camp," Reyna sighed.

Interesting…. as I saw it now I had two options, letting her take me to her godly superiors, and see if I could trick them, which was a very valid possibility I mean… Zeus tricked Hera to marry him as a bird, or I could scratch this bitch and run, maybe this time changing into a bird… which in retrospect was a better option, what was I thinking transforming into a cat, as a bird I would be able to survey the camp through the skies, then again I would also lose the chance of getting pets….

Oh well, scratching it is.

Taking a deep breath I turned around showing her my belly, setting the deadly trap for my scratch, as expected she couldn't resist my fluffy and soft belly, it was the fluffiest after all, so with a little cat smile forming on my face, I yowled at the girl scratching her hand, which in turn made her drop me. And ran.

Lesson one when petting a street cat, never pet the belly, it's always a trap… it's always a trap.


After my little altercation with Reyna, I ran into the woods and transformed into a raven, which was the intellectual choice, and the option I should've picked the first time, I don't know what I was thinking transforming into a cat.

Now that I had wings, I surveyed the camp with ease, learning it's layout and how the campers behaved, which was what I wanted to know, after all, if the Roman aspects were also out to get me, then their kids would know. And so far I had yet to hear any demigod say let's go and maim the sexy Adam.

"Why are you spying on the kids?" A raven asked flying to my side, but it was clear it was no normal raven, the power coming from this feathery one, was massive. Whoever it was, was stronger than me, which was troubling, so for now, I would comply and answer the questions while I figure out how to escape if things got messy. Though for some reason I felt I was in no real danger, as if this god of goddess in raven form would never hurt me.

"Curiosity," I cawed, shaking my thoughts a bit.

"I see," The overpowered bird in question replied, before asking, "Who are you?"

"Adam…. not sure if that helps though," I cawed, deciding it was best to land on a tree and transform back to my humanoid form.

Taking my transformation as a cue, the other raven did the same, transforming back into what I assumed was her humanoid form, and yes, the raven was a she, "Adam, the supposed traitor of the Greeks," her form was oddly familiar though.

"My name is Vesta," Hestia's Roman aspect greeted… no wonder I felt no real threat.

"A pleasure to meet you," I smiled at her, extending my hand at her.

"You are not what I assumed, possible traitor," Vesta sighed, taking my hand and giving me a handshake.