
Chapter 39

If you want to read up to 12 chaps ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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I was a genius… alright, alright, maybe I'm overselling my status, but fuck it! I was happy today, happier than I was yesterday! Two weeks after Hestia and Artemis cockblocked my sweet destiny, I had completed the Mnemonic chapter of my griamore. How did I know that? Well, the book was now letting me change motherfuckering chapters.

I had now access to two chapters within the book, the one I had completed and the Demonic Arts and curses one.

"So many spells," I was giggling like a teenager with a crush, "So many pranking possibilities!" My giggling by this point had turned to an evil maniacal laughter.

I skimmed through the book, catching quick but very insightful glimpses of the hundreds of new spells I had acquired access to and would have to practice soon enough, when suddenly I violently stopped on one page, because one particular spell had caught my attention.

—The All Seeing Eye—

—A spell created to spy and see everything everywhere without being seen, it has no real cost, except for a large amount of mana,—

—-Incantation: I summon the all seeing eye to tear a hole into the sky reveal to me that which is hidden unveil to me what is forbidden—

This confirmed it, my book has access to magical knowledge of other universes, "Muahaha," I laughed evil burning within me with glee, as I got ready to try my new spell, "I summon the all seeing eye to tear a hole into the sky reveal to me that which is hidden unveil to me what is forbidden!" The target of my spell, Annabeth and Percy.

Immediately after those words left my mouth, a magical window… that was as I would expect to as oval shaped appeared, showing me what Percy and Annabeth were doing.

{Annabeth was sitting on her bed, with Percy on the opposite side, she had a scheming look on her face, with a smile, a desperate one she said, "I think… I think I know how to beat him!"

Oh she's talking about me, I unknowingly smiled at that.

"You sure… I just got the song out of my system," Percy shuddered.

"Yes, the thing is… we have to enact our revenge slowly… our mistake was to rush at him, only if we play our cards slowly… he will not see it coming," Annabeth declared with confidence, "You in?"

A slow plan? Please Slowbeth… I'm leagues above you.

"I… I thought we agreed on surrendering to his might," Percy sighed, somewhat exhausted.

"NEVER!" Annabeth shook her head, and I took this as a cue to curse them to hear my awesome song.

"He… noooo!" Percy screamed, running out of the room.

"How did he… da da… NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" And just like that I had broken the daughter of Athena, once again… I think it's the fifth time this weekend.}


[Unknown POV]

My son had grown to be… vastly different to what I had expected or foreseen, but I wasn't disappointed, on the contrary I was intrigued.

Well, I suppose that's not entirely true, because in reality I was a bit disappointed in him, he had yet to discover his true power as my son… but that wasn't something of importance for now, sooner or later he would and I would be the first one to know.

"I knew that woman would produce an interesting child," I laughed.


[Adam POV]

The all seeing eye was awesome but very taxing mana wise, using it a few times was more than enough to drain me, and I had a lot of mana. So, I decided to leave that spell for really special occasions, or very good pranks.

As for the other spells of the book… well, their difficulty and costs… varied a lot, some had no cost, others would literally charge you… well, your life… like for example the Indura curse.

The second chapter of the book was so complex I had no idea if I would be able to move from it, especially with spells that literally ask for your life to be casted….

I suppose I will have to find a way to solve that later, but for now, I would enjoy a day off… maybe I can go to the underworld and cash the coupon Hades gave me for a full day spa.

"Hestia, if you can hear me I'm going to the underworld, I need a good massage, make sure nobody burns the house," I called out just for Hestia to appear in front of me, with a burst of flames, "That was fast," I chuckled.

"I'm going with you!" Hestia stated with a smile, that said I will not accept a no for an answer, "I haven't seen my little brother in a while, and a spa day sounds awesome!"

"Sure," I chuckled.


[Hades POV]

Adam had come to another spa day with Persophone and me, with Hestia accompanying him, and I was elated to have her with us.

"Hestia," I greeted with a smile I couldn't contain, having Hestia to visit is always a reason to be happy, especially if she brings cookies.

"Hades," Hestia smiled, hugging me.

"Hey Hades," Adam greeted.

"Hi," I waved at him, Hestia still hugging me, "Persephone wants to show you some apartments," I chuckled, poor Adam, now that Persephone wanted him to move here, nothing would stop her… and he would be forced see apartments until she was sure he was going to buy.

"Awesome…" Adam said somewhat unsure as if knowing the hellish nightmare that awaited him.

"Now, let's have a nice day off," I chuckled as I walked towards the spa, with Hestia and Adam following me close behind.

"I won't go back home today am I?" Adam asked.

"Hahahahaha no!" I laughed.


[Percy POV]

Da da da da da da da da da da da… this is the last time I defy Adam… his pranking powers are beyond comprehension…. even talking about defiance is met with swift retribution.

Annabeth was from this point on alone…. I was not going to fight Adam in a realm he has no competition… no equal, "Da da da… "