
(forest of the fallen giants)

I was very curious about this place. I mean how could he not? I mean the undead are certainly weaker, but they always outnumbered me.

although sif helped me even the odds a little.

the bronze dagger that sif had taken from that summoned world was honestly pretty good, but too bad Percy couldn't take that bronze sword he had.

I carried sif as I slid down the ladder and found myself. the undead here were paying against the wall, but a sword to the face and they turned to dust.

sif and I were walking around and just casually exploring, but we were also mapping out the area.

wanna something else? doors meant nothing to me. with a swift kick, I would take down the wooden doors.

the metal doors took a bit longer to kick off their hinges.

I was completely able to bypass areas he wasn't supposed to be by relying on brute force.

of course, I was also doing this because sometimes exploring is such a hassle. collecting everything and killing everything, are two completely tiring things.

sif and I were able to kill everything without dying once, mainly due to our combo attacks. sif and I made our way to the first boss in this place.

[the last giant]

Its attacks were easy to dodge. it only swiped its hand at us or sometimes stomped, but then it ripped its arm off and started to use it like a sword and tried slashing us.

I rolled between the legs and then with one final slash the last giant fell to my blade.

we got the souls and the giant soul. but I continued to kill all the undead until they were purged and continued exploring.

sif and I warped back to Majula and then I spent the souls, on some level-ups. I had enough souls to probably max out two of my stats if I wanted to, but meh.

also, did you know that in the middle of Majula, there is this giant hole you can jump in?

I called it the "suicide hole". mainly because I keep seeing the ghost of the undead just jumping in without consequences.

mmmm... so there must be loot here huh... that can wait for now. for right now it was daily therapy.

I was rubbing my face and hands through sifs soft fur—my daily hour of just pure puff.

of course, Priscilla's tail would be better, but since I can't find her... well let's just say sif will do for now.

her ears were surprisingly soft, and the way her tail wagged was just so cute.

I equipped the Artorias armor set and looked at sif who knew what was about to happen.

I smiled and sif and I did our little dance at the bonfire for a successful boss.

sif with her sword in her mouth and bobbing wildly, and me who danced just like her.

the fire keeper turned her head and looked... amused? but I could care less since it was sif and I time.

I and sif continued before finally we threw our head back and howled. who knew a man... woman and wolf could be so well put together.

I smiled and pet sif on the head.

"good girl," I said as I sat down at the bonfire.

sif jumped up to lick my face causing me to laugh.

"Now come on... it's time for shameless plundering" I said as we made our way to the entrance to what would be known as an easy boss...

I continue with sif as we reached a sewer-type area. so I opened the door by pulling the lever, and sif went and killed.

there was some loot, but not much worth mentioning.

however sif and I now were able to go to a new area.

and new area met two things: new loot, and new enemies.

"hell yeah," I cheered as I saw the massive oceans where I was.

[heides tower of flame]


hope you enjoyed it, and those who want to you can choose to support me on Patreon. Of course, you don't have to, but it would be appreciated.


if you do decide to, then thanks, but NOT MANDATORY, I'll still post on webnovel, although will be delayed for me to find a job.