An orphan gets reincarnated as the Son of Hades, as his mother a powerful witch, with such a powerful lineage how will his fair in the Percy Jackson Universe, well read and Find out. ... Fair warning I'm closely following the books, while changing some things like how strong their abilities actually are and how strong the God's actually are since they're in fact Gods and stuff.
[Third Person's PoV]
After everyone finished giving their offerings to the Gods and eating their celebratory dinner, Lucian, who was sitting next to Hestia stood up and stood in front of everyone that was cleaning up.
"May everyone look over here please!" He shouted, cuffing his hand by his mouth, amplifying his voice.
They were confused as they looked at Lucian who was looking rather smug. "What you want to runt!" One of Ares' kids shouted.
"Shut up, losers have no rights to talk!" Lucian retorted back with a smirk.
"Ooooooooo!" They all sounded hearing Lucian before they started to snicker, which caused the Ares kid to turn red in the face.
"Well anyways as you guys know, I led my team to victory, and I captured our opponent's flag. For such a feat I have decided to reward myself with something spectacular and I want you all to bear witness!"
They all stood in shock, unable to believe what they were hearing, the Ares kid who was previously humiliated scoffed loudly, "HA! You just won once and already have a big head about it!"
"Unlike mine, which is metaphorical, yours is literally, I honestly pity your mother who had to push you out. Oh wait, who knows maybe you're a c-section baby, my bad bro"
"OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!" They all screamed out at Lucian's comeback.
The Ares kid, who we now know is named Julian, practically saw red and was about to charge towards Lucian before Chiron put a stop to it.
"Enough you two! Lucian, just finish what you were saying and stop antagonizing them."
"Whatever" Lucian muttered as he rolled his eyes, "Anyways as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. This isn't going to be a reward just for me, it'll be a reward for those in the future as well"
They all looked lost as they weren't following. "Just watch" Lucian said as he got on one knee.
"Who are you proposing to Lucian!" Thalia called out with a smirk teasing Lucian as she was still slightly bitter due to losing, which causing some to laugh.
Lucian being petty inwardly smirked, he created a flowery outwards appearance around him using the illusionary powers of the mist and flashed Thalia the prettiest and handsomest smile he could muster, "Who knows, maybe it'll be you in the future" he said winking towards her.
"Ooooooo~" some of Aphrodite's children said behind their hand not expecting such smoothness from him, some were even blushing due the mist as it slightly affected the atmosphere around him, making him appear more likable.
Thalia was a blushing mess, as she muttered, "Fucking bastard, how is he so quick with these."
Lucian just chuckled before shaking his head, his expression then turned serious before slowly pulling his fist towards his side, "Now for what I was doing" he muttered
He took a deep breath before thrusting his fist into the ground, breaking it apart slightly with just his strength. He wiggled his fist further into the ground until they're buried completely and closed his eyes.
After a few seconds of waiting nothing happened which made them look at Lucian with skepticism before he opened his eyes, which turned serious.
He made a pulling motion as if he was having difficulty from having his hands stuck on the ground, "Phttt, is this what he's going to show us, how he gets his fist stuck in the ground" Julian scoffed before softly chuckling.
But Lucian's expression doesn't change, one could see veins protruding on his forehead, with beads of sweat slowly trickling down.
Before they could say anything in worry they felt the ground start shaking, they watched in amazement as the ground started to crack and split open. They all took a step back as it continued to expand, a large obsidian color material started flowing up towards the surface.
The more the material surfaced the bigger their expressions of surprise became.
At first it was a start black pole before the shape of a flag appeared as it continued to rise. As the flag continued upwards a dome of the same material started to appear.
Their mouth hanged open as more of the dome started appearing, what they assumed was a dome started to get features and continued to rise.
That dome, which they previously assumed, was actually a head slowly taking Lucian's feature as it rose.
"He's making a fucking statue of himself" someone muttered in disbelief.
"This fucking narcissist" The indistinguishable voice of Thalia was heard, even her voice was laced with astonishment.
Meanwhile Annabeth looked at the scene with narrowed eyes, 'as full of himself as Lucian is, even if it's just pretending, he wouldn't just build a statue of himself for no reason, just what is he planning'
More and more of Lucian's statue started to appear, now there is no mistaking it, it was indeed a statue of Lucian, underneath him the ground started to shake as it broke apart but inside of falling down he started rising up. One of the statue's palms was facing up, which Lucian rode on as he controlled the statue.
When the statue was above ground, Lucian twirled his fist in circles which caused the ground behind him to follow his movements and close up completely, filling up all the cracks, returning it to what it once was.
Lucian sat at the edge of his statue's palm with an arm leaning back, a leg hanging and swinging over the edge lazily, his other leg just on the very edge with his other arm resting on the lifted knee.
With sweat dripping down his back and a tired expression, "How ya like me now!" Lucian's voice resounded through the camp as he amplified it with Magic.
They couldn't say anything, no words could escape their mouths as they stared in disbelief.
"Lucian! My boy! What are you doing!" Chiron asked, rubbing his forehead.
"Isn't it obvious it's my gift towards the camp!" Lucian shouted with a smirk.
"How is this a gift?!?!?!" They all shouted.
"You guys just don't know it yet, so I will explain. Since this week I have won my team the flag, this statue has my face, if you guys would just pay attention towards other aspects of the statues and not just my beautiful visage, such as the flag you would notice something else."
They all turned towards the flag and noticed that it had all of the marks and symbols from each cabin that were on his team.
"Even from here I can see your guys' confusing so I will explain slowly for those that are having trouble understanding"
Lucian lowered his leg from the end and sat down at the complete edge of the palm as he spread his arms completely, "Do you see this statue and his handsome face!"
They looked at the statue once more, when they heard his voice, the statue was a perfect replica of what Lucian looked like, it even had a coat which was made to look like fur. It was holding a flag proudly while looking at a distance, the flag had a cross separating it into 4 evenly square pieces.
One square had a beautiful owl made of different gems to represent Athena.
Another square had beautiful yellow gems that shone brightly in the shape of the sun for Apollo.
Another one had ruby's make the image of fire and other minerals make a hammer for Hephaestus.
And lastly on the last square emeralds and amethysts were used to make grapes while before using gold to make a chalice in the middle of it for Dionysus.
"That's right this isn't just a statue of me it's a statue for all the winners!" Lucian shouted as they stared at the flag wide-eyed, almost entranced by the beauty of each symbol.
"But here is where it becomes interesting!" He shouted once again grabbing everyone's attention.
"What if I'm defeated, after all I said this statue is for the winners~" he said with a tone in his voice clearly pleased.
A hint of realization hit everyone at once, "THAT'S RIGHT!" Lucian shouted with a large grin on his face.
"If you manage to get my flag I will personally rearrange this entire statue to look exactly like you and put your teams on the flag!"
"But wait there's more! If my own teammate managed to get the enemy's flag before I did, it would be their face on this statue with my father's symbol on the flag.
But since that's not the cause it will go here!" He said, thrusting his palm forward. In the statue's chest right about where Lucian's real heart would be, the symbol which Hades used to claim him appeared glowing a beautiful red color due the rubies he used.
Lucian stood up and spread his arms and looked down on everyone, "How you like them golden apples"
They didn't say anything as they stood frozen in shock, Lucian shrugged his shoulders, "Tough crowd"
Lucian then put a foot behind him and bowed towards everyone, "With that, I, Lucian Blackheart, son of Hades, bid everyone farewell, and a good competitive future"
And with that Lucian turned into a big puff of smoke and disappeared from everyone's view leaving the palm of the statue empty.
After a few minutes of shock one of them mutters, "He's fucking lost it, what a psychopath… but damn did that get my blood boiling!" He shouted
He wasn't the only one an intense fire burned in their eyes, wanting to see their face on that statue.
"This kid hasn't even been here a day and look at the effect he had on everyone" Chiron muttered looking stressed.