
Chapter 3 : Give me an Oscar


Please be aware this story will have major differences from the original Lightning thief because Percy now got the mission to bring back the family together.


"WHERE'S THE LIGHTNING BOLT!" Alecto screamed, revealing her true form.

"Aaahhhh!" I screamed back while stumbling backwards.

"Mrs Dodds!" I screamed helplessly.

Yes, I deserve an Oscar. Mrs Dodds was gone and now in her place stood the Grey skinned Fury.

Yup, I was at the museum and I had splashed Nancy with my demigod powers. Honestly, it still gave me a kick even though I knew I would be punished with Death. Not that I had any intentions of dying today. Not by the Fury I slayed so many years ago.

I faked falling to the ground when the Fury flew right over me, missing me by a few inches.

Bam! The doors of the room slammed open revealing Mr. Brunner aka Chiron sitting in his wheelchair.

"Percy!" He shouted and he threw me a silver object. I instinctively caught it and relived the moment I first obtained Riptide.

In that moment I just realized Riptide was missing from my pocket since Chaos abruptly teleported me to the past. I wondered what happened to the old Riptide. Maybe it no longer exists.

The Fury shook me out of my thoughts as she went for another dive attack again. She screeched as she drove down. I uncapped Riptide as I had done thousands of times, well at least in my past life.

The pen shifted into a 3 feet long Celestial Bronze sword and caught Alecto by surprise. She was unable to stop her dive and flew right through the sword I held in front of me.

Sure it wasn't the most heroic kill but it did the job.

Alecto dissolved into monster dust. I fell to my knees faking surprise and shock while Mr. Brunner had a thoughtful look on his face. I fell to the ground faking myself dying, so he wouldn't turn his back on me like the last time.

There's no way in Hades I'm gonna spend the rest of the year on campus.

Mr. Brunner rolled forward while I mumbled something like, "What the hell was that?"

'You should get an Oscar.' Hemera commented in my head.

OH… by the way I forgot to mention that Hemera and her husband Aether also checked in from time to time to check out what I was doing. Unlike Chaos, they were really kind. Chaos was mostly snarky and cocky.

'Mmm...I don't know, the screaming didn't look really believable, so could you do that again but more surprised?' Chaos complained.

'I don't know about the screaming, but he looked really cool when he slashed her shoulder with Riptide.' Nyx said thoughtfully.

'Shut up, all of you I'm busy' I ended the conversation and opened my green eyes to face a disturbed looking Mr. Brunner.

"Percy, what did she just say?" he said worried.

"What was that?" I said, heavily breathing but Mr. Brunner just shook his head, "Percy I need you to tell me what she said!"

I looked thoughtfully for a second before saying, "she said something about a lightning bolt and that there were more coming," while looking traumatized.

I know you're all thinking that the last one was a lie but I needed to get to camp as soon as possible.

"You need to get to camp," Brunner said, "I will explain everything later."

I just nodded and put Riptide in my pocket. Hoping no one would notice.

He led me to Grover who looked at me in shock. "He's been attacked by a one of the Kindly Ones sent by Hades, you need to get him to camp."

After I said goodbye to my mother Grover and I took a cab to Long Island. The sun was setting while I tried to sit comfortable in this cab. The driver tried to start a conversation but horribly failed after asking where our parents were.

'I'm his mother.' Chaos joked but no one except me could hear it. Hemera and Nyx left but told me they were gonna watch me fight me Minotaur.

'The Minotaur?' I frowned, 'I thought I avoided it this time by going to camp earlier.'

Chaos just shrugged it off and told me not to think much about it.

Since I already killed it twice, I wasn't afraid. Unlike last time I had my mother safe and sound at home. Of course there was still smelly Gabe but I had a plan to help him out the way. Medusa was going to help me this time too but hopefully I won't have to kill her.

I was working out my plan on a notebook I had summoned using Chaos's powers. Apparently she still allowed me to use a fraction of her power to summon small things. I was just writing down, Demeter=Cereal When a tree crashed down in front of us. With a loud screech the car came to a stop.

I immediately pushed Grover and myself out of the car and gestured to the taxi driver to get outta here. There was no way I would risk harming the innocent mortal driver. He did without giving us even a second thought.

Then I remembered that Grover passed out and I had to carry him last time over the border of the camp. This caused Grover to be forced into the quest which I didn't want. I wanted Luke and Annabeth to join me.

Grover was panicking while mumbling his favorite food names. He was struggling with his fake legs to run.

"Just use your real legs!" I yelled. He gave me a shocked look; I could almost see the gears in his head working overtime. "Chiron told me your secret!" I lied and looked back, only to see a shadow in the distance coming closer.

'Oh great, the Minotaur!' Chaos said excitedly.

"Oh please not him," Grover begged as we ran closer to the border.

'Oh please give me the horn this time.' Nyx begged as the Minotaur approached me and Grover.

I took out Riptide and told Grover to run and get help, he looked unsure but pushed through when I yelled, "Now! I hold it off, whatever that is."

The Minotaur stopped in front of me and gave me a scary look. Not that I was scared. In fact I actually needed this monster right now. "Hey Bullhead!" I yelled at him when he looked around for Grover.

He was just dressed as the first time and had his axe in hand ready to kill me.

"I need your horn so if you could just lie down I promise you a quick death," I yelled at him.

'Yeah! Gimme that Horn!' Nyx yelled enthusiastically.

'Sorry Nyx but this horn is not for you.' I told her.

'But…' She protested.

'Sorry but I need it for my master plan.' I apologized.

'Fine,' She said annoyed, 'but you better give me something good later.'

'Stop talking!' Chaos yelled as the Minotaur charged forward, head first.

"10 points for originality!" I yelled when I easily sidestepped the attack. Just like the last time.

Ironically, he even crashed into the same tree as last time which, let's be honest was worth a medal.

His horn was even stuck in the tree, that dumb ass.

I charged at him and slashed him on his back while he tried to yank his horn out of the tree. He screamed in pain as my sword cut through his flesh. He finally managed to free himself and turned around to face me. He tried to grab me with his hands, but I ducked under it and charged forward with my shoulder to crash into his massive chest. He fell to the ground, disarmed.

I jumped on him and drove Riptide through his stomach. He let out another roar and tried to grab me. Another mistake.

I side stepped his right hand and brought Riptide down on his wrist and cut his hand off clean.

Oh, this was so much easier than the first time. The Minotaur stopped all his attacks when I cut his hand off.

In his bull eyes I saw the realization that he had lost the battle and could only wait for his death. An almost respectful silence came from the bull.

I lifted Riptide ready to pierce his heart when Chaos interrupted me, 'Wait, don't kill him yet.'

'Why not?' I asked looking down on the defeated Minotaur.

'The Olympians are watching, you have to make a good first impression.' Nyx explained.

'Why don't you say something cool before killing him.' Chaos suggested.

'What? Why' I asked, confused.

'It's cool!' Hemera said like it was totally obvious.

'Okay let me think of something.' I said while thinking of things to say. Then one came to my mind.

"NERF THIS!" I yelled and pushed my sword through the chest of the Minotaur.

The Minotaur let out his last scream before dissolving into monster dust, with the only remnant of him being the Minotaur horn. I stepped back and changed Riptide back to a pen.

'How was that?' I asked my Primordial audience.

'Awesome.' Nyx commented.

'Looks like you got the Horn again.' Chaos stated when I picked it up.

'Yeah...can't imagine anything else the Minotaur could leave as a spoil of war.'

Well I got the Minotaur horn again which was essential for my plan.

'Hey Chaos can you make me faint? Like last time?' I asked, not wanting to face an entire camp thinking I killed a Minotaur so easy. 'Here you go Percy.' Nyx said as I felt my vision began to blur and soon dissolve into complete darkness.


Anyone got the reference?
