
Percy Jackson: Birth of a Hero

What if Percy, in his childhood, had made a decision that would change the course of his own and others' history? If he would have ended up on the streets, surviving on his own for years. Meeting a mortal who is able to see through fog and traveling with her. Meeting three other demigods, with the promise of Being A Better Family.

I_Am_Not_A_Writer · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Burn it down (4)

Percy looked at him in disbelief. In all his years living on the streets he had never seen a dragon. For a second he decided if Luke didn't say crazy things, like the magic goat that produced Pepsi from its udders that he had mentioned earlier. But he kept his mouth shut. He'd never seen a dragon, but he'd seen some really weird things, like women disappearing inside trees, men with only one eye, half-woman, half-bird creatures, horses with wings that seemed to bow their heads in respect when they saw him. And the list went on.

"We've been together ever since," Luke continued, "We've had each other's backs and we've had each other's backs. Maybe it's an exaggeration on my part, but she's like a sister to me. It's a little weird, isn't it? To see a stranger as if she were part of your family."

"No, it's not," said Percy, softly, his eyes taking on a faraway look, "To form a strong bond with a person, to the point of considering them as your family, is not strange."

He closed his eyes briefly and, for an instant, an image of Sammy appeared in his mind. She was smiling and her eyes reflected happiness as she went over to hug him, as she always did when she was happy to see him.

Family doesn't end at blood, but it doesn't begin there either." Percy would never forget those words from the man who helped him so much.

"I understand you. You want to protect her, you want nothing bad to happen to her and you will do whatever it takes to keep her safe, even if it means putting yourself in danger." Luke looked at Percy questioningly. His face reflected a clear expression of surprise at Percy's words. A sympathetic smile spread across his face.

"Yeah, you're absolutely right," said Luke, giving Percy a friendly pat on the back, "You know, I took you for a cold and bitter guy, but I realize I was wrong. You're a great guy, although you should smile more."

Luke was surprised when Percy returned the gesture by giving him a gentle nudge on the shoulder.

"Shut up," said Percy, with a slight smile, "I still consider you an annoying person. And you should also use more deodorant. Seriously, you stink."

"Ouch, that hurt. I think you and Thalia will get along just fine."

Percy just shook his head softly.

"We'd better hurry, it's getting dark. And it looks like a storm is coming."

Both teenagers hurried to the church. For some reason, the streets were empty of people. There were no people walking on the sidewalk or cars on the streets. Everything was strangely silent. Percy assumed it was due to the approaching storm, but he had a strange feeling hammering in the back of his head. A strange feeling that something was wrong. And if she had learned anything in all these years of living on the streets and fighting monsters, it was that she never had to ignore her instincts.

As they began to walk through the same park that Percy and Sammy had walked through the night before, both teens couldn't help but look visibly worried. There was not a single person in sight. The park looked dark and ominous. The trees were minty in the cold wind that grew stronger and stronger and the streetlights were constantly tinkling, but that wasn't what worried both teens. It was the image on the trees. Bark marks torn by what looked like some kind of animal.

Percy recognized those marks and saw that they seemed to go from tree to tree toward a specific direction. At that moment, an overwhelming fear settled in his heart as he recognized where those marks were going.

"Those marks... Hellhounds!" said Luke, surprise in his voice, "They're headed for the church!"

"Damn it! They've already found us," said Percy.

"We have to hurry. Thalia is the only one with a weapon to take them on."

Without another word, they both ran in the direction of the church. Percy's heart began to beat faster and faster as he thought that maybe Sammy would be hurt. He cursed himself for leaving her helpless, but she was not alone. Thalia and Annabeth were with her and could have fled in time. Besides, Thalia had a weapon to defend herself and she wasn't going to leave Sammy.... was she?

Percy shook his head to push those thoughts away. He had to trust her, he had no other choice. Beside him, Luke looked even more scared than he did. He was pale and breathing rapidly from lack of air due to the strain his body was exerting.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn," Luke wailed as he ran, "This is what I was afraid of. With Annabeth sick and unable to move, Thalia will have no choice but to fight."

"She has a weapon to fight the monsters," said Percy, running to her side, "They can defend themselves."

"I wouldn't worry if it was one or two monsters, but hellhounds travel in packs. And there are too many marks for it to be just one dog."

That fact worried Percy even more. He gritted his teeth and kept running.

"We have to believe in her. She's a tough girl."

"Yes, she is," said Luke, with a faint smile.

When they saw the church in the distance, Percy's heart seemed to stop for a few seconds. The wooden doors of the church were shattered, claw marks adorned the walls, and the overgrown grass was flattened, proving that a large number of monsters marched into the church. On the porch, at the foot of the door, they saw a pair of hellhounds slowly advancing into the building.

In the sky, the swirling clouds began to dump a light rain on the two boys watching the church doors, but they cared little for that. His clothes clung to his body like a second skin, causing a shiver to run through his body.

"Luke," Percy called softly, pulling the boy out of his stupor, "I can trust you, can't I?"

At any other time, Luke would have been surprised by his question, even glad that Percy was calling him by name and not referring to him as "blond boy" or "brat". But at this moment, he recognized the gravity of the situation and what that question implied for someone as reserved and distrustful as Percy.

"Yes, you can trust me," Luke replied, just as seriously.

Percy stretched his arm to the back of his jeans, where he kept his trusty knife. He pulled it out and looked at it for a few seconds before reaching out to Luke.

"Go over there and help Thalia," said Percy, "She'll need all the help she can get."

Luke looked at the knife and then at Percy.

"What about you? What are you going to do?"

"I'll go in the back and get all the stuff we need. I'll get Sammy and Annabeth out and get them to safety. Then I'll come back and .... set the whole place on fire."

"What the...?!"

"There's no time. We have to go. This place isn't safe anymore. Now they know where we are."

Luke looked at the knife one more time and gritted his teeth hard before grabbing it.

"All right, I trust you, Percy."

Without another word, Luke ran toward the church to help Thalia.