Diary written by everyone's favorite sarcastic son of Poseidon during his journey through the True North (Short Chapters of approximately 800-1300 words)
I don't own Percy Jackson, it belongs to Rick Riordan and A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thones belongs to George R. R. Martin, as well as any other items that appear here, credits to their respective creators
"Percy and company in the true north" will basically be told from the diary/logbook of everyone's favorite son of the sea, Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson's Diary: Second Entry
Date: Day 2 (Seriously, why does someone have to keep track of time in a snowy forest? If it's not Greek, it somehow seems less important.)
Dear Diary (aka My Therapeutic Outing):
So it's official: I don't think the gods like me very much. This is my second entry in this little "diary", and it already feels like a disjointed road trip from Hades. Jason, a handful of half-breeds, a few Amazons, a few Huntresses, and me made our way through a forest that honestly looks like Canada had a bad day. The snow-capped mountains are glimpsed in the distance and the trees are so dense that it's as if someone has activated the "Arctic Vibrations" filter in nature. I'm half waiting for a giant moose to jump up and challenge me to a duel. Because, you know, that's my life.
We were all busy about our business when a strange celestial Uber drove us (thanks, Hermes) and dropped us off in what I can only describe as Snow-land. The temperature is lower than aunt Em's approval rating after I brought home a D for "Attend School". Seriously, my fingers are frozen as I write this.
Let me make this clear: it seems like I'm not trying to survive monsters anymore or at least for now; I'm dodging bears the size of small cars, packs of wolves that could probably knock down a wall, and they all look like they just stepped off a film set about "Predators of the North." I'm starting to wonder if we're in some weird Greek-Canadian episode of "Survivor," without the tropical drinks or immunity idols.
The good news? It's not me who is preventing quarrels, rivalries or whatever is in our small traveling group, from turning into fights... it's Jason. Don't get me wrong; He's a good guy when he's not trying to save the world, act like the perfect leader or whatever. But sometimes I find myself wishing Jason was a little less... noble, less disciplined... less roman roman... and more Greek. At least he's relaxed, compared to when we rode in the Argo II with Wise Girl and the others.
Anyway, I want to sit with a bag of chips watching a Knicks game or a movie on TV, instead of fighting huge wildlife. And you know what it's like: we're not exactly well-equipped for a frigid journey into the unknown (except for the hunters and almost every Amazon in the group), unless you count the shorts, jeans, shirts, and t-shirts as adventure gear.
Although thinking about it and the rest of my adventures... Don't think about it Percy
As we enter this frozen place, it is clear that the local fauna has no problem appearing before us. As we make our way through the trees, a strange sound comes to us from above. Is it a bear? A moose? We weren't prepared for the wolf pack that decided we'd be a good afternoon snack. Let me tell you, I can bet those beasts could give the Nemean lion a fight and kill it, if that grown cat's skin wasn't impenetrable. Their growls and barks might embarrass a rock concert, and I was seriously questioning my life choices.
The Amazons can defend themselves, fighting with spears and swords that they have at hand. And I have to admit that they do it by looking unreasonably cool while doing it. But why do they do it when I'm watching them?... I have an idea, but I hope I'm wrong
Meanwhile, I am the half-breed who can only swing a sword when my hands are not frozen by the cold. I might as well have been shaking an ice cream because of how effective I felt. We fought wolves and I felt like I should start charging them for a "meet and greet."
I can handle the cold better than most, it's something I inherited from Poseidon, with the cold under the oceans, but here it feels like it's -58°F...
Maybe I'm exaggerating, but that's how it feels, how come Magnus and the other Nords put up with it? Maybe Annabeth knows, I'll ask her the next time I see her...
Anyway, after dealing with the wolf situation (sorry, wolves), we met a group of other Greco-Romans who, for some reason, had adapted better to this snowy nightmare. They were all decked out in warm fur and looked remarkably comfortable. I guess they weren't as weather-conscious as we were, considering their bright and cheerful auras. It was as if we had stumbled upon a season of "Project Runway: Ice Edition."
The other greek demigods told us stories of beings lost in the nearby mountains...
Amazons and hunters who had separated from their group to look for their 'sisters' and needed help. There was no way to think, "Hey, let's make friends!" This place seemed to have its own drama and we were going to get into it like a snowball thrown by a demigod child.
Now we are all gathered around campfires that we somehow managed to build without dying of hypothermia. We are preparing for a serious follow-up tomorrow. I think we'll be called "Percy and Friends: The Frozen Quest" because, let's be honest, it sounds more appealing than "Demigods in Distress."
As I sit here, on the brink of freeze and existential terror, I can't help but wonder: What awaits us next? Giant beavers? Angry Canada geese? If I survive the winter wilderness of Canada, I will definitely book a vacation in the Caribbean sunshine. Until then, Hestia, wish us luck: I'll need it!
At least we have food, who would have known that meat cooked in a giant wolf fire tasted so good?
I say goodbye (and cross my fingers that one of those bears won't try to hug me while I sleep next to the campfires).
—Percy Jackson
If you are interested in reading more chapters of this fanfic or the other fanfics, before they are published here on fanfiction, AO3 and Wattpad
You can do it on P treon: Xifos&Gladius
Thanks to Stremms, Sin Hunter, LT Butterfly287, UnknownSkiz, Dean, Wilver Onofre, D-Arius, D-Arius, Aidan Jones, M360, Alan Lasalle, MrE, David Nguyen, Nerd Side, Raphael Rietti Souto, Lachlan Mathison, Dillon, Kyle Schmitz, Guillermo Chuy, Alejandro Ruiz Conejo, Keith Thomas II, Nozibjon, Elaina Friedrich, nitsuJ, Adrian, Justin Roy van Westering, dawid Yisrael, Saint Maximus, kurtis trickett, Joseph Grant, Nathan Grindstaff, Zak_McD, Ryan McCaughan, Rocket The Raccon, Tuxford Rorke, Jeremiah Matthews, Audio Tool, arthur, trey linebrink, Adam Blackmore, Josh, Adam Blackmore, RobinHaren, Zirfala, Jeremy D Peak, Ryan Leyden, Ranmaru Kurosaki, Madelyn, Trent Roe, Wiliam Croston, Brandon Wilson, Kissa454, Yonko Magikarp, willowskeith, Scarlet Fox, dorian wilson, SVTM62vl, doompie, Andrew Steven, Damian syers, Anthony Baca, Dylan, twistedflame899, Zook, k, kolokolo, Soul, Aaron Clay, Kirito, Sbhat Asfaha, Alexander Cullison, Jose Castro, Sergio Avila Jr, Charles, Edavila, Doom 7bz, Robin DiWinter, Yorda, Red, Wesbrook, John Smith, Bear, DuranteEmrys, Kingjames2332, Hollow_d_wrld, Wat3rF0xKail, D3m0nRulerZ, Stephen Odom, Enrique Cristobal Luna, Christophe Dean, Jake, Leo Clark, Shrimp, Nicholas Fritz, Connor, Lachlan, Aiming, Brandon Ossandon, JamesNic20, Forgotten Frost, julio vega, Connor Lloyd, Godaken, Alex Hawthorne, Roger Gaulke, Kitsune, Jose Vazquez, Brad Rieman, Charles Beecham, WhoisMitch, Ken Harris, Ravunz, Stefan Gottlieb, joshua scroggins, Benji, Rocket22, Luis, Chronicle Clock, God of Wind 200, Alchem, Orioles Enjoyer, Raj, James Cavazos , United Federation, Daniel bridges , XVenomX159, Voidful 911, Malignance, luis a. v. r., Henry, Daniel R. and OettamLass for their support on P treon
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