
Pen and Paper: A Douluo Fic

A man reincarnated in Douluo Dalu world with a Pen and Paper Martial Spirit. Pen Martial Spirit: Edit Reality Paper Martial Spirit: 'Answers' anything. How will he move around and change the world? . .. . . . . Support me at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/StarStruck_1 You can read extra chapters there. If you want more extra chapters, message me and I will work my ass off to create a new tier and write chapters.

Starstruck_1 · Anime e quadrinhos
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24 Chs

New World!

On the outskirts of Drifting Clouds Village, a six-year-old boy looked at the sky with a bored expression on his face, and he thought,

'It's already been a year since I reincarnated in this world, and tomorrow, I will unlock my Spirit.'

'If I knew that I would get reincarnated in the world of Soul Land, I would have read the novel instead of dropping in between. Though I have read many fanfics of Soul Land, all the information is jumbled and I don't even know which one is true or false.'

'I remember Tang San being MC, Xiao Wu being FML, they fighting for Shrek, Sunset Forest has goods, Bibi Dong dies in the end with Qian Renxue, Yu Xiaogang is a cheater, Tang Hao is drunkard, Bo Saixi is sexy, and better physique means better ring.'

'Well, it doesn't matter. If my spirit is good, I will become a Spirit Master, and if it is not, I will just do some work with my knowledge, and live in the village peacefully.'

'Except for meditating, simple exercises, training my senses, practicing Kata, developing techniques, trying to cheat in cultivation, and writing books, I haven't done many things. Heck! I don't even know who my parents are, if I knew, I would be able to guess what kind of Spirit I would have.'

"Hah! What a boring day!" Jun Moxie muttered with a yawn and he wondered what he should do.

"I will just go beat the children in the village," Jun Moxie said while getting up from his place and rubbing his pants, he walked away and went to the village. Minutes later, he reached the village and looked around.

The village is a small one with only a few hundred people living and looking at the scene he had been seeing for a year, Jun Moxie didn't think much and he directly entered the village.

The day passed and the next day in the morning, Jun Moxie, after freshening up in the river, arrived in the village and looked at the children gathered in the place.

Instead of staying at the back and waiting to get his chance like MCs, he sat on the second seat because he wanted to see the process first.

"Everyone, he is Master Su Yuntao from Spirit Hall and he will help you in unlocking the spirit." The village chief said, introducing Su Yuntao, and Jun Moxie felt that he had heard this name before.

'Ah! I remember he is Blind Douluo, the one who awakened Tang San's Spirit.'

"You all don't have to worry about anything, just close your eyes and feel the calling. You will awaken the Spirit as soon as you accept the Spirit. Now, let's start." Su Yuntao said with a bright smile on his face and considering that it was morning, Jun Moxie wondered why he was so happy.

'Did someone genius join Spirit Hall or what?'

The boy in front of him went to Su Yuntao and soon, a knife appeared in his hand and Su Yuntao said, "You have awakened Knife Martial Spirit."

"Let's check your spirit level. Hmm, it's 2, You have a chance of becoming Spirit Master, Next!"

Jun Moxie walked away as he heard this and he went to Su Yuntao. Seeing the calm expression on his face, Su Yuntao felt that this boy was different and he said, "Raise your hand,"

Jun Moxie raised his hand and soon he felt his hands heating and his expression changed. He didn't respond to the call in his left hand and asked it to remain quiet while in his right hand, and Pen appeared.

"A Pen Martial Spirit, Let's check your Innate Spirit Level."

'It's a fucking trimax!' Jun Moxie thought as he looked at the pen and he put his hand on the orb and it shined brightly.

"Heavens! You have Innate Full Soul Power."

"Boy, what is your name?" Su Yuntao asked with an excited expression on his face and seeing this, Jun Moxie looked at him and said, "Mister, My name is Jun Moxie, I am an orphan, I won't join Spirit Hall for now but I will join later."

"Eh?" Su Yuntao's expression changed as he heard this and then he said, "Hmm, if you join Spirit Hall, you will have a lot of resources and you will be able to get knowledge too."

"Mister, I know this. When I will grow up, I will join Spirit Hall." Jun Moxie said with a smile on his face and seeing this, Su Yuntao sighed and said, "Hmm, if you want to do this, you can."

Nodding at him, Jun Moxie moved away and let other children participate. When he had gotten his certificate which showed Innate Level 10 Soul Power and Pen Martial Spirit, he nodded and said Goodbye and accepted Su Yuntao's words, he left the place and went to his hut.

Inside, he put the page at the side and released his spirits.

In his right hand, a pen appeared and in his left hand, a Paper appeared. Looking at them, Jun Moxie frowned and muttered, "Pen and Paper, do you want me to become a Scholar or something?"

"I have no fucking idea what to do with them, and I don't even remember someone having Pen Martial Spirit and Paper Martial Spirit."

"I will do everything that will come to my mind with the first being writing on paper with a pen."

"What can Pen and Paper Martial Spirit do?" Jun Moxie wrote on the paper with his pen, and he felt his energy depleting. Soon, a few words appeared on the paper and his eyes widened.

"The Paper Martial Spirit can answer the questions written on it by Pen Martial Spirit."

"The Paper Martial Spirit can be used to...." The next words were blurred, and Jun Moxie had a feeling that it was related to his low energy level.

"Can the Paper Martial Spirit be used to create unbreakable contracts? Yes or No." Jun Moxie wrote and he got the answer to the question with less energy.


"Should I develop Paper Martial Spirit or Pen Martial Spirit? 1 for Paper and 2 for Pen."

A bit of his energy was used again, and he got the answer, "1."

Seeing this, Jun Moxie grinned, and he started to experiment and ask more questions like this.


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