
Pegloa Oox

incredible stories of characters, adventures, action, fantasy, everything here in this work, in this work there will be stories with different characters, but in the same universes, each story that ends will start another with different characters from the previous one, but in the same universe then Read and comment your criticisms, opinions, etc.

Autaghi · História
Classificações insuficientes
358 Chs


You turn your head around to witness the blonde woman thrust her short sword into the head of the final mermaid standing on her side of the ship. Pulling her gun back, she says "Yuck!" and shakes sharply to get rid of excess blood. Then she suddenly stops, turning her head to look at you, and you notice that you and your new friends are looking at her.

Her full lips quickly form a smirk that borders on the inappropriate, considering everything that happened. "Well…" she says "That was exciting, wasn't it?"

She sounds like she really means it too. You can feel her eyes popping out of their sockets at her irreverence, a single thought passing through her mind.

Morkai is the one who first expresses this. "Who the hell are you?"

The woman smiles, her pink lips curving in a way that looks almost mocking. "It is not obvious?" she asks. "I am the woman who just saved their lives."

"I wouldn't go that far," Morkai replies stiffly, examining the woman from head to toe.

She is very tall, with a light touch of freckles on her cheeks and nose. Her hair is long and blond; it is held in place with several tiny braids on the right side of the head, while the golden mane on the left side hangs down to the waist. She saunters closer to the three of you with an arrogance, her eyes watching you with as much intensity as Morkai's scrutinizing gaze.

When she is close enough, the torchlight reveals her eyes are a shade of gray. And she has ears, long ears. Elf ears! She is an elf!

You try not to look at her, but you can't help but be curious. This is the first time you've seen an elf up close! And shouldn't elves be small and delicate? There is nothing small or small about this woman. You move her eyes back to her face and find her looking at you with her eyelids closed.

"Like what you're seeing?" she asks provocatively, her tone low. You clear her throat.

"You helped, it's true. But we still take care of our half of the ship," Morkai insists, completely ignoring the woman's question. She shifts her eyes back to the redhead, her smiling mouth promising nothing but trouble.