
Pegloa Oox

incredible stories of characters, adventures, action, fantasy, everything here in this work, in this work there will be stories with different characters, but in the same universes, each story that ends will start another with different characters from the previous one, but in the same universe then Read and comment your criticisms, opinions, etc.

Autaghi · História
Classificações insuficientes
358 Chs


"Redford…isn't this going to be a little hard to pull off…I don't think most of our soldiers speak Galamencian.", you state.

"Not to worry…I told them that you had a foreign force of mercenaries…the leader only cared that the Captain was Galamencian."

"Well…technically I was born in Galamencian, but I don't look like your typical Galamencian, unless you want to dye my hair red."

Redford interrupts, "Actually for this mission…I think its best if Anne posed as Captain."

Anne's eyes light up, "Really? Well…this just got a lot more fun."

Arlo seems confused, "Why is that?"

Redford looks at Anne, "Your grandmother was Galamencian right?"

Anne nods.

"So, it's not actually a total lie…plus you speak it fairly fluently correct?"

Anne nods again.

"You speak Galamencian? How did I not know this?", asks Arlo.

Anne sighs, "In another life Arlo I was a merchant's daughter remember? My father made me learn it…apparently it was important for trade."

Arlo nods, "Well…I speak a little…I mean…it's good to know the language of your enemies…though I will probably need someone to translate most things…"

Anne and Redford look at you, "Captain…do you speak any?"

You shrug, "I wouldn't say I'm fluent in their language, but I know enough to get my meaning across."

Anne grins, "Don't worry…I'll translate everything for you Arlo."

Arlo looks over and grimaces at Anne.

Arlo sighs, "I better start learning it…"
