
Peerless Twin Spears Of Douluo Dalu

THIS IS A TRANSLATION: Since being picked up by that woman, his life has changed. His Martial Spirit has been awakened, he has Innate Full Spirit Power and Twin Martial Spirits. From this moment on, a Death God, Killing God, an Assassin God has awoken. Su Yi: "Bibi Dong, I will protect you. If you want this world, I will give you this world. If Gods block you, I will kill those Gods, if Demons block you, I will slaughter those Demons! One Spear is the Chaos Supreme Spear, the other is a Heaven's Eye Soul Extinguishing Rifle. One for the body, the other for the soul. Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/archdevilthearch If there are any queries contact me on my Gmail: realexemusyt@gmail.com If there are any queries contact me on my Discord: Username: Drip Hashtag: #0123 I will not be giving links to the raws, because I want you to suffer and find them yourselves! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

ArchDevilThearch · Anime e quadrinhos
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108 Chs

Chapter 31 Nemesis Of Elder Ghost And Elder Chrysanthemum

Currently on Chapter 45 on P.a.t.r.e.o.n

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Su Yi and the enraged Hu Liena got off the carriage, followed Yue Guan into the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

Since that incident happened, his Master has not come to see him for half a year.

Although he had not seen her for half a year, he knew that Bibi Dong would come and secretly watch him in Spirit Hall Academy from time to time.

Because every time Bibi Dong came, although she was hidden in the dark, she was only less than 100 metres away.

Within 100 metres, he can detect everything.

What's more, Bibi Dong has 2 distinct Spirit Powers and Martial Spirits in her body.

In the entire Spirit Hall and even this Spirit Hall Academy, apart from him, only his Master Bibi Dong has Twin Spirits.

For Bibi Dong who would watch him train from time to time, he noticed her. He did not expose her and let her do whatever she wanted. After all, as long as his cultivation is not disturbed, the whole world can be destroyed for all he cares.

Moreover, when I saw Hu Liena's eyes that day, he remembered her, Ying Zi, his 'shadow'.

The emotion that was in the bottom of his heart was unblocked, although he repressed it, its effects were still there.

At that moment, he knew why Bibi Dong, his Master, was watching him in secret.

It was because she cared about him.

That's right, that's what Ying Zi also told him about, care.

"Nana, who made you angry?"

When Su Yi was thinking about these things, Bibi Dong's extremely soft voice sounded, making Su Yi instantly regain his senses.

Hu Liena heard Bibi Dong's words and ran over instantly.

Holding Bibi Dong's arm, she said petulantly, "Teacher, I am angry at that ice cube, Su Yi." Bibi Dong watched as Hu Liena sulked and complained about Su Yi, she knew that Nana must have lost against Su Yi again.

After all, Su Yi, the little guy, is not friendly or kind to Nana at all.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong looked at Su Yi who was standing beside Yue Guan.

And Su Yi also looked at Bibi Dong at this moment.

The two looked at each other, neither side changed.

It seemed as if that accident did not happen at all.

Bibi Dong looked at Su Yi's indifferent eyes, looked at Su Yi who was already about one meter tall, and smiled gently: "I have not seen him in half a year, little guy, you have grown a lot."

Su Yi heard Bibi Dong's comment and replied coldly: "You have seen me in the past half a year. After all, when you appeared in Spirit Hall Academy, I felt your presence."


Su Yi said this. The huge Supreme Pontiff hall, instantly fell into silence.

Afterwards, Bibi Dong was the first to react.

Looking at Su Yi's eyes with excitement and curiosity: "Little guy, how did you do it?"

Su Yi heard Bibi Dong's words, and said lightly: "As long as anything is around 100 metres from me, I can feel its presence."

"This sensing method is also very simple. Just pay attention to the humidity and flow direction of the surrounding air. And whether there is any change in the surrounding environment, whenever something appears, the airflow will be disturbed. So the moment you appeared 100 metres from me, the airflow changed. And following the direction of change of the airflow, I can easily find where you are."


After Su Yi described his method of sensing people, the Supreme Pontiff Palace fell into silence again.

This time, even the sound of a needle falling to the ground can be heard quietly.

And the reason Su Yi said so much, he also told everyone his method.

It's because of Bibi Dong's sentence, how did you do it?''

He knew that when Bibi Dong asked this, she was curious about what method he used and how he did it.

He is never stingy with those who care about him.

Although he is not good at expressing his emotions, he does have them.

As Su Yi finished speaking, Bibi Dong, Hu Liena, Yue Guan and the Ghost Douluo hid in the hall, listening to Su Yi's words, one thought came to mind: What kind of monster is this?

"This...Is it that simple?"

Hu Liena took the lead to return to her senses, muttering blankly as she watched Su Yi.

And Bibi Dong also regained consciousness with Hu Liena's words, looking at Su Yi's as if she were looking at a treasure.

The surprise that this child brought to her is unprecedented.

This kind of ability is not a Spirit Ability, nor is it a domain.

However, this ability is even more terrifying than any Spirit Ability or even a Domain.

Because Su Yi's ability can be activated at all times, and there is no need to use any Spirit Power to fuel it.

If it continues to develop, the range will reach 200 metres, 300 metres, or even 1,000 metres...

This thought arose in Bibi Dong's heart, watching Su Yi's eyes shine brightly.

"Can the range of your senses be improved?"

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong looked at Su Yi and asked with a trace of expectation in her eyes.


"Okay, little guy, you must develop this ability well."

Bibi Dong's eyes showed excitement when he said this.

"By the way, little guy, what is your Second Spirit Ability?"

Bibi Dong looked at Su Yi, thought that this little guy had obtained a Second Spirit Ring, and asked.

"My Second Spirit Ring is from a 1200-years-old Fifteen Ton Ant Soldier. It is Fifteen Ton Break and is an auxiliary ability, it will have a 100% in my next attack and has a 10-minute cooldown."

Su Yi, like he was in the mission of reporting the fate at the beginning, listed the source, year, and ability effects of his Spirit Ring one by one.

"Good, good!"

After listening to Su Yi's words, Bibi Dong said the words 'good' 3 times in a row.

The rookie might not know the concept of a 100% increase in attack power. She possesses Twin Spirits and is the Supreme Pontiff of Spirit Hall, and a Titled Douluo, so she knows the significance of this ability.

This Spirit Ability is from a 1000-year Spirit Ring. In the later stage, when Su Yi is promoted to Titled Douluo, this ability will be a very strong suppressive, auxiliary ability.

Just imagine, in a battle between two people of the same Rank. After understanding the opponent's attack intensity and style of play, the opponent's strength and attack suddenly doubled.

If the opponent is unprepared, he will definitely be seriously injured.

What's more, the other party is facing this little monster.

In the hands of this little guy, this ability will reach its full potential.

When Bibi Dong was happy for Su Yi to obtain this ability, Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan standing beside Su Yi, listening to Su Yi's words, was like a machete directly stabbing into his heart.

Recalling when he asked Su Yi about his Second Spirit Ability but he was aired by him, but now he answered Bibi Dong with full sentences, he felt that Su Yi was biased against him.

Sigh~ this little guy is his nemesis.

If Ghost Douluo knew Yue Guan's inner thoughts at the moment, these two difficult brothers who had been stunned and hurt by Su Yi one after another would be tearful as they found a brother who had suffered the same injustice.

This is more than just being his nemesis, Su Yi is simply the nemesis of both him and Ghost Douluo.

When these two meet Su Yi, they will either be shocked and treated like air or certainly be shocked and treated like air, there is no other option.

Currently on Chapter 45 on P.a.t.r.e.o.n

Support me on: w.w.w.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/archdevilthearch

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