
Peerless Harem

Today is the day that I will finally take my life. It has been an incredible journey thus far, and I have accomplished all that I have set out to accomplish from the moment that I’d found myself reincarnated into this eastern fantasy. Honestly, me. A simple farmer has reached the pinnacle of all creation under heaven. Yet, despite that seemingly impossible achievement, I feel so empty inside. Perhaps, it is because I am all alone here in this place. This summit. For the loneliest number is me. So many people have left me on my journey towards greatness for one reason or another. They either did not have the OP systems or cheats to reach the top with me, and I feel so guilty for totally forgetting about them for many, many adventures, especially when I ascend to a higher realm. Now that I have reached the peak, standing above all else, looking down at the world and everything below, I wonder to myself, what have I truly accomplished in the end? Where are my friends, families, and most importantly, a harem of heaven defying beauties? ****

Erosire · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

A Billion Years Gone

Despite waking up way too fucking late simply because I was being way too overconfident in my ability to wake the fuck up, the sarcophagus does its job remarkably well, draining my power completely and then proceed to destroy my cultivation by shattering my divine foundations.

With my divine foundations shattered, I can mend and mold each foundation into a more correct form from the very beginning. With correctly formed foundations, I will be able to enter into the Primordial realm after reaching the pinnacle of Divines.

It will be quite a long journey from past experiences, but with all the Sacred Artefacts within the sect, that journey should be a breeze. At least, it should not be on the border of life and death.

I look around and narrow my eyes at the intruders. Trespassers. Soon to be dead men. There are four of them. Three guys and a girl. From a quick glance, I will give the girl an 8. The guys are all zeros since I am not interested in guys.

"You lots must have a death wish to break into my sacred chamber," I announce before taking a single step out of the sarcophagus. I finally notice its broken state. Even if a billion has passed, it should not be in such a state. "Alright. Which idiot amongst you did this?"

None of them seems to understand me. Has the common tongue changed that much in the time I had been asleep? Seems likely. Great. Just fucking great.

"Why is there a deranged cripple in this forsaken place?" one of the guys speak up, and while I cannot understand his words, I can understand his intention. "Here I thought there are still some treasures to be found. Honorable sister, will you do the honor of getting rid of him for us?"

I tilt my head to the side as I beginning to understand the language. Despite my destroyed cultivation, all of my other innate abilities are still there, including any artefacts implanted on my person. The Eyes of the Beholder, for example.

"Please allow me, senior sister," one of the other guys speaks up. His name is Meng Huan. "There's no need to get your hands dirty."

At which point, Meng Huan drawls his sword and flies forwards at me. He thrusts his sword forwards, directing it at me with all the intention of spearing through my chest and splitting my heart.

The sword would have speared through me and my heart in normal circumstances, but in this case, it does not. The tip of the blade presses harmlessly against my clothes before its length bends awkwardly due to the thrusting force.

Meng Huan flips in the air and retrieves his sword before gliding backwards and landing back onto the ground. "How is that possible?"

"You are too hasty, brother. He is obviously wearing some sort of armor. Have a look at his clothes," the last guy points out, and I learn his name is Sun Hai. "Perhaps he has found it inside the tomb before our arrival. That would explain why he was in the tomb itself. He was trying to hide from us."

"I think you are right, brother," the first guy speaks up again. He seems to be the leader of the group, at least, he is the oldest amongst them. Judging from his cultivation, he is also the strongest.

My eyes tell me that his name is Feng Gui. I also check the girl, learning her name as Song Xiuying. She is the second strongest amongst the group from her cultivation level, but that can be deceiving.

Cultivation level does not always a good indicator of battle prowess. I have killed plenty of people who were of higher cultivation level than me.

"You. Hand over everything that you found in the coffin, and I will let you live beneath my feet," Feng Gui demands, effectively earning my wrath.

Unfortunately, I cannot summon my divine aura because of my shattered foundations. Otherwise, he would have been reduced to bloody mist in an instant. I suppose he is lucky. Lucky enough to live just a bit longer.

Guess I will have to get creative since I cannot fight them directly. Oh wait. That is not true, but I rather not waste precious energy.

"Since you have asked nicely," I response and immediately toss him an item that I have just taken right out of my inventory ring. There are several rings on my finger. Each of them is an artefact of the highest grade. I should know since I have crafted each one myself.

One of the rings was crafted right before I had entered my slumber, as I have wanted to save my power just in case it might come handy in the future. There is a finite amount, however.

Feng Gui snatches the tossed item in midair and has a look at it. The item has a glass circular face with a couple of hands, one longer than the other. There are also two mushroom shapes on top of the face, and ticking sounds are coming out of them.

"What is this?" Feng Gui puts the miniature alarm clock closer to his ear, trying to discern that ticking sound. He obviously has never seen such a thing before, and I can only guess that technology progress remains as frozen as ever.

Good for me.

"It's a time bomb," I answer before an explosion stun everyone. Everyone except Feng Gui and myself for different reason.

"Senior brother!" Meng Huan and Sun Hai shout, as Feng Gui collapses onto the ground with much of his upper body vaporized. Very little blood soaks the ground since the explosion cauterize the wounds somewhat.

"So, who else wants a bomb to the face?" I question, and the remaining three people can understand what I am saying perfectly.

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