
Peerless Dragon

Qi Dantian, a man of leisure, ruled a prison, imprisoning thousands of powerful figures. Until his fiancée, already a two-star general, casually tore up their marriage contract, he realized... that the world would dance to his tune when he stepped out of this corner.

jodex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 18 Transformation

"President, the last time Qiao's Group supplied goods to us, the total value was 20 million."

"However, because the quality of the goods was not up to par, we refused their payment request."

"Qiao's Group's President, Qiao Qiumei, came to me, wanting me to help with this..."

Yu Kaihe started talking before Zhao Heilong could ask what was going on, speaking in a continuous stream.

"And, this Qiao Qiumei even tried to seduce me, but who am I? I am a loyal cadre under President, my heart always beats for the sun!"

"I naturally refused her on the spot, but unexpectedly, she became enraged and even used a honey trap, bringing in her husband to beat me up."

"Look, these injuries on my face are all from her husband!"

Yu Kaihe spoke, pointing to his face, which was covered in blood and bruises.

Zhao Heilong frowned impatiently, Qiao Qiumei became anxious as she heard Yu Kaihe spreading slander about her.

Ignoring her fear, she took two steps at a time, walked in front of Zhao Heilong, bowed, and then said, "Mr. Zhao, don't listen to his nonsense."

"The 20 million worth of goods had absolutely no problems, he was just deliberately trying to make things difficult for our company…"

"And, what he said about me seducing him is all false. He actually wanted to use his position to engage in some disgusting power games."

"My husband hit him because he attacked me first. My face is still injured! If you don't believe me, look!"

But Zhao Heilong waved his hand, directly interrupting Qiao Qiumei's defense, his face full of sneer, he said, "Do I need to care about your right and wrong?"

Qiao Qiumei was stunned.

Zhao Heilong coldly said: "At the gate of my Heilong Business Association, anyone who dares to hit someone under me, that's wrong!"

"Since you dare to find someone to attack him here, then you don't give me, Zhao Heilong, any face!"

"Do you think I need to listen to your explanation?"

As he spoke, Zhao Heilong leaned forward slightly, his oppressive gaze fixed on Qiao Qiumei's eyes, sneering, "I don't care!"

These words completely changed Qiao Qiumei's expression.

Yu Kaihe couldn't help but become smug. Zhao Heilong always protected his people. Being beaten up like this at the door of the Association, even if the other party had a valid reason, Zhao Heilong would definitely take care of them!

"President Zhao always does things like this, with overwhelming power, he doesn't listen to anything."

"Yes, last time, someone in the Association did something wrong and was beaten up by an outsider. But, President Zhao didn't say a word, he directly disabled that person's hands!"

"Reasoning with President Zhao is useless, he only looks at people, not the situation. He's arbitrary, very domineering!"

Zhao Heilong's words did not surprise the onlookers, they seemed to have already predicted this development.

Qiao Qiumei was terrified by Zhao Heilong's domineering aura, she unconsciously took a few steps back, and with a bang, she bumped into Qi Dengxian.

Qi Dengxian reached out and steadied Qiao Qiumei, looking at Zhao Heilong with a smile.

Zhao Heilong snorted coldly, raising his eyelids to meet Qi Dengxian's gaze.

As their eyes met,

Zhao Heilong's body shuddered violently, the sunglasses on his face almost fell off.

"I've done my best!" Qiao Qiumei gritted her teeth and said in a low voice.

Qi Dengxian nodded with a smile, then narrowed his left eye slightly.

Zhao Heilong, who had spent five years in the Youdu Prison, how could he not know that the Second Boss liked to do this before he took action to deal with people!

He still remembered clearly how he was knocked down by Qi Dengxian with a single hand, and then those dog-like prisoners helped tie him up, hanging him on a power pole for three days and three nights.

Due to Qi Dengxian's peculiar "preference" for hanging people upside down, the prisoners also learned by example. Plus, they had all suffered in this way, so they were more than willing to help the Second Boss deal with some disobedient newcomers, hanging them up and disciplining them.

"Damn it, it's really him...the one I saw at the sports club that day, it's him!" Zhao Heilong felt his calves cramping up, and he felt like he couldn't stand steady.

Of course, Zhao Heilong wouldn't think that after being released from prison and becoming even more powerful, he would be bold enough to challenge Qi Dengxian.

Damn it, which one of those people in Youdu Prison wasn't a big shot? Even someone who smuggled nuclear warheads was there!

The Second Boss, who could subdue those ferocious gangsters, was someone he could mess with?


Zhao Heilong suddenly cursed, his fists clenched.

"President Zhao is angry, Qiao's family is probably finished this time!"

"It's been a long time since we've seen President Zhao so angry. Those two probably won't have a good time."

"That's scary, let's all move further away, so we don't touch President Zhao's scales."

Yu Kaihe, standing nearby, was full of smugness, looking at Qiao Qiumei and Qi Dengxian, he said: "You two, hurry up and kneel down and kowtow, begging President Zhao to spare your lives?"

"Ants like you, I'm doing you a favor by even meeting you, and you dare to attack me?"

"Now that President Zhao is here, go ahead and show off your arrogance?"


Zhao Heilong turned his head and punched Yu Kaihe in the face, sending Yu Kaihe flying backward, crashing to the ground, then sliding for three or five meters.

Yu Kaihe was punched so hard that his teeth shattered, he spat out several blood-stained molars, looking at Zhao Heilong with a stunned expression.

After catching up to Yu Kaihe, Zhao Heilong kicked him in the stomach, cursing: "I give you a salary, let you come to the Heilong Business Association to work, for you to earn money for me, not for you to bully others with my reputation!"

"A capable heroine like President Qiao, would she stoop so low as to seduce you? Why don't you take a good look at yourself in the mirror!"

"You're using your power to bully others and tarnish the reputation of our Heilong Business Association, right? Today, I'm going to cripple you!"

Yu Kaihe was beaten by Zhao Heilong, crying and howling, curled up on the ground, shouting: "President, I dare not, I dare not anymore, please forgive me, give me a chance..."

The people around were stunned. The plot reversed too quickly!

As Zhao Heilong kicked Yu Kaihe, his back was already covered in a cold sweat, he could only continue to pretend he didn't know Qi Dengxian, and maintain a righteous appearance, continuing to scold Yu Kaihe's crimes while kicking him repeatedly.

"This bastard, he even dared to hit the Second Boss's wife, he's trying to get me killed!" Zhao Heilong really wished he could beat Yu Kaihe to death right there.

Qiao Qiumei was stunned, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Li Yunwan, who was sitting in the cafe, trembled with excitement, spilling some of her coffee.

"Found a bargain, found a bargain, and it's a national treasure-level bargain!" Li Yunwan's lips trembled, she was even a little incoherent, and it took her a long time to finish this sentence.

She had been carefully observing, Zhao Heilong's attitude had changed from arrogant when he got out of the car, to shocked, then scared, and now furious...

All this change started from the moment he looked at Qi Dengxian.