
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


Robin didn't ask Ling Fan what they were going to do in the city, and Ling Fan didn't explain in detail either. After they finished breakfast, Ling Fan carried Robin on his back and ran towards the city, just like when they arrived. It was faster this way.

Instead of going elsewhere, Ling Fan took Robin directly to the herbal medicine shop. At the entrance of the shop, Ling Fan put Robin down and took out a bamboo tube from their waist before walking inside.

Inside, they saw a middle-aged man standing behind the counter, not the fat shopkeeper from before. The middle-aged man had a similar face shape to the fat shopkeeper, presumably his son. It made sense to have someone else take over after working the night shift, as even the strongest person needs to rest.

"May I ask what you need?" The middle-aged man didn't underestimate Ling Fan and Robin just because they were children. Instead, he was polite, as if he had learned from his father's teachings.

"I'm here to sell snakes." Ling Fan handed over the bamboo tube and added, "Inside is a Five-Step Snake King. It hasn't eaten for a long time, so be careful not to get bitten by it."

When the middle-aged man heard the words "Five-Step Snake King," his expression clearly showed surprise. Nevertheless, he gratefully looked at Ling Fan, thanking him for the kind reminder.

Actually, Ling Fan's worries were unnecessary because people in their line of work here were quite knowledgeable about snakes.

The middle-aged man took out a small empty iron cage, placed the bamboo tube inside along with his hand, and then carefully opened the tube. As soon as the snake began to emerge, he quickly took his hand and the bamboo tube out of the cage and skillfully closed the lid.

The Five-Step Snake King had been trapped in the bamboo tube for several days without seeing daylight. So when it suddenly emerged from the tube, it started hissing excitedly.

The middle-aged man seemed even more excited than seeing the Five-Step Snake King. He quickly took a bag of coins from beneath the counter, counted them, and handed them to Ling Fan as payment because he's afraid that Ling Fan might take the snake back.

Ling Fan counted the coins inside, and there were exactly seventy silver coins inside a small bag. Knowing that the middle-aged man didn't deceive him, Ling Fan took back the bamboo tube and led Robin out of the store. (Ling Fan had put a lot of effort into making that bamboo tube, so he didn't simply hand it over to the shopkeeper like what he did with the herbs he picked up).

(A/N: Herbs, herbal medicine, and medicinal meterials are the same)

With the money in hand, Ling Fan and Robin headed straight to the trading market.

The market was now bustling with people, filled with a mix of shouts and noise, creating a lively and vibrant atmosphere. Ling Fan's purpose for coming here was simple: shopping, and this time, he was even more enthusiastic about it.

Ling Fan came here not for any other purpose but to go shopping, and this time, he was even more extravagant in his purchases.

First, he bought a carriage and a strong horse, spending about ten silver coins. Then, he bought a large barrel, followed by various pots, bowls, kitchenware, and basins. He also bought several sets of sheets, some new clothes for Robin, and various other miscellaneous items. By the time they were done shopping, the entire carriage was fully loaded with the things they bought.

Surprisingly, despite buying so many things, he had only spent a little over thirty silver coins. It wasn't because the money here was particularly valuable, but rather because the items were incredibly cheap, especially daily necessities items. However, if he were to buy weapons or equipment, that would be a different matter—they were ridiculously expensive. With Ling Fan's money, he wouldn't even be able to afford a sword hilt. That's how expensive it was! And don't even get started on magic equipment—it was terrifyingly costly!

Driving the carriage, Ling Fan and Robin started their journey back.

The speed of the carriage was no match for Ling Fan's light movement technique. It took them quite a while just to reach the city gate.

Robin curiously surveyed the loaded carriage, feeling that her young master exuded endless mystery and boundless capabilities.

"Robin," Ling Fan softly called.

"What is it, Master?" Robin moved closer to Ling Fan.

"You must be practicing as a Necromancer, right? You're not allowed to practice without my permission anymore. Today, I studied the practice system of Necromancers, and i discovered that your practice system has many flaws and dangers within it. Once I develop a complete system regarding necromancer, you can continue your practice. In the meantime, I'll teach you some other skills, but be prepared to work hard, alright?" Ling Fan spoke without looking at Robin.

"Robin is not afraid of hard work!" Robin hurriedly replied.

"That's good." With little idle talk, Ling Fan and Robin rushed back to the cave. After settling the horses, they began unloading the carriage.

Robin, being physically weaker, could only handle lighter items like bedding and kitchenware, while Ling Fan took care of the "sumo-level" heavy objects.

Observing Ling Fan easily lifting the water barrel, Robin was amazed. She couldn't understand why her master, who was younger and smaller than her, possessed such great strength. What was his secret? Could it be that Ling Fan belonged to the Orc race? Because she heard that Orcs were naturally powerful beings.

Unaware of Robin's imaginative thoughts, Ling Fan simply thought that Robin might be tired and needed some rest. If Ling Fan knew that Robin considered him as an Orc, who knows how he would feel.

After a busy period, all the items were finally arranged properly.

"Wait here and don't wander off," Ling Fan told Robin while carrying two buckets. But after taking a few steps, he suddenly turned back and said. "Oh well, just come with me!".

To be honest, Ling Fan felt a bit uneasy leaving Robin alone for too long in this place. (Because the water source was a bit far from here.)

Upon hearing that she could accompany Ling Fan, Robin's face lit up with joy.

Ling Fan led Robin towards the water source. Although this slowed them down compared to him going alone, it was the safest option, and it also provided an opportunity for Ling Fan to teach Robin knowledge about medicinal herbs.

"Robin, do you see that little grass over there? It's called the Seven-Step Heartbreak Grass. It can be used to create a poison that causes a person to take seven steps before dying." Ling Fan pointed at the Seven-Step Heartbreak Grass, explaining it to Robin.

Robin nodded, silently memorizing its shape and characteristics.

"And do you see this one? It's called Ginseng. It can be used to refine very potent elixirs. I'm not talking about its leaves; it's the root that's important. Yes, that part. I'll teach you how to refine pills gradually. Your task for now is to remember all the deatils regarding the herbs that i will teach you. If you can't understand, feel free to ask, but make sure to remember them well because any mistake could be fatal, understand?" Ling Fan explained the significance and risks involved.

Robin focused even more, diligently memorizing the names of the herbs Ling Fan pointed out and their basic information.

After walking for some time, Ling Fan suddenly pointed at a large patch of lush green leaves on the ground and said, "Robin, you love eating sweet potatoes, right? Do you see those green leaves? Those leaves belong to sweet potatoes. Yes, you're right; they grow underground, just like ginseng. To deepen your impression about it, why don't you dig one up?"

Almost as soon as Ling Fan finished speaking, Robin hopped excitedly towards the patch of sweet potato leaves like a little rabbit.

"Master, it really is a sweet potato!" Robin held up a piece of something slightly smaller than a potato and proudly showed it to Ling Fan.

After watching it, Ling Fan was speechless for a moment!