
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


At sunrise. Ling Fan and Robin got up early in the morning, not for any other reason than to see if their fish and shrimp traps worked.

Sure enough, Ling was not disappointed. Each trap had a good harvest, and the fish and shrimp they caught were fat and meaty.

Robin couldn't believe her eyes. She never expected to catch half a basket of fish in such a small fish trap. She didn't expect that these things could really catch fish and shrimp. She wondered if the fish and shrimp were really that foolish.

"See!" Ling Fan said calmly, picking up a basket full of fish and shrimp and started walking towards the shore.

"What about these?" Robin pointed to the other fish and shrimp in the other basket of trap and asked.

"Let's leave them for now. We can't eat so much at once," Ling Fan replied.

Reluctantly, Robin put the fish and shrimp basket trap she was holding back into the water and stepped onto the shore.

"Master, can we sell these fish and shrimp for a lot of money?" Robin curiously asked.

Ling Fan turned back and glanced at Robin, suddenly pleased, and praised, "Great idea!"

So the two of them got busy. Ling Fan drove the carriage and put the basket full of shrimp and fish into it. Although the fish and shrimp had a strong odor, Robin's smile showed that she was truly happy, especially when a large fish splashed water on her face as it struggled in her hands, making her burst into laughter.

It was evident that Robin had truly changed a lot since following Ling Fan and was no longer as introverted as before.

Before long, the entire carriage was filled, and there were still many fish and shrimp left for another time.

Driving the carriage, Ling Fan loaded the "so-called medicinal herbs" they had collected over the past few days onto the carriage along with Robin, and they headed towards a small town.

Due to the recent rain, the road was muddy, so they were moving very slowly. Since there was nothing urgent on the way, Ling Fan began to fill Robin in with knowledge.

He first taught Robin the manual of the "Turtle Breath Technique" and gave her some instructions. He asked her to take careful notes so that she could practice it when she had time.

Afterward, Ling Fan began to enlighten Robin about some strange techniques. They spent the time talking and laughing, and it passed quickly as they arrived in the town.

First, they sold the herbs, earning a good income of about a hundred silver coins. Then, Ling Fan and Robin started carrying the cart full of fish and shrimp towards the market. However, before reaching the market, a fast-food restaurant bought all the fish from Ling Fan's cart, earning them about thirty silver coins.

However, Ling Fan was not entirely satisfied. He hadn't expected that after all the effort, the fish they caught wouldn't even match the value of the herbs they gathered. This made him feel frustrated.

It seemed that developing in the fishing industry wasn't a good choice. There didn't seem to be much market potential, Ling Fan concluded.

"Robin, this is for you." Ling Fan took out a small bag of silver coins, probably around thirty or forty, and handed it to Robin. "Buy whatever you want."

"Master, Robin doesn't need it. Robin only wants to follow Master. There's nothing Robin wants to buy," Robin softly said.

"To enjoy life, you must learn how to spend money. Only when you truly learn how to spend money can you earn more," Ling Fan said, pushing the bag of coins into Robin's hands, uttering these profound words.

In any case, Ling Fan was once the richest person in the cultivation world, so his understanding of money was quite profound.

Robin looked at the bag of coins in her hand, feeling a mix of emotions and overwhelming excitement. She was deeply moved.

Because the smell of fish was too strong in the carriage, Ling Fan sold it cheaply and bought a new one.

This time, Ling Fan didn't purchase many goods. He drove the carriage with Robin and headed towards the "Necromancer Exchange Gathering."

Just like last time, there were still many people present at the event.

With the advanced VIP token given to him by Faraday, Ling Fan and Robin were directly led to a private room.

Faraday warmly welcomed Ling Fan's arrival, but Ling Fan remained calm.

"Master, how is the progress regarding the research of the antidote of "Dark Backlash"?" Faraday asked nervously.

"We have made some progress. We still lack some information, so I came here this time to gather more data," Ling Fan said.

In fact, he had forgotten about the task of making the antidote until this visit. If it wasn't for this occasion, he wouldn't have remembered.

"No problem, Master. Whatever you need, just let us know." Faraday guaranteed.

"Just some books will do," Ling Fan said calmly, without changing his expression.

"That's absolutely not a problem. Take whatever you find useful from the bookshelves," Faraday immediately pointed at the books.

"Good, rest assured! Your efforts won't be in vain," Ling Fan assured.

"Master, don't you need any help?" Faraday asked cautiously.

"Help, then that would be great," Ling Fan said.

"Which books do you need, and shall I have someone help you move them?" Faraday asked while bowing.

"Move all these books. I have a carriage outside, and we'll load them onto it," Ling Fan said without any politeness, as if everything in the room belonged to him.

Ahh! Faraday obviously didn't expect Ling Fan to want all the books in the room. But since he had already said it, he couldn't take it back. He had no choice but to order people to assist with moving the books.

Many helping hands make the work light. In no time, all the books in the private room were moved.

"What are they doing?" a necromancer asked a fellow colleague nearby.

"I have no idea. Could it be that they are changing their base?"

"Ah, I know that little boy. Oh my goodness! You weren't here last time, so you didn't witness his incredible skills," one necromancer suddenly interjected. "You wouldn't believe it, but this boy can cure the 'Dark Backlash.'"

"You must be kidding. It's impossible for anyone to cure the 'Dark Backlash. I think you've had too much to drink today." Another necromancer refuted.

"I swear by the name of the God of Death that everything that I've said is true. You, didn't you see the president personally escorting those two kids out!"

"Speaking of those two kids, I have a question." Another necromancer joined in, looking at everyone's attention. "Who is that little girl beside the little boy? Could it be...?"

The necromancer didn't continue his words, instead looking at the necromancer who had sworn by the name of God of Death.

The necromancer who had been looked at first was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, a cry of astonishment escaped his lips, "Oh my goodness! That... that... that couldn't be the little Robin who was fostered here, right?! Oh my goodness! How is this possible? How could she have recovered her appearance? Oh God of Death, please guide your servant through this confusion!"