
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Robin Shook Everyone

Ling Fan didn't look at Payne's raging appearance, to dead with a silly guy like him, he could easily send him to meet the King of the Underworld(It meant dying) with just a snap of his fingers. Ling Fan's eyes were fixed on Lisa, and his tone turned cold as he said, "I advise you to discipline your subordinates."

A simple sentence, but nobody knew the weight it carried. In the cultivation world, if Ling Fan said something similar, it meant he was very angry, and the consequences would be severe!

"Hey, you little brat, who do you think you are to act so arrogantly!" Payne exclaimed angrily again. If Lisa wasn't present, he would have already taught this arrogant kid a lesson. Little did he know that with every word he uttered, he was getting closer to the grim reaper.

"Payne, step aside, you have no right to say anything here!" Surprisingly, Lisa showed no mercy to Payne and ordered him to step back in front of everyone. However, this actually saved Payne's life.

Although Payne's was extremely unwilling, as the vice captain already spoke, he had no choice but to listen and reluctantly glared at Ling Fan before stepping aside.

While Payne's attention was focused on Ling Fan, he failed to notice that Robin was also staring at him with fiery eyes. If it weren't for Ling Fan intervening, Pein would have undoubtedly met his demise.

Although Payne didn't notice Robin, Lisa was very concerned about this quiet girl with eyes that emitted an unstoppable coldness. In that fleeting moment when Robin was about to make a move, Lisa's womanly intuition made her realize that this seemingly gentle and fragile girl was definitely a dangerous presence.

With Payne stepping back, Lisa asked Ling Fan, "May I ask who you both are?"

"We are the owners of this wooden house, and your current behavior is considered trespassing on our private property. Before I unleash my anger, tell your people to gather their things and leave my house," Ling Fan replied.

"Why should we leave just because you say so! I can also claim this place as mine!" Payne stubbornly retorted from the side.

Ling Fan didn't even bother to look at his tantrum; his eyes remained fixed on Lisa.

After a moment of silence, Lisa suddenly turned to a young man beside her and said, "Amber, have them gather their things and leave."

"Vice captain, why should we..." Payne began to complain to Lisa, but before he could finish, Lisa cut him off with a stern, "Shut up!"

It was evident that this mercenary squad had received good training. In no time, they had gathered their belongings.

At this moment, Ling Fan turned to Robin and said, "Robin, go get the carriage."

Ling Fan didn't want to waste the money he spent on the carriage; it was not his habit to be wasteful.

Without saying anything, Robin gave a fierce glare at Payne and then disappeared in an instant.

This single action astonished everyone present. Their gazes were fixed on Ling Fan and Robin, observing their every move. However, it was strange that a person just vanished in an instant. This was too incredible!

Lisa was also shocked. Although her womanly intuition told her that this young girl was not ordinary, she didn't expect it to be so strange. The fact that she disappeared right before their eyes, it required an astonishing speed to achieve such an effect!

Little did they know, if they were aware that Robin was wearing a weighted suit weighing nearly a hundred pounds, their expressions would be even more bewildered.

Unfazed by everyone's astonishment, Ling Fan slowly walked towards the wooden house, and each step he took seemed to bring immense pressure upon them.

Payne stopped his futile protests and moved far away, resembling a frightened turtle. The pressure lingered until Ling Fan entered the house, and only then did everyone dare to breathe again.

"Why are you all here? What happened?"Celine, the captain of the Cross Sword Mercenary Group, returned and was surprised to see his squad standing outside with strange expressions.

"Captain, you're here! Please make a decision for us!" Payne immediately rushed over to him like a relieved person finding their backbone.

However, Sylean didn't even acknowledge him. Instead, he walked straight to Lisa.

"What happened?" Celine asked.

Lisa briefly explained what had happened just now, still a bit absent-minded.

"You handled the situation well!" Payne praised Lisa but also asked with some doubt, "Are these two kids really powerful?"

"I don't know if they are powerful, but I know they are definitely dangerous!" Lisa calmly replied, trying to maintain composure.

Celine fell into deep thought and didn't say anything further.

At that moment, Robin returned with the carriage.

Seeing the girl who had just disappeared, everyone made way for her.

"My subordinates were rude earlier. I apologize for that," Celine apologized to Robin, who was tying the horse.

But Robin replied with a shocking statement, "Your subordinates are lucky to have their lives!" After saying that, Robin ignored everyone and went inside.

"Captain, why did you return so quickly?" Amber asked.

"I had a feeling that something might have happened here, so I came back to check," Celine replied.

"The captain's instincts are so accurate!" Amber commented.

Celine smiled faintly without saying anything.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Amber asked.

"Well... we should..." Celine's words were interrupted as he saw Robin coming out of the house carrying a pile of strange things. In Robin's arms was none other than Robin's favorite food, sweet potatoes.

Then, Robin gathered some firewood and started a fire, placing the sweet potatoes in the flames.

"Captain, what is she doing?" Amber curiously whispered.

Celine didn't answer; in fact, he had no idea what Robin was doing. It seemed like she was preparing food, but he had never seen anyone cook like this before. The sweet potatoes turned into blackened lumps when they were burned like that. How could anyone eat them?

However, in no time, a tantalizing aroma filled the air. This fragrance was irresistible to the mercenaries who hadn't had a proper meal for days.

"It smells so good! What is it? Is it food?" People around started discussing in excitement.

As everyone speculated, Ling Fan had already come out of the house, and together with Robin, they began their dinner without paying any attention to the greedy looks from others.

The flavor was truly tempting, especially when watching Robin, who ate with such delight, resembling a little excavator. The mouths of the onlookers couldn't help but water uncontrollably.

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