
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


Located on the Third Street is a small two-story building known as the "Zidron Restaurant." Though not large in scale, its excellent location makes it quite popular, and business is booming.

At this time, during lunchtime, the restaurant is bustling with people coming in and out.

"Uncles, let's have our meal here," said a young teenager who look likes a fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenager. He arrived at the restaurant with two middle-aged men.

"Sure, this place looks good! Perhaps the dishes here have unique tastes," said one of the middle-aged men named Albert, who had a sword hanging at his waist. What you may not expect is that Albert is actually a powerful Swordsmaster.

"That sounds fine, let's eat here. If we came a little late, we might not find a table already," said another man named Anthony, who carried a magic wand. Anthony is one of the rare three-element magicians, and his strength has reached the level of Great Magister.

The three of them were warmly welcomed by the waiter. The waiter knew that he better not underestimate these distinguished guests.

"Please, have a seat inside," the waiter respectfully gestured.

"Is there still seating available inside?" Anthony asked.

"Yes, yes! You all came at just the right time. If you had arrived a bit later, there might not have been any seats left," the waiter replied while leading them upstairs.

Near the stairs on the second floor, there was indeed one vacant table. Due to its proximity to the stairs, it was usually the last one to be occupied.

Anthony preferred to sit near the window so he could enjoy the view while eating. However, this time, they were a bit late, and the window seats were already taken by two children who were leisurely enjoying their meals. These children were dressed in common clothes and appeared to be quite young.

"Uncle Anthony, should I talk to those two kids and ask if they would like to switch seats?" The young teenager asked.

"It's alright, Aaron. Let's just sit here," Anthony decided to stay where they were. He thought about giving up the window seat, but since it was just two kids, he didn't take it to heart.

The waiter handed them the menu. The three of them appeared not very hungry and randomly ordered a few dishes before returning the menu to the waiter.

The waiter quickly went to prepare the dishes.

"Aaron, look at those two kids. Why do they have so many bamboo tubes on them?" Aaron quietly pointed out to Albert.

"It's probably a local custom here." Albert glanced at them and didn't comment much.

"Hey, that little girl seems to be looking at us. Could she have overheard what we said? Hehe~" Aaron joked, not taking it seriously.

"With all this noise around, who would have such keen hearing? She's probably looking at something else." Anthony joined the conversation. Indeed, the little girl turned her head away and stopped looking at them.

"Really? But I still feel like that little girl's gaze is quite sharp." Aaron said curiously.

"Don't overthink it. Even i didn't notice anything, so are you saying that you're better than me regarding this?" Albert teased.

Aaron didn't say anything more, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that the little girl's gaze was directed at him. In addition, there is another thing that makes him quite curious, what did the little boy next to her said, which made the little girl stop looking here immediately.

Just as Aaron was guessing wildly, at that moment, the waiter brought their dishes.

"Please enjoy your meal, and the rest of the dishes will be served shortly," the waiter said before leaving.

"Tastes pretty good!" Albert praised after taking a bite of the food.

Just as he finished his compliment, a cough came from the direction of the window. It seemed the little boy was choking on something.

Was it just a coincidence?

Albert and the others didn't pay much attention to it and started savoring their delicious meal.

Ling Fan found it hard to believe that such terrible food was being enjoyed by others. He couldn't imagine what kind of dishes these people called "delicious."

"Uncle Albert, i don't understand why you and Uncle Anthony want me to go to a magic and sword academy." Aaron, with his mouth full of food, asked in a muffled voice, "Wouldn't it be better for me to learn from you and Uncle Anthony?"

"You're still young, and you don't understand everything," Albert replied regretfully, "No matter how well we teach you, you still need to attend a magic and sword academy. Even if you don't go now, we'll still send you when you're a bit older."


"That's because what we can teach you is limited. Only attending an academy is the best choice for you." Albert said after taking a bite of the dish.

"I don't understand. Uncle Anthony is already a three-elemental magician..." words were interrupted by Anthony.

"Hehe, being a three-elemental mage is nothing special. Let me tell you, there are always people better than us, and there are always things beyond our knowledge. Don't think being a three-attribute magician is a big deal. Even if it's a four-element or five-elemental magican, it's not that impressive."

Seeing Aaron looking puzzled, Anthony continued, "The number of elemental affinities doesn't determine a magician's strength. Often, those who excel in one element are the most powerful. You're still young now, but as you grow older, you'll understand what I mean."

"But Uncle Anthony, I'm not that young. I'm already fifteen years old," Aaron protested.

"Haha, is fifteen considered old?" Albert and Anthony exchanged a smile, making Ling Fan even more frustrated.

Albert patted Aaron's shoulder and said, "Actually, your Uncle Anthony and I want you to go to a magic and sword academy for another reason."

"What's the other reason?"

But the two of them refused to tell him, and Aaron had to beg them, "Uncle Albert, please don't leave me hanging!"

"It's nothing much, just that there are things there that we can't teach you," Albert finally revealed.

"What is it?" Aaron's curiosity peaked.

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