
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Research Addict

Seeing that all the books on the carriage had been arranged securely. Ling Fan said to Faraday and the others who came out, "Go back!"

Then, he paid no further attention to the crowd and, with Robin, hurriedly got back on the carriage. Leaving Faraday behind, the rest of people looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to think!

"President, did we just give away our research results in vain? Will it be a wasted effort?" one of the necromancer named Jians, approached Faraday and asked.

"Jians, you wouldn't understand. Meeting someone with such ability is an incredibly rare opportunity! Not only would I have no complaints about giving him all our books, but I would also gladly become his servant. Your abilities may be commendable, but your judgment of people still has a long way to go!" Faraday responded with a sense of pride.

"But why would someone of such abilities help us? Can those books alone really impress him?" Jians continued to question.

Ferrari chuckled with a profound smile and said, "Have you all overlooked someone?"

"Overlooked someone? Who?" Jians and the other necromancers were filled with curiosity.

"Robin Trench!" Ferrari said with an air of immense pride.

"Robin Trench? What does she have to do with this?" they asked.

"Didn't any of you notice the little girl by the master's side? That person is Robin Trench." Ferrari said, and immediately the crowd began to become noisy with discussion.

"The little girl is actually Robin? That can't be true! If I remember correctly, Robin is also a necromancer, right?"

There is a true theory that everyone knows: although necromancers can obtain strong and strange powers, they also paid a heavy price. One of the consequences is that they lose their humanity, becoming neither human nor ghost, and they have a special sensitivity to sunlight. That's why necromancers always keep themselves well-covered.

"Hehe! Although I have done many things in my life, what I am most proud of is taking in Robin. I knew from the beginning that this child would bring me good luck. And indeed, I wasn't mistaken," Faraday boasted with a self-obsessed tone.

In reality, he didn't have such deep thoughts. Initially, he took in Robin simply because he was the president of the "Necromancer Exchange Gathering" and couldn't let a young necromancer end up on the streets, as it would tarnish his reputation.

"President, that master said he could formulate a cure for 'Dark Backlash.' Is this reliable?" Jians asked again.

"Don't worry, it's absolutely reliable. Just a while ago, I had a secret conversation with Robin," Ferrari said mysteriously.

"What did you talk about, President?" everyone asked almost simultaneously.

"That's a secret. It's your own fault for treating Robin poorly earlier. Now you regret it, don't you?" Faraday said in a tone of "You're still inexperienced." He added: "Alright, everyone, don't gather here. Go back!"


Ling Fan, who had gotten many books, was in a great mood. He never expected to acquire so many valuable research materials so easily. He thought he would have to go through some trouble to obtain them!

Well, considering how adorable they were, Ling Fan thought he would help them a little bit. That's what he thought in his heart.

Actually, Ling Fan didn't really care about the so-called "Dark Backlash." He was only curious about its unique energy composition. Despite not having fully regained his spiritual power, creating a remedy for such a stubborn illness was no different from cooking a dish for him.

His passion for research was like an irresistible temptation luring Ling Fan. Even though he had traveled to this world, his personality hadn't changed at all, perhaps because it had been too short a time! So, Ling Fan instructed Robin drive the carriage while he immersed himself in the books, studying it with great relish.

"Robin, are necromancers really afraid of light magic?" Ling Fan suddenly asked Robin, who was driving the carriage.

"Yes, Master. Light magic is our nemesis," Robin replied based on her own knowledge.

"So, necromancer can only practice dark magic?" Ling Fan asked again.

"I'm not entirely sure, but Uncle Faraday said so," Robin replied after thinking for a moment.

Ling Fan looked at Robin curiously and asked, "Is Faraday a good person?"

"I don't know about that, but Uncle Faraday took me in," Robin answered.

"What about your parents?" Robin fell silent suddenly, then shook her head and said, "I haven't seen my mother and don't know who she is. My father abandoned me and told me to fend for myself!"

That was maybe the last thing Robin wants to remember.

Ling Fan sympathetically watched Robin's back and spoke, as he himself was an orphan too. If it weren't for his master, the Boundless Venerable, taking him in, he didn't know what his fate would have been like!

"Robin, do you want to find your mother?" Ling Fan thought to himself that if his spiritual energy were restored, he might be able to use the spell "Searching Across a Thousand Miles" to help Robin find her biological mother.

However, Robin immediately replied firmly, "No!"

Ling Fan was about to ask why when Robin said again, "Robin just wants to stay with Master forever!"

Ling Fan fell silent. For the first time, he felt a strange emotion in his heart, as if something called "touching the heart" had awakened after millennia of silence.

Silently, the two of them continued their journey, and they finally arrived back when it was almost dark.

Ling Fan once again revealed his obsession with research. Without even eating dinner, he pounced into the books, studying with great enthusiasm.

Knowing the nature of her master, Robin set out the prepared breakfast in front of Ling Fan and began practicing her martial arts for a few rounds.

In Robin's heart, Ling Fan was her anchor. She yearned to help her master instead of being a burden. Driven by this motivation, Robin worked tirelessly day andnight. Indeed, every master has a corresponding servant!

A lot of hard work will bear great rewards, Robin's efforts were not in vain. She had advanced to a higher level in "Nine Yin Technique" she practiced, and with her current strength, she could definitely compete with a golden swordsman. Her progress in the "Lingbo Micro-Steps" was even greater. When she used it at full speed, she could already create an afterimage.

In addition, Robin had made some progress in the "Turtle Breathing Technique" recently taught by Ling Fan.