
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Phosphorus King Stones

The woman in front of Ling Fan has an impressive appearance. Unexpectedly, she was more ruthless than himself in extortion. It truly reflects the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover," and "Looks can be deceiving." Ling Fan is speechless and thinks to himself, "It seems that I still have room to improve my extortion skills!"

"Robin, give her a gold coin," Ling Fan says calmly.

No one can guess what he is thinking from his tone, not even women known for their meticulous thoughts.

When Lisa heard that Ling Fan was willing to spend a gold coin just to see the map in her hands, she wore an expression of defeat. She started to doubt whether the young boy in front of her had lost his mind. She was just teasing him, but she didn't expect him to take it seriously.

Doesn't he know the value of a gold coin? Oh my! Does he know that the value of this map never exceeded ten silver coins?

Lisa mechanically received the gold coin thrown to her by Robin.

"Now, can I take a look?" Ling Fan asked.

"You can take it and look at it. I can't accept this money," Lisa replied. As a magician, she wasn't lacking in money.

"I keep my word!" Ling Fan didn't take the map and the coin but glanced at the map with his eyes before leaving.

Lisa watched Ling Fan leave in a dazed state. She increasingly felt that this young boy was mysterious and different.

Little did Lisa know that with Ling Fan's extraordinary memory and scanning abilities, one glance was enough for him to remember the entire map. Lisa also didn't know the meaning behind the mysterious smile Ling Fan revealed when he turned around.

After looking at the map, Ling Fan entered the wooden house with Robin. He now began to contemplate his new goal.

Through the map, Ling Fan learned about a nearby small town called "River City." He initially thought River City was not small, but after seeing the map, he realized how naive his idea was.

Compared to other towns, Riva City was merely a fly compared to a watermelon.

Additionally, the map revealed a place of interest to Ling Fan. If they passed through the forest and headed north, there was a mountain, and crossing that mountain would lead them to a Magic Beast Forest.

As the name suggests, a magic beast forest would naturally have magical beasts! Ling Fan wasn't foolish or clueless; he could tell from the name alone.

To think that such a place existed, Ling Fan's obsession as a researcher began to boil once again. He increasingly wanted to see what the magical beasts in the so-called magic beast forest looked like and how they differed from the beast in the cultivation world.

Speaking of which, the magic beast forest Ling Fan saw on the map was a relatively unknown one. It didn't have powerful beasts like the famous magic beast forests that had ninth-level or even higher-level magic beasts. Hence, it didn't have a special name.

Ling Fan spent a peaceful night, and the next day, when he woke up, the Cross Sword Mercenary Group had already left.

After a night of contemplation, Ling Fan finally decided to head towards the magic beasts forest.

Ling Fan and Robin began to pack their belongings for the new journey, discarding anything unnecessary. As for the rare herbs and plants, they brought them along.

Since the journey ahead was not suitable for a carriage, Ling Fan had no choice but to abandon it and proceed on foot, riding a horse.

Due to carrying many things and leading the horse, Ling Fan and Robin's progress was slow. It took them a full twenty days to cross the forest before arriving in the mountain.

However, when they arrived at the foot of the mountain, Ling Fan was completely stunned.

What is this? Oh my! Isn't this "Phosphorus King Stone"? There are so many of them! Am I dreaming?

"Phosphorus King Stone" is a famous refining ore in the cultivation world, an important material for crafting numerous spiritual treasures and equipment. Ling Fan's immortal sword, "Zhu Ling," was crafted using the "Phosphorus King Stone."

Seeing the abundance of "Phosphorus King Stone" on this tall mountain, even with Ling Fan's composure, he couldn't help but be shocked.

At this moment, Ling Fan sincerely thanked his ancestors and the heavens for bringing him to such a magical world.

In this moment, Ling Fan no longer had any complaints about his crossing to this different world.

"Robin, do you know what these are?" Ling Fan was still excited, his voice trembling as he asked Robin.

"Rocks, what's wrong?" Robin didn't understand what was going on with her master and asked in confusion.

"These aren't ordinary rocks. Remember when I told you about the ores used for refining? These are the famous Phosphorus King Stones.'"

"Master, you're saying all of these are 'Phosphorus King Stones'?" Robin finally realized what was happening and became excited too. Ling Fan had often talked to her about the cultivation world, and the topic of refining came up frequently, with the "Phosphorus King Stone" being mentioned the most.

"Master, since all of these are 'Phosphorus King Stones,' let's quickly hide them!" Robin suggested naively.

"No need to worry. I believe that besides you and me, nobody in this world knows the value of 'Phosphorus King Stones.' Even if they knew, they wouldn't know how to utilize them," Ling Fan explained.

To refine with "Phosphorus King Stones," one needed to continuously purify them with Samadhi True Fire. Ordinary flames couldn't purify them properly. The distinguishing feature of "Phosphorus King Stones" was that if they were not completely purified, they were no different from ordinary rocks. However, once they were thoroughly purified, they possessed invincible power.

It wasn't realistic to hide such a large amount of "Phosphorus King Stones," nor was it necessary. In the eyes of others, these stones were no different from common rocks. So why bother going through the trouble of hiding them? For now, it was enough to remember their location. When Ling Fan could use his "Qiankun Space," he could easily collect them with a wave of his hand.

"Let's go up the mountain and see if there's anything else amazing," Ling Fan said.

"Master, aren't we going to take any of these 'Phosphorus King Stones'?" Robin asked, feeling regretful.

"It's not necessary right now. We can always take them later when I can refine with them," Ling Fan replied. With that, he confidently headed towards the mountain, behind him is Robin, who was still filled with excitement.

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