
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

New Home

After having the idea of moving, Ling Fan immediately put it into action. First, Ling Fan carefully surveyed the surroundings of the place and finally chose a location for the house construction in an area with abundant trees and a relatively high terrain.

The advantage of this choice is: firstly, the sturdy roots of the trees can reinforce the constructed house, and secondly, it can prevent the house from being flooded in case of rain.

With the house site chosen, the next tasks became relatively simple. Ling Fan was responsible for cutting wood, while Robin took care of transportation. Both of them were busy and enjoying their work.

Once the wood was prepared, the next step was how to build the house. Since there were no nails in this world and Ling Fan's powers hadn't recovered yet, he had to resort to more traditional methods. He used ropes to bind the pieces of wood together.

Fortunately, Ling Fan didn't intend to build an extravagant wooden house. His goal was to create a place that could provide shelter from wind and rain. Therefore, the construction of the house wasn't too complicated.

Despite the physical labor involved, Ling Fan didn't feel tired at all, thanks to his profound internal energy. After a period of busyness, they finally managed to assemble the frame of the house.

(A/N: Internal Energy is different from Spiritual Energy. One can gain internal energy by practicing martial arts, while spiritual energy can be acquired by cultivating.)

Next was the roofing, which was even simpler than building the frame. Ling Fan gathered some large leaves and spread them over the top, then covered them with mud. That marked the successful completion of the project.

The house Ling Fan built could only be described as sufficient for time being. However, no matter how simple the house was, it was still much better than the old cave they had before. At least this small wooden house had doors and windows.

Looking at the home they built from scratch, both Ling Fan and Robin felt delighted and experienced the joy of self-sufficiency and having enough to eat and wear.

Next, they started shuttling back and forth with a carriage to transport various items. Although there wasn't anything valuable, there were quite a few things to move. It took them five or six round trips to efficiently transfer all their belongings.

Finally, Ling Fan and Robin settled in their new home.

A new environment always brings a sense of novelty. To become more familiar with their surroundings, Ling Fan decided to take half a day off from collecting herbs and enjoy a relaxing break. Balancing work and leisure was indeed a good form of enjoyment.

As they leisurely strolled, time flew by quickly. Before they knew it, it was already dark.

By this time, Robin had prepared dinner and was waiting for Ling Fan, who had recently gone out. It didn't take long before Ling Fan returned, carrying a large bundle of vines.

Robin knew that her master had something interesting in mind again.

As they finished their meal, Ling Fan said to Robin, who was tidying up the utensils, "Robin, I'll teach you how to make fish traps and shrimp traps."

Under Ling Fan's patient guidance, Robin did not disappoint and successfully mastered the technique.

"Master, can these things really catch fish?" Robin didn't trust the fish traps she had just made. She couldn't understand why fish would be so foolish as to swim in and not swim out. It was beyond her comprehension.

"You'll understand when the time comes." Ling Fan didn't provide a clear answer to Robin's question this time. He believed that it would be difficult to explain without letting her experience it firsthand.

When someone is skilled, they become more efficient in everything they do. Ling Fan and Robin's hands swiftly moved between the vines like rotating kites. In a short time, they had already made several finished products.

The night passed quietly, and the next morning, Ling Fan woke Robin up early. They carried the fish traps and shrimp traps they had made the previous day and headed to the small river.

To set the fish traps and shrimp traps, they didn't need deep water. It was best to place them where fish and shrimp frequently appeared. While explaining the essentials to Robin, Ling Fan demonstrated by sitting down and setting up his own traps.

Robin seemed quite excited and genuinely wanted to see how these things could catch fish and shrimp. So, she paid great attention while learning.

Ling Fan and Robin placed several fish traps and shrimp traps in different spots where fish and shrimp were frequently spotted. The next step was to wait for the fish and shrimp to bite the trap they set.

"Let's go!" Ling Fan called out to Robin, who was still focused on observing the traps.

"Aren't we going to do anything about them?" Robin asked strangely, pointing to the fish traps and shrimp traps that had been set up.

"No need to worry about them. We'll come back to collect the fish later," Ling Fan replied.

"Why not collect them now?"

"Fool, fish and shrimp don't get hooked so quickly." Ling Fan couldn't help but find it amusing. It was the first time he had called Robin foolish.

In fact, Robin wasn't foolish at all; she was exceptionally intelligent. The knowledge Ling Fan had imparted to her was completely new and unfamiliar, making it difficult for her to digest it all at once.

Robin disappointedly responded with an "Oh" and followed Ling Fan back home.

On the way, Ling Fan casually asked, "Robin, can you swim?"

"I can't! I heard that only those favored by the Water God can swim." Robin replied with her head lowered.

Ling Fan once again experienced the deeply rooted feudal superstitions of this world.

"There are no Water Gods in this world. Swimming is quite simple. Based on your aptitude, I believe you can learn it easily. After we go back, I'll teach you the 'Turtle Breath Technique,' and once you've mastered it, you'll be able to swim immediately." Ling Fan paused for a moment and added, "Don't mention gods or destiny anymore. Remember, don't rely on destiny, but strive for success on your own, understand?"

"Robin understands." Robin replied.