
Peerles Warrior : Sun Moon in heaven

In the enchanting realm of Douluo, a world brimming with mystical wonders, a tale unfolds long before the era of the Peerless Tang Sect. It is an era when an extraordinary emperor graces the land, destined to leave an indelible mark on history. In which experiences the joy, love, regrets, hate. The world welcoming the son of era into the world, a child who carries within him the incomparable legacy of the Desolate Era, Passed the different world create an epic.

DaoistHI4fqd · Urbano
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2 Chs

Peerless warrior: Xu Lann Birth Martial Soul Awakening

In the Sun Moon Royal Palace, Whole palace is silence and the Emperor of the Sun Moon empire, Which Do not show worry even country wars are anxious today and walking left and right to the balcony of the room.

Suddenly from inside the crying of the baby sounded,

Emperor Xu who was waiting on the balcony went to inside the room found that a lady is sat silently in sleeping poisture and Experor Xu See the child which is covered with blanket tall nose, Sword eyebrow with print of the sun moon in both hands, Big black eyes looking cute.

Due to development of innate qi (Ancestral qi) Body is sufficiently nourished it looked like 2-3 month old child. And At this moment after seeing that mother and child safe.

Emperor Xu Went to Queen Aliya while holding Xulann in hands, Said: " Thanks Queen For your hardwork."

Queen Aliya Smiled and see the child which is covered in the fur of silkworm.

Xulann who is still crying, said secreaty, if you don't cry then people will think you are seeing ghost, so Xulann cry don't let them know that you are adult.

After seeing that child is crying Queen Aliya thought child might be hungry, so she took Xulann start feeding him.

During this Time the maid asked Experor: "Your Majesty what is the name of the child?"

Emperor Xu happily said: "After Seeing Child and Said Xu Lann"

due to coincindence and fate that that the name still called Xu Lann.


Five years had swiftly passed since Xu Lann's birth, and within the serene confines of the Royal Garden, a young child sat in a meditative pose, exuding an air of wisdom beyond their years. With a serene expression, the child remained still, seemingly lost in profound contemplation.

After an hour of deep introspection, the child rose from their meditative state and spoke with a hint of frustration, "Five years have gone by, yet I still cannot break through the barriers of the Immortal Water Qi Art. It seems to be a similar restriction as Tangsan faced with his Xutian Gong cultivation, preventing any breakthroughs."

Inwardly, Xu Lann acknowledged that he was not in the Douluo Dalu period of Tangsan or the era of Huyao, but rather in a time roughly twenty years before. He pondered the events that occurred during the period of the Peerless Tang Sect when the Sun Moon Royal Family had faced near destruction. He harbored deep resentment towards the shameless kings who had ventured into the lower realms, falsely claiming to protect the world.

From the tender age of one, Xu Lann's extraordinary mental power and mature mindset enabled him to grasp the language of the world effortlessly. Through this newfound understanding, he discovered that he had been reborn as the eldest prince of the Sun Moon Royal Family—an individual who, according to the original book, met a tragic fate at the hands of Xutianran.

In his quest to protect his family and ascend to the pinnacle of power as the crowned eldest brother of the Sun Moon Empire, Xu Lann understood that he needed to surpass every obstacle and work harder than anyone else. Determined to unify the empire and become its ultimate ruler, he embarked on a rigorous cultivation journey.

After a year of careful analysis and planning, Xu Lann began his cultivation practice. Utilizing the gentle and non-intrusive nature of the Immortal Water Qi Art, he focused on opening his meridians. With only two volumes of the art at his disposal, which were originally meant for reaching the peak of the Empyrean God realm, Xu Lann realized that in this world, the power scale was different.

In this world, the strength of a God King could be likened to that of a Void Cultivator, while the realms themselves followed a different progression. The Early Stage Houtian was akin to cultivation level 10, Mid Stage Houtian was comparable to level 20, and Peak Stage Houtian represented level 40. Advancing further, the Early Stage Xiantian marked the transition to energy becoming liquid at around level 50, followed by Mid Stage Xiantian at level 60, and the Peak Stage Xiantian at level 69, where the complete soul power turned into liquid.

Next, Xu Lann set his sights on the Early Stage Zifu, where energy solidified, the opening of spiritual consciousness, and the ability to manifest as a Soul Sage around level 80. Advancing to the Mid Stage Zifu, he aimed to reach level 90, and finally, at the Peak Stage Zifu, he sought to form the core of his body, earning the title of Douluo.

there is the stage of Early Stage Primal, which represents the peak of the Douluo realm. In this stage, cultivators are known as Peak Douluo, possessing immense power and mastery over their soul and spiritual energy. They are capable of reaching a state where they can form three cores within their body, which marks a significant milestone in their cultivation journey.

The three cores symbolize the integration of different elements or attributes, each representing a specific aspect of their power. The cores can vary based on the cultivator's chosen cultivation path, such as the elements of fire, water, earth, wind, or other unique attributes. With these cores, cultivators can unleash devastating attacks, exhibit extraordinary combat prowess, and tap into the full potential of their soul power.

As cultivators progress further in the Primal stage, they reach the Peak Stage Primal, where they unlock the true potential of their three cores. At this stage, they become akin to gods, wielding immense power and possessing an indomitable presence. Their mastery over their cores and the elements they represent allows them to unleash awe-inspiring techniques and dominate the battlefield.

Reaching the peak of the Primal stage signifies a remarkable achievement in cultivation, representing a profound understanding and control over one's spiritual energy and soul power.

Beyond the realm of Primal, Xu Lann aimed to reach the level of a Void Cultivator, a stage where one could form a complete void inside their body and possess a domain. The progression within this realm consisted of Early Stage Void Cultivator, which could be compared to the strength of a Second Level God; Medium Stage Void Cultivator, akin to a First Level God; and Peak Stage Void Cultivator, reaching the level of a Godking.

However, Xu Lann's ultimate goal was to transcend even these formidable stages and ascend to the pinnacle of power as an Emperion God, the supreme existence in the world of Douluo Dalu. At this stage, he would attain the status of a Dragon God, a level that could be likened to the power of a Pure Yang True Immortal (3rd Tier Jindan) or an Emperion God.

To achieve this extraordinary feat, Xu Lann would need to push his limits, overcome countless challenges, and harness his innate talents to their fullest extent. With the determination burning in his heart and the knowledge from his previous life, he embarked on a path of cultivation that would lead him to unparalleled heights and forge his legacy as a true legend in the Douluo world.

During his cultivation journey, Xu Lann also embarked on the path of body cultivation with the Crimsonbright Diagram Of The Nine Heavens technique. Over the course of five years, he diligently developed the innate patterns of the technique that were imprinted on his body during his time inside the mother's womb. The reflection of these patterns on his body allowed him to actively absorb the power of the sun and moon, effectively baptizing his body with their energy.

As Xu Lann progressed, he discovered an intriguing phenomenon. Due to the innate tattoos on his body, he found that he could actively absorb the sun and moon energy, which had a doubly potent effect on his Qi cultivation compared to normal practitioners. This realization motivated him to continue his cultivation and seek a suitable place where he could avoid disturbances and fully focus on developing the Crimsonbright Diagram Of The Nine Heavens technique.

However, within the heavily guarded royal palace, finding such a place proved challenging. The palace had high-level security measures in place, including the presence of title Douluo and soul engineers for protection. Aware of the risks involved, Xu Lann patiently waited for the opportunity to cultivate undisturbed.

During this waiting period, Xu Lann became fascinated by soul tools. He observed that soul tools were derived from the skills of soul masters, similar to the spells and techniques he had learned before. Despite his lower talent in this field, he recognized the potential of soul tools for the development of artifacts.

Recalling the advancements in soul tools during the Douluo Era 3-4, Xu Lann noted that Tang Wulin's four-character armor upgraded to a six-character armor by absorbing divine power. This revelation sparked his imagination, and he began formulating ideas for the development of artifacts using soul tools.

To pass the time and expand his knowledge, Xu Lann decided to learn about soul tools. He dedicated himself to studying and practicing soul engineering, gradually advancing to the level of a soul engineer at rank 4. His theoretical foundation became exceptionally solid, allowing him to delve deeper into the intricacies of soul tools.

Xu Lann's daily routine consisted of morning soul cultivation through the Wisdom Buddha visualization technique, followed by practice of the Immortal Water Qi Art. After enjoying breakfast with his family, he dedicated his time to learning about soul tools. In the evenings, he continued his cultivation practice before resting for the night. This disciplined and balanced approach to his daily life allowed him to make steady progress in his various pursuits.

Suddenly A voice Sounded which backed the Xulann from his imagination.

"Xu Lann breakfast is ready" A lady's Voice sounded.

Xu Lann responded:"hmm Mom comming."

XuLann went to eating the breakfast found that their is an extra person beside, his mother. which is middle old in age around 40 years by looking, whose Charcteristic similar to the Mother.

Aliya Said: " Xu Lann, As you know your grandpa, Today He is here to you to introduce something which is the development of Royal family"

Xu Lann looked at his grandfather and mother with surprise. He hadn't expected his grandfather to introduce the concept of cultivating a private force under his control. Because he is also thinking about this issue but, He thought he would do this after the awakening of the martial soul. But He didn't expect Grandpa had already expected this thing.

King Aleister continued, "Xu Lann, as the future leader of the Sun Moon Empire, it is crucial for you to have a reliable and capable private force at your disposal. This force will serve as your loyal protectors and aides, ensuring the safety and stability of the royal family and the empire."

Aliya chimed in, "Your grandfather has gathered a group of talented individuals who have undergone rigorous training and are ready to serve under your command. They possess exceptional skills in various fields such as combat, strategy, diplomacy, and intelligence gathering. They will be your trusted companions and assist you in your journey."

Xu Lann's mind raced with the possibilities. Having his own private force meant that he could rely on a group of skilled individuals who would be dedicated to his cause. It would provide him with an additional layer of protection and support in his pursuit of power and the unification of the empire.

After all this force is gathered my mother and grandpa, His grandpa is the duke of the empire who is one of the ninth level soul engineer. For the force he also anticipated that, As a person with the future of empire their should be private force for doing some basic things.

After some discussion grandpa gave him list, in which 3 are seventh level soul engineer, all are having the talent to strike on the rank 9th soul engineer, and 3 are of different types of work One is having the best close body soul tools, one is best for long range and last one is best for defensive soul tools. And in which their is the group of 20 people who are 5th level soul engineer, some are 30 people some are best for assasin, fighting, strategy etc. all are around soul sect to soul king.

Xu Lann felt a surge of gratitude towards his grandfather for assembling such a capable and diverse private force. He understood the immense value and potential that this group held, and he was determined to make the most of their skills and talents.

He took the time to personally meet each member of his private force, expressing his appreciation for their dedication and loyalty. Xu Lann knew that building a strong bond with his team was essential for their success and unity.

Under the guidance of his grandfather, Xu Lann began organizing training sessions and missions to further hone the skills of his private force. He encouraged them to push their limits and strive for excellence, while also fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

As time went on, Xu Lann witnessed the remarkable progress of his private force. The seventh-level soul engineers showcased their expertise in crafting powerful soul tools, while the fifth-level soul engineers displayed their versatility and potential for growth.

With his private force by his side, Xu Lann felt a newfound sense of confidence and determination. He knew that their combined strengths would be a force to be reckoned with and would greatly contribute to the stability and prosperity of the Sun Moon Empire and their own development is indespensible.

Due to development of the force 1 year passed.

Today is the day when the Xulann will awaken the martial soul, which is the one of the anticipited day for the development of the sun moon royal family. because as the eldest prince their is the very high chance throne should be passed to him.

Inside the room where a middle aged man is standing carrying the six stones to the hand and suddenly said:" Prince, Please come"

At this time Xulann goes to the place and stand still.

And then middle aged man summoned his martial soul which is an Astrolab, which is an auxlary control martial soul, Suddenly ringes started showing yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black,black,black,black,black. This is an title douluo, and he also an rare stars martial soul with 9th level soul engineer.

After possesing the martial soul he send his energy to the six stones, suddenly, the energy sent to the six stone suddenly brighted and soul energy went to to Xulann.

At this time Xulann feels as warmth which feels similar in the mother womb, after it this warmth went to whole body and went to his brain through eyes. At this momemt suddenly his whole body which is surronded by golden and silver light in which crimson bright heaven digram Sun moon tattoo perticular eye catching, and suddenly, XuLann could feel his consciousness passing through multiple layers of the world's obstructions, constantly going forward…after passing through countless layers, he entered an infinite, endless void. Deep within that infinite void was two incomparably enormous stellar bodies.

One was an enormous stellar body which had huge plumes of raging flames dancing on its surface. It seemed like an enormous ball of flame, and it illuminated the endless void.

The other was covered with a layer of unending ice, with an enormous osmanthus tree in the middle of the ice. The stellar body's cold light also illuminated part of the world.

These two ancient stellar bodies, one was the Solar Star (the Sun), the other was the Lunar Star (the Moon).

"Too beautiful. Too incredible." Xulann was absolutely stunned. He felt that he could even 'see' those enormous plumes of flame and 'see' the enormous leaves of the osmanthus tree. And this is the similar experience he had when he do first time Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens.

Others, when training in accordance with the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens], found it very hard to even hazily sense the Solar Star and the Star, but Xulann could even 'see' the plumes of flame and the leaves on the osmanthus tree.

Within the hall.

Astrolab douluo were watching in astonishment. They saw countless spots of starlight appear in the area around Xulann. The countless spots of starlight were primarily gold and silver in color; scorching hot gold starlight and ice cold silver starlight. They swirled around Xulann, not stopping in any location. Slowly, beneath Ning's left hand, a miniature star formed beneath his left hand, and on it an Osmanthus Tree could vaguely be seen. This was the Lunar Star(Moon).

And on his right hand, there formed a fiery hot miniature star that was surrounded by a flying Golden Crow. This was the Solar Star(Sun).

The Solar Star(Sun) in one hand, and the Lunar Star(Moon) in the other.

Surrounded by starlight, Xulann's face seemed so peaceful, so pious.


Astrolab Douluo found that when he came contact with the sun, He found that he could feel the heat is increasing inside the hall, and then he found that when moon come contact with him, He found it has the power to freeze anything.

This is the Extreme Ice and Extreme fire which is perfectely synthesis inside the body. After calming down he also found that prince whole body is surronded by these power but, their is an pious power in the eyes of prince which is the mental power, means that Prince should be twin martial soul with the Eyes and body with extreme ice and Extreme fire.

while Astrolab thinking, At this time Xulann suddenly shocked thought about

he [Scarlet Diagram of the Nine Shining Heavens] was extremely difficult to train in, and the training speed would normally be very slow.

There were several types of 'initiations' one might see.

The first type was called, 'threads of starlight'. Only two threads of starlight would slowly enter the body. This was the poorest type of initiation and guaranteed that one would be extremely slow in training.

The second type was called 'clouds of starlight'. A large amount of starlight would surround the body and form a cloud. This was quite good, actually.

The third type, was known as 'a vortex of starlight, the Moon in one hand, the Sun in the other'. Countless flecks of starlight would swirl around the body like a vortex, while the left hand would form a 'Lunar Star', while the right hand would form a 'Solar Star'. This was the peak result. But if the two miniature stars formed to be so realistic as to even show the 'Osmanthus Tree on the Lunar Star, Golden Crow on the Solar Star', then this would be the legendary perfect result.

Actually, it wasn't strange for this result to occur.