
New start

It's dawn, the unmistakably smell of hotdogs woke me up, It's the first day of school! Can't wait to get back to my friends eat in the room again and relive the memories. I barely know any of my new classmates but I'm familiar with a few of them but still, I'm not comfortable around them. TheFirst day of school is both exciting and boring 'cause the teacher (This year its Mr.Marc Key? or Cey I'm not entirely sure) only discussed the things we already knew mostly the rules and regulations of the school, I almost fell asleep but I managed to get through the day. Days past by and slowly I get to know my classmates better and it didn't took a lot of time before I finally befriended majority of them, it felt rewarding to know Engel's love story, Angelo's love for music (and Rhaine), Rhaine's obsession of Angelo and Peach's funny personality. Time sure was fast, I didn't realized that oh my! first quarter is done!. By that time we were quite busy 'cause we had a speech choir to take care of while having the exam because the intersection will take place a few days after the first quarterly assessment we had to practice but, where?. As I was reading their argument in our Group chat Peach offered their house as a place where we could practice, ofc everyone wanted to go but out of the 15 people that said they would go only 6 persevered. It was fun we barely practiced because we keep on procrastinating and ended up using all the time without doing anything that benefited our speech choir. A second practice was planned but this time it's within the school but we ended up in Peach's house again and this is where things gets worse. Me and Peach were friends, we always talk both in person and through messenger, Peach is a short girl but beautiful girl and being a stupid teenager I fell in "love", I know it's just infatuation well I know now but not back then. I was hesitant to tell my friends about my feelings for Peach because they might assume that I fell in love with Peach because we went to their house, sounds crazy but it happens quite often here so I kept it to myself, for 5 minutes and then it spread like wildfire, but it never ever reached Peach. A miscommunication happened during the second day of practice and finished early and since Peach's father wasn't there yet we had no choice but to walk from their house to the nearest highway which was 1-2km away. As we were walking Rhaine approached me and said "You know Peach and Angelo are so close that I'm starting to get jealous" I just laughed at her face because there's nothing I can do about it. Peach was still oblivious about my feelings for her and I wanted it to stay that way but all secrets never stay hidden and the word finally reached her and her reaction literally amazed me.