
Paw Patrol: Final Wars

Warning: Contains Swearing, alcohol, blood and extreme action. When mining for a raw ore in space goes horribly wrong, Chase is suck in a alternate universe where his evil self, Chase 666, plans to conquer the multiverse and kill anyone that stands in his way. Now he must build an army of himself and his friends, along with some odd new friends, to stop Chase 666 from destroying all reality. A lot of people have help me to make this story, so I hope you enjoy.

Nothing2007 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The AWAT Nightmare part 1

After a hour of interuniveresal travel, the spacecraft suddenly had a problem.

"What's that noise?" ask Chase, who was on his phone.

"Oh shit!" yelled Lady. "The engine is shutting down. Prepare for impact."

"You heard her, hold on to something!" yelled Chase T as he grab a bar on the roof.

The others followed the orders. Marshall 4 grab the door in a bid to hold on to something as the spaceship felled into another world.

The ship fell downwards, crashing into a forest, leaving a path of destruction until stopping.

Slowly, the Great Alliance of 20 crawled out of the ruined spacecraft.

"Fuck! Now what do we do?" said Lady as she kick the spacecraft with it's smoking engine.

But unknown to them, they weren't alone and there arrival wasn't silent.

At the Lookout, Ryder 3 was talking to Morgan, the AWAT head of the company when Rocky 3 ran in the room.

"What is it, Rocky?" ask Ryder 3. He look concerned.

"Our computer's spotted something strange," said Rocky 3, shaking.

"What was it, our computer's spot everything," ask Morgan.

"Something open in the sky near the woods and something also came out of it and landed in the forest," said Rocky 3.

"Then we must investigate this anomaly," said Morgan. "I'll sent Conner, Ella, Smith, Justin and Cambell to the scene."

Soon, the five were on their way there, but they wondered what the anomaly was.

Meanwhile, in the forest surrounding their wreck spacecraft, the Great Alliance had set up camp for the night.

"What if someone comes in the night?" ask Marshall 3 to Marshall.

"Then we fight, you can't trust anyone anymore," said Marshall as he started their campfire.

As the Great Alliance were eating dinner, the five had arrive at the edge of the forest and were loading up.

"Let's see if we can spot anything with our visors," said Conner. The five use their visors to pick up anything out in the woods.

Eventually, they found something. But something was wrong.

"I'm getting readings for Chase, more then one," said Justin.

"Same here, but more Marshalls," said Ella.

"Here with Skye, Rocky and Everest," said Smith.

"This is really weird," said Conner. "We must investigate this now."

The five walk into the forest, with guns raise and ready to fire. They had a bad feeling about this.

As they walk through the forest, they saw a fire in the distance.

They hid behind the trees and look at the scene. They was a campsite, a wreck spaceship and twenty pup like people.

After some talking, they decide to confront the the strange gang.

"What is the meaning of this?!" cried Conner as the five advance from the trees, spooking the group.

"It's his men!" cried Chase 2 as he leap from his tent and behind a log, pulling out his plasma cannon.

When the patrol got to the center of the camp, they saw the ruined spaceship, with no one in site.

"What is this?" ask Smith, banning on the ruined spaceship.

"Don't ask me," said Justin. "I'm just as confuse as you."

The group suddenly heard a noise coming from behind them. Quickly turning around, they saw what look like an army of pups they knew and some they never seen before holding plasma guns at them.

"You are under arrest," said Justin as he approach to what he believe was there leader, but he wasn't paying attention and didn't see a rocket soaring his way. He didn't even have time to react. He was sent flying into a tree as the Great Alliance open fire.

"Get down!" yelled Conner as him, Ella and Smith hid behind a log, while Justin was drag away to safely by Cambell.

"What the hell is this madness?!" yelled Ella as she return fire.

"We got to stop this!" yelled Conner as he called Morgan, Ryder 3 and Chase 3.

At the lookout, Ryder 3 heard the phone raining and answered it.

"Hey Conner, how's the mission?" ask Ryder 3, which was follow by loud screaming and explosions.

"There's an army of pups armed with plasma and future weapons and they are attacking us!" yelled Conner through the phone.

Ryder 3 decided to give the phone to Morgan, who heard the talking and wander into the room.

"What's this I hear about a attack on your patrol?" ask Morgan, calmly.

"It's terrible!" yelled Conner. "Justin is majorly wounded and we are pin down by enemy fire!"

"We'll sent some reinforcements," said Morgan as he hung up. "Go get Chase, Rocky."

Rocky walk down the stairs into the basement to find Chase 3 and Everest 3, who made the basement their workshop and home.

When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he found Everest 3 caring for there two kids, Collin and Eclipse while Chase 3 was at his workbench like usual, working on something.

Chase 3 stop, sensing Rocky, turned around and look at him.

"What do you want, Rocky?" ask Chase 3. He was really protected of his pups.

"Morgan wants you to lead a team of reinforcements, some weird team of pups have advance weapons like us and are ripping are patrol to shreds," said Rocky.

Chase 3 was silent as he took in the information. Finally, he spoke up.

"Alright," said Chase 3. He walk over to Everest 3, his wife and gave her a kiss.

"Got to work," ask Everest 3. "Yes, have to go to work," said Chase 3 as he suit up in his armor suit.

Meanwhile, back in the forest, things were getting highly intense. Ella was busy trying to heal Justin and Cambell, who also got shot.

"Where are those reinforcements!?" cried Justin, holding his side in pain.

"They should be here soon," said Conner. "We need to retreat, though. There's too many of them."

The group, leaded by Conner, start to retreat from the forest, while bullets flied through the air.

Soon, luckily for them, they manage to lose their enemies through the trees.

"Ok, I think we lost them," said Ella as she put Justin and Cambell against a tree to rest, while Conner and Smith kept a eye out for enemies.

That's when they suddenly heard something off in the forest.

It sounded like someone was saying "Replay your nightmare" over and over again and the darkness of the forest didn't help.

"What's that noise," said Smith as he look out into the darkness of the forest.

Suddenly, a axe flash out of the darkness and caught Smith's kneecap, making him fall to the ground.

Conner immediately ran over to Smith, but before he could get to him, he had to raise his gun in clash with a taller, pup like human with his gun.

The two countied to clash with their guns until the pup human eye's widen and he ran off.

Confuse, Conner turned around and saw Chase 3, Rocky 3 and a entire team with more heavier weapons had arrive.

"Thanks for arriving so quickly," said Conner. "We got three wounded badly and that crazy army of there's is out there, but be careful."

"Thanks for the tip," said Chase 3. Because of his armor disguise, he voice sounded a little weird then normal.

Chase 3 wave to his troops, telling them it's time to move into the forest. He wanted to try to talk to them peacefully before starting any fights.

Meanwhile, Rocky T had finally made it back to the others in a panic.

"Rocky T, what's the problem?" ask Chase 2, who was concerned.

"They're coming!" cried Rocky T. "With armor vehicles and heavy weapons!"

"Then we must get ready," said Chase as he throw his beer bottle. "Get to positions!"

Meanwhile, the company, leaded by Chase 3 were advancing through the forest.

"Where the fuck are they?" said one of the privates.

"Be quiet, said the Sergeant. "The enemy might be listening."

Suddenly, there was many, loud explosions.

"This forest is littered with claymores and they are shooting artillery at us!" cried one of the privates as he duck for covered.

At their campsite, the Great Alliance, had in fact, managed to built a small artillery cannon.

"Fire!" yelled Chase as Rocky T, Tundra T, Rocky and Lady as they loaded a shell into the cannon.

Chase was losing his patience as the shell fired. He need to get in the fight and start slicing limbs.

"Lady, you're in charge here," said Chase. "I'm going in."

Chase, after pulling out his blades, howled a battle cry and sped off into the forest, now a smoking mess.

"Start making more guns," said Lady. "And find the buried vehicles."

Meanwhile, the forest was ablaze, as the Great Alliance collide with AWAT forces. Hiding behind what cover they could find, they shoot plasma bullets at each other in a fiery battle.

"Who the fuck do these assholes think they are?!" cried one of the privates as they countied to fire on the Great Alliance.

Suddenly, two sword blades flew through the air, impaling two AWAT soldiers in their chests.

The Great Alliance look up into the sky and howled in joy as a pup covered in futurism armor with glowing eyes.

"I am Herobrine," yelled Chase as a thunderstorm of fire and lighting started to form above his head.

"Guys," said Conner as he look up at Chase. "We're fuck up."

And he was right, as just then an rain of fire and lighting ran down on the AWAT forces, who didn't stand a chance. The rest that didn't burn up ran off screaming for their lives.

After Herobrine finish his sky attack, he flied down and begin fighting with the Great Alliance forces, who latch a furious attack with him, catching the AWAT forces completely off guard.

Meanwhile, Morgan was watching back at the lookout on the screen with scary results as the radios boom with talking.

"We need air support!" cried on the radios. "Sent some air power now!"

Morgan pick up the radio. "We'll sent a VH-08 Aethon to your area."

Back at the battlefield, the AWAT forces were taking heavy losses.

"Where's that fucking air support!" cried the private. "Those things are ripping us to pieces!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise. The AWAT team look up and saw their VH-08 Aethon had arrived.

Right after that, one of the privates toss a smoke generate to locate the position to fire.

"They're going to blow us up!" cried Rocky as he took cover to reload his plasma shotgun.

"Got it!" said Chase 2, running towards them with a rocket launcher.

When Chase 2 arrive at his spot, he shouted to Marshall.

"Burn some trees down, I need a clean target!" cried Chase 2 as he loaded his rocket launcher.

Marshall, following his orders, burn some trees down that exposes the helicopter.

"Die, you son of a bitch," said Chase 2 with a smile as he fired at the helicopter, hitting it with clean accuracy.

"We are going down!" cried the pilot as the helicopter smoke up in flames as it crash, exploding.

After seeing that, Conner and Chase 3 had enough.

"Fall back, we need to get out of here," said Chase 3 as the surviving troops ran away form the scene. Luckily, they manage to escape without the Great Alliance noticing them.

"We won!" said Chase as he pulled out his sword as the Great Alliance howled and cheer in victory.

Back at the lookout, Morgan and Ryder 3 were waiting outside when the troops arrive back.

"What the hell happen!?" said Morgan as he saw the chaos the things cause. The troops lose half their strength, and 1/4 of them were serious wounded.

"Marshall, get ready to do some serious healing work!" cried Ryder 3 as Marshall ran out to help the fallen soldiers.

Meanwhile, the Great Alliance was partying and celebrating their victory.

"What happen to all the beer?" ask Chase as he look through the cooler.

"We're out, Chase 2 took the last one," said Mecha Chase, who was drunk and going a little crazy.

"Let's go to town and buy some," said Chase. "I got the cash."

So the two, one highly drunk, left to get some more beer. For them, not a single one noticed them.

After a little while of walking, the arrive at the supermarket in town and start looking for the beer.

Meanwhile, at the lookout, Morgan, Chase 3 and Ryder 3 were in the medical wing, watching the wounded soldiers that managed to survive the battle.

"Alright Justin," said Morgan. The injured soldier look up. "What happened?"

"When we found them, it was just weird in total," said Justin. "There was multiple Chase's, Marshall's, Rocky's and the like."

The three stop cold. "Wait," said Morgan. "There was more then one Chase and other pups?"

"Yes.." said Justin before falling back asleep.

"Sent a patrol to town," said Morgan. "We got to protect the town from these alien things."

Meanwhile, at the supermarket, Mecha Chase and Chase had gotten all the beer they need and were about to got check out when they saw a way too familiar face.

He was a German Shepperd just like Chase, but had a darker appearance.

"It's Exe," growled Chase as he pulled out one of his blades and started to walk towards him.

"Good, I'm ready for a fight," said Mecha Chase as he also pulled out his axe and did the same thing.

"Hey, new in town?" ask Chase casually as he stand next to .

"Now were I can find a Chase in town?" ask . "We need to talk."

"I do, right here," said Mecha Chase, who was standing next to him from the left.

As he look from the source of the voice, his eyes widen to see Mecha Chase's fist hitting him in the face, sending him flying into a shelve.

After recovering his balance, he growled at the two Chase's with evil.

"You will both die!" howled as he pulled out his blade and leaped at Chase, but was thrown to the ground by Mecha Chase, who surprise by his strength.

The three engage in a fight that destroys the store, while the owner calls the patrol Morgan sent out that was nearby.

"We're on are way," said the captain as the convoy sped towards the battle.

Meanwhile, the three had destroyed the shop, but they refuse to give up.

"Any last words," said a grinning as he raise his blade for another go around.

"Ready to kick your fucking ass," said Chase and Mecha Chase as they charge at him, resulting in another fight that spilled out into the street.

This also happen right in front of the patrol, who had just arrived on the scene.

The three got back on their feet as the soldiers got out and pulled out their guns.

"Put your hands in the air now!" yelled the captain as his patrol point their guns at the three Chase's.

But himself at Mecha Chase and begin to beat his face, finally realizing that Mecha Chase was part machine.

"Leave him alone!" cried Chase as he ran at lightspeed towards and knock him away with a powerful punch to the face.

The two stand at opposite ends of the street, glaring at each other.

"You get out of here," said Chase to Mecha Chase. "I'll handled him myself."

Mecha Chase, not wanting to disobey his leader, ran off to camp, leaving Chase to fight his nightmare.

The two circle each other, yelling at each other and cursing.

"You are a disgrace to our kind!" howled Chase as he glared at his demonic twin with blood rushing through his veins.

"Why do you support the humans!?" howled . "You have been hunted, beaten and nearly killed by them, yet your still support them!"

"Maybe because I care," said Chase as he stop in his tracks. "There's more to life then killing."

"Says the pup who can murder a large city without being stop," said . "I'll make sure your wife, Skye, suffers pain like no other."

This really piss Chase off. That's when something strange happen.

He floated upwards and his body started to glow before exploding midair. and the soldiers had to cover their eyes from the blinding light of the blast.

When the dust, eyes widen when he saw what Chase had change into.

His body was covered in dragon scale armor, helmet and everything, and his blades had combine into a pickaxe.

"It's time for you to die!" howled Chase as he charge at , who was unprepared for the shock and blow and was send flying into one of the armor vehicles.

This cause him great pain, but he leap back onto his feet and the two engage in a duel, as the soldiers in the patrol watch from a distance, afraid to go closer.

Meanwhile, Mecha Chase had arrive back at the camp and had told Lady about 's appearance.

"That's not good," said Lady. "We need to help him before he destroys the town!"

Meanwhile, though, he was doing the exact same thing as he fought .

Bricks fly as grab him and smash him into a wall when he saw something that made him drop him and run for his life.

Confuse, Chase look around and before he black out a gun hit him, knocking him out cold.

After a while, Lady and Mecha Chase arrive, but Chase was nowhere in site.

"Oh no!" cried Mecha Chase. "Our enemies have took him and it's all my fault!"

"It's not your fault," said Lady, putting her paw on Mecha Chase's shoulder.

"But it's time we strike back," said Lady angrily. "We are going to war."