
Path To Supremacy

Jin was born different from others with mysterious markings all over his body along with a higher level of intelligence compared to a normal child, though that did not stop him from trying to live a happy life with his loving parents. Sadly for him, because of his title as the monstrosity, the never before seen genius, his parent were killed right in front of his eyes and he also would have died if not for the mysterious awakening of his system. . . . Please read the tags, the mc isn't a kind-hearted person nor is he even the average anti-hero. He is evil, so please don't bother commenting about how evil the mc is unless you like it. . . . . Also, the story wouldn't focus much on the romance that would be coming very late into the novel so don't expect it to do anything to the plot like softening the heart of the mc.

Destructive_killer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Seth's Betrayal!!!



Attacks were sent left and right as Seth and Jacob continuously assaulted each other. Seth, who was still a mere Vampire Noble was unable to injure Jacob, as Seth was instead the one to be receiving any injuries.

"Why are you killing innocents?!! You are a battle junkie and not some crazy psychopath like your older brother. You know, if you stop and join us now, I can try and help you. You would not have to face the death sentence at least..." Jacob asked in a calm voice as it seemed that he wasn't even taking the fight between Seth and himself seriously.

Seth, on the other hand, was greatly angered by Jacob's words. Why was he killing innocents? Why does he instead not join them and leave his psychopathic brother?!! How dare this redhead ask and say such things!!! Jin was the only being in this Hell to give him the closest thing to protection and salvation, yet this redhead dared to say that he should leave Jin's side and betray his trust!!

"Holy Beam Of Light!!"

But, just as he was in a bubble of immense anger, a loud voice resounded throughout most of the city, entering his ears too. An unpleasant feeling suddenly entered his chest as he hurriedly turned around, just in time to see the figure of Achilles high in the skies pointing his sword towards a pot of destroyed land and a few houses.

Immediately after, a beam of light left the sword as the concentration was so huge that even Seth got a cold shiver even though he was a few kilometers away.


As the energy beam contacted the land, a massive explosion that vigorously shook the city resounded right after a bright light. Seth was able to see the horrible and frightening scene of Jin whose body was in a disastrous state.

"Hey, hey...aren't you guys supposed to be protecting this city!!! Aren't you guys destroying it more than us!!" Seth shouted out loud as he then bolted to the skies to help Jin but...

Just as his feet left the ground, he caught the sight of Jin shaking his head. Right after, Jin flapped his wings and instantly without any hesitation, left!!!


Seth's body dropped to the floor as he knew that Jin was leaving him...He knew that Jin had changed immensely after passing that Abyssal Tribulation and the disappearance of his demonic markings but, he had not expected Jin to leave him alone against beings who could easily take his life.

"Hmm, it seems that your older brother has left you for death." The calm voice of Jacob resounded in a shocked Seth's ears. Leisurely walking up to Seth, he placed his pale but brown skin right hand around Seth's neck as he then whispered.

"You know, unlike your brother's, we don't betray our companions. To top it off, both you and your brother live in completely different worlds as you are like us, a Vampire, while your brother is an abomination with no conclusive race." Jacob said, his words resounding in Seth's mind as they affected him a lot more than previously.

"But, for you to join us, you need to show your loyalty and earn our trust by...." Jacob continuously whispered words into Seth's ear as they both got up and headed to the location of the fight between Berserk Jin and the duo of golden-haired siblings.





Berserk Jin used his sword as he wrapped the chains around his sword and right arm, freeing his foot from the chains. He then pulled with illogical strength for her not to enter Jin's sword radius, Athena reluctantly let go of her chain and then pulled out a pair of daggers which were sheathed on her back.

Appearing next to her was Achilles who wanted nothing more than to kill the fiend as they bolted towards Jin and attacked in sync. As Achilles aimed toward what he deemed as Jin's unprotected chest area which was the other side of the skull mask, Athena aimed toward Jin's left side which was already in a sorry state.



Jin and Achilles exchanged sword attacks, thereafter, Jin sent a kick toward Athena, connecting with her belly successfully sending her flying multiple thousand meters away. What Jin and everyone else had not expected was the fact that Athena was able to embed both daggers into Jin's leg as these special daggers which absorbed the blood of whoever they cut, immediately made Jin dizzy.


Losing balance of his feeling, Achilles was able to send a sword strike which penetrated Jin's chest area as the raw power and momentum obliterated his chest area where one of his heats resided. As of now, Jin's body was missing many hearts and many of his brains. He was left with only the first extra ones which resided in his thighs, but those were already being burned by the inextinguishable fire.

And Jin who was just in his semi-unconscious berserk state was forcefully awakened as his face showed surprise and fear. Yes, Jin showed fear for the first time in his existence as he realized that the sword which had just stabbed him, had severely damaged not just his body and soul but also the very consciousness which made him a living being.


But, showing that his tribulations were unending, he heard a slicing sound as he then suddenly realized that he couldn't feel his legs.!!!

Gazing downwards, he was gobsmacked to realize that his legs were missing. He shot his senses outwards and was able to perceive that his legs were scattered across the street as they were split into chunks. The only thing keeping him from falling to the ground were his wings, but just as that thought appeared.




He gave out a scream as he realized that his wing was severed by what felt like a sharp claw as his upper body weakly fell to the ground. Knowing full well that the cause of these events was behind him, Jin turned his head to his other side as he saw the scene of Seth with a black and demonic bat-like wing in the palm of his gauntlet!!!

Standing next to him was the figure of Jacob who had a spear in his hand as Jacob watched on in interest at the fact that the black blood of Jin was seemingly disappearing through thin air.

"Y-you bastard!!!! How dare you attack me!!!" Jin shouted in a burst of anger, sadly for him, his berserk state could not be used twice in consecutive motions.

"Haha, how dare I?!! How dare you betray me and try to flee!!!" Seth shouted out in even more anger as he left Jin speechless for a second.

As everyone who surrounded Jin saw his expression and thought he suddenly felt regret, Jin went against all of their expectations as he...

"Hah...hah...hah...haha...hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" Like a crazy madman, Jin began laughing. Immediately after, a silvery aura began forming around him, and everyone, it did not matter if it was the arrogant Athena, the one with a holy sword, the previously calm Jacob, Seth, or the denizen of this city...

Everyone felt the concept of death wash over them as they watched in shock and frozen in place as the temperature dropped by insane degrees and the mask on Jin's chest began fading away. Slowly but surely, on Jin's face, the mask began taking form as a hollow voice resounded in everyone's ear.

"Hehehehehe...why are you not bowing!!!??"





(Next Chapter Name: The Mask)

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