
Path To Supremacy

Jin was born different from others with mysterious markings all over his body along with a higher level of intelligence compared to a normal child, though that did not stop him from trying to live a happy life with his loving parents. Sadly for him, because of his title as the monstrosity, the never before seen genius, his parent were killed right in front of his eyes and he also would have died if not for the mysterious awakening of his system. . . . Please read the tags, the mc isn't a kind-hearted person nor is he even the average anti-hero. He is evil, so please don't bother commenting about how evil the mc is unless you like it. . . . . Also, the story wouldn't focus much on the romance that would be coming very late into the novel so don't expect it to do anything to the plot like softening the heart of the mc.

Destructive_killer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

New Prey


With Jin's increased hearing, he was able to hear the groan which left the mouth of his little Seth as a smile etched onto his face. Right after, the blood that was entering his chest increased in speed at which it entered Jin's chest. Shortly after, the massive blob of blood that was in the front of Jin's body was nowhere to be seen as Jin too disappeared from his location and appeared next to his now even more beautiful Seth.

What startled Jin was the fact that similarly to his own eyes, Seth's eyes had the same Void black color which was surrounded by a blood-red hue which was finally surrounded by the normally white sclera.

'It seems that my control in releasing the Vampire side of my bloodline is still lacking and he seemed to have absorbed even some of my Void race's bloodline which will most likely dominate each of the two bloodlines and his previous human one. I guess he can be considered my little brother and my child all at the same time...but, isn't his eyes too beautiful.' Jin thought as he bit down onto his lips with his canines, causing blood to drip out of it.

Seth, who saw this did something that would have stunned any being. Gazing at the black blood dripping from Jin's lips, Seth approached Jin as he tiptoed and stuck his tongue out as he licked the blood off of Jin's lips, a Jin who was momentarily stunned by Seth's actions.

"Mmmmm...little Seth, though I do not mind this slightly lower version of selfcest, I am apparently in a relationship already...so I am sorry but, please keep your feelings in check." Jin said as he stepped a few steps away from Seth.

"What are you talking about? I only want your blood which is obviously of a higher level compared to an ordinary person!!" Seth shouted with flushed cheeks as he couldn't believe Jin would say something like that. His previous indifferent expression was nowhere to be seen yet, his hollow eyes that seemed to have reached a closer level to Jin's never changed even in his previously embarrassed state.

Hearing this, Jin breathed a sigh of relief as he then followed up by saying. "Though, in the future, when my power reaches a certain level, I can transform you into a girl. That way I definitely would not be able to hold myself back and definitely would ravage your body. Of course, right after, I'll eat you so that you can forever be together with me." Jin said as his creepy and downright scary voice appeared.

Seth immediately shivered as he shouted. "Never!!! Never are you ever allowed to transform my already beautiful self into that of a disgusting female!!!"

Hearing his outburst, Jin realized that it seemed that Seth had a hatred for females. Thinking this, Jin couldn't help but think. 'Hmm, there is a lot of stuff that I do not even know of my little brother/child. Maybe in the future, but right now we nee-' Before Jin could finish his thoughts though, he was interrupted by...


[Task (Enter the Demonic Captain rank)- Completed]

[Task (Successfully Become a Vampire)-Completed]

[Task (Enter the Vampire Baron rank)-Completed]

[Reward (3)-250 marks of reality]


Seeing the contents of the holographic screen that appeared in front of him, Jin couldn't help but let out a confused expression as he then asked his system.

'Little system, why am I not getting any rewards for entering the Mystery Lord realm.'


[When the master entered the Mystery Lord rank, he was not connected to the system]



Jin shouted out loud, his voice traveling throughout the town as Seth gazed at Jin with an expression that felt as if he was pitying Jin. Seeing this, Jin couldn't help but show Seth a middle finger as he then shouted in his mind.

'You bastard!!! Wasn't it your fault that we weren't connected, why is it now that I am the one suffering!!!'


[In the Mortal Plane, the system warned the master that if he used the Divine Intervention ticket, the system would lose connection with the master for an indefinite amount of time]


Seeing he had no chance of winning, Jin focused on the important things which were...

'Speaking of the mortal world, when can I return?' Jin asked his system as he then soon regretted it right after hearing the system's words.


[To return to the Mortal Plane from the World of the Abyss where there are even Immortals located, the number of marks of reality required is 1,000,000]



Jin's knees weakened as he dropped to the ground. Seth, seeing all these antics Jin was doing in a matter of two seconds, couldn't help but feel that he should not have shouted out loud his hate for females.

Jin on the other hand couldn't help but shout in his mind.

'You Fucking System!!! Do you think marks of reality grow on trees?' Jin shouted as the system merely replied.


[Yes master, some treasures can make marks of reality grow on trees...]



Jin couldn't help but spurt out black blood which then turned into smoke, right after it then disappeared into nothing.

Seeing the master's situation, the system then resounded in Jin's mind once more.


[Mission Initiated-Destroy the Vampire Empire and the Giant Empire]

[Reward-Portal To The Mortal World]


Instantly, a spark entered Jin's eyes. One may be wondering why he wanted to go to the Mortal World...Well, the answer was very simple, after entering the Mystery Lord realm, a memory was awakened in his mind from someone that he finds very interesting...Wanting to meet this person, Jin made it his goal to re-enter the Mortal Plane, and seeing this mission, an evil smile etched onto his face.

'Hahaha, on top of re-entering the mortal plane, I can also destroy two continental-level empires!!!' Jin thought.

How does he know that they were on the continental level? Well, that was specified in the very detailed world map in the corner of his vision as he thought in his mind.

'Show a path to the closest home of living beings to me. The closest home of living beings who are on the same path in which my Seth and I will need to go to reach this Kingdom's Capital city.' Jin ordered his system as the little world map which he spent ten marks of reality to get was zoomed to impossible levels as he accurately found his new prey.

Seeing this, Jin gazed at the being that dared to watch him in pity as he had a vicious smirk on his face.


With a light tap of his feet, Jin's shadow twisted as two horses appeared next to him. Jin then wickedly said, "I hope you can ride a horse..." Jin said out loud to the surprised Seth as he watched Jin hop onto a figure made up of darkness that was in the shape of a horse.

Seeing this, and not wanting to be left behind, Seth also jumped onto the second horse.


But, unlike what one would expect, his ass did not land onto the horse made up of darkness but instead on the hard red-colored sand of the street.


Jin's wild laughter reverberated throughout the street as tears formed on the edges of his hollow eyes.

"Hahaha...little Seth, only I can ride my shadows. That's what you get for watching me as if I am mentally ill!!!"




(Next Chapter Name: Mentally Broken Or Simply Playful?)