

This isn't a novel . You can just say this is a short story of a person on his path to invincibility. PS- I am a newbie.THERE IS 16 CH ONLY.

CuriousDreamer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

CH 2

With a core group of followers gathered and information flooding in about Eldaria's defenses and supply lines, John was ready to set his plans of conquest into motion. He called his new recruits to him in the shadows of the city's lower districts.

"The time has come to strike against the false king who oppresses this land!" John declared. Around him, the rebels and criminals murmured in agreement. "I have seen the error of his ways with my own sight. The gods themselves have sent me to deliver Eldaria from his tyrannical rule."

John let his new elemental abilities crackle menacingly around him for effect. "With my power granted by the divine, victory is assured. But we will need weapons, supplies, and to sow seeds of dissent within the capital. I want spies placed in the barracks and palace to learn troop rotations and the king's daily movements. Scouts will cause disruptions on trade routes to starve the city of resources. And saboteurs will wreak subtle havoc to weaken the regime from within."

His followers nodded enthusiastically, eager to reap the rewards of overthrowing the establishment. John paired them into teams to carry out specific tasks under cover of night. Soon reports would start pouring in of mysterious attacks, shortages, and whispers of a "divine champion" rising up outside the city. Panic and unrest would grow within the capital's walls.

In the coming weeks, John's forces worked diligently to undermine the kingdom. Supply caravans went missing, small garrison outposts were overrun, and unexplained fires broke out in grain silos and weapon stores. The king's armies scrambled to respond but found only ghosts and rumors. Meanwhile, John's profile as a charismatic leader swelled among the downtrodden in the outer villages he "liberated." More recruits flocked to his banners every day.

One morning, the king's spymaster burst into the throne room with grave news. "Sire, the unrest has spread. Your subjects in the western provinces openly call for your removal. Worse still, they say a sorcerer of immense power backs their rebellion and will soon lay siege to the capital itself!"

The king flew into a rage at this threat to his dominion. "Double the city guard! I want every able man armed and patrolling. No one enters or leaves without my consent. This upstart will learn not to challenge my rule!"

As the capital boiled over with paranoia and tension, John smiled. His plans were unfolding perfectly - soon the throne would be his for the taking.

With the capital in disarray, John deemed the time ripe for the final stroke against the false king's rule. He called his vast army, now thousands strong, to muster on the plains outside the city walls. As his forces assembled with banners flying and weapons polished, John walked among his followers.

"My children, the day of liberation has come!" he declared passionately. "For too long we have suffered under the yoke of a tyrant. But no more - the gods themselves have blessed our righteous cause." John lifted his hands and summoned bolts of lightning to crash dramatically in the distance.

"With my divine gifts, no earthly power can stand against us. But victory will be sweetest if we face the king's forces honorably in open battle. I want no woman or child to come to harm - our enemy is the one who sits falsely on the throne. Once he is defeated, a new era of peace and prosperity will dawn over Eldaria!"

A great cheer rose up at John's words. His charisma and mastery of elemental magic had transformed a ragtag group of rebels into a zealous army, convinced their leader had indeed been blessed by higher powers. When the horns sounded, the massed forces began their advance on the capital under a swarm of magical banners.

In the city, panic had fully set in under weeks of shortages, attacks and the growing threat of rebellion. But the king was undeterred - he would defend his dominion to his last breath. As John's army came into view on the plains, the royal forces took up positions on the battlements and around the gates, awaiting the imminent clash.

"Let the battle for Eldaria's future begin!" John cried as his forces charged forward. Magical energies swirled around him as he prepared to unleash devastating power against the king's men. The die was cast - in blood and sorcery, a new ruler would be decided this day.