
Chapter 71

While through the North Pole, Carnage noticed something fascinating. The gravity of Earth was lesser than that of Mars and his mass was high enough, giving him the ability to somewhat escape Earth's gravitational pull. Which means he could fly, only when on Earth.

"No, flying is too farfetched. I can levitate, but not control my movement direction like space. Thing like slowing my falling speed is nothing to me. The Earth's gravity is just like the moon now." Carnage thought, jumping up in the air as he ran. While in the air, instead of him to come speeding down like normal, he slowly floated down. "Through the use of this isn't going be too widespread, in the future, it will."

Landing on the snowy ground tried decided to try and float without jumping. Standing still, he tried to think of every way possible to float, but nothing came to mind.

"It not like anyone can just go to the moon and decide to float without jumping. It will be almost impossible." Carnage said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Seeing the way thing are going, if my mass get high enough to completely escape earth gravity, I will be in serious trouble-"

"Are you trying to fly?" A familiar voice entered his mind, causing him to look behind him. The white Martian called M'gann was floating there, looking at him.

"I guess you followed my footsteps." Carnage said, looking at the snowy ground, with his heavy footsteps implanted in it.

"No, I just saw you." M'gann said, pointing at her eyes.

"The Martians eyes. I see." Carnage mumbled as he looked at the ground and tried to look through it. Without much effort, he was able to look through the snow and at the normal ground. Using the telescopic vision combined with the X-ray vision, he was able to see through the earth and to the south pole. "Well damn. These eyes are good."

"I will tell you, I learned how to fly when I was 2." M'gann said, doing a flip in the air.

"How old are you, kid?" Carnage asked, using his eyes to find the location of Gotham.

"39 years old." M'gann said, landing on the ground. "How can you run so fast?"

"Oh, I see. I guess life forms that can live for thousands of years mature slower than lifeform that can only live up to a hundred." Carnage mumbled, finding Gotham. Deactivating his eyes, he looked to M'gann and paused. "What the fuck is that?"

Behind her was a tall, winged humanoid with a heavily built and imposing figure. It has three digits on each hand, which are also clawed and it is clad, from head to toe, in golden armor, with helmets that have hornlike protrusions that cover most of its heads save for the mouth, exposing its sharp teeth. It was holding a rectangular handheld device with a black casing, and a red, orange, and yellow interface.

M'gann was about to say something but Carnage quickly hushed her and kept watching what the creature was doing.

"Read its mind and tell me what you find." Carnage said, looking over to M'gann.

She looked at the thing for some time before shaking her head. "All I kept hearing is for Darkseid. Are these the native of this planet?"

"Darkseid huh." Damage mumbled, disappearing with a red beam and snapping the monster's head. After it was killed, it immediately exploded, but he managed to move out the way, nothing touching him. "Self destruct. These things will be annoying to deal with in masses."

Bending down, he grabbed the thing it was holding and started inspecting it. "A technology. Some kind of alien tech, more advanced than the Martians. I need to analyze it. Maybe there will be a lot of useful information." Red lighting cracked around his body as he shot away with a red streak, moving toward Gotham.

'This thing doesn't seem to have any USB port, so I guess I can't analyze it with my computer. The best chance is to contact Felicia and use her tech. I mean for the two months I was gone, she must have at least joined the Justice League and their technology should be more advanced than the normal earth technology.' Carnage thought as he ran through the Ocean, noticing a humanoid being underwater. 'The Atlantians. Forget about them, this box comes first.'

After running for some time, he finally reached the coast of Gotham, with some ship departing. Entering the city, he found a sewer entrance and jumped down.

He decided not to cause a commotion by moving through the city as Batman will instantly notice his arrival and will assemble the Justice League. Though he is confident in taking on Superman, he doesn't want to do anything stupid until he gets an idea of who is now in the Justice League. Anyone with fire who can do great harm to him will expose his weakness to them.

While quietly moving through the sewers, he heard footsteps, like iron hitting against the rock. Looking through the walls, he found another of those aliens implanting one of this box on the wall and pressed something. For iron hooks came out the sides and implanted themselves into the wall before it started beeping.

'Bombs?' Carnage thought, looking down at the box. 'I doubt that. Let's take that one too. Who knows, these boxes may be the key for something.'

Phasing through the walls, Carnage appeared behind the monster, snapped its neck, and ran far away, avoiding the explosion. Going back, he grabbed the second box and looked at it.

'Exact the same.' Carnage thought, a voice interrupting his thoughts.

"You heard that?" Someone said, a green light appearing around the corner.

"An explosion. Come on, let's go." Another voice said as the green light got closer.

'Green Lantern and Batman. Don't have time to deal with them." Carnage thought, remembering their voice. 'I need to get these checked out.' Phasing through the wall, he appeared on the other side of the sewer, dashing away. 'Darkseid huh. I wonder how he tastes. Hope it is not as sour as the Kryptonian or as sandy as the Martians.'