
Path of the Mentor

After being transported to a xianxia world, Quan Feng spends years cultivating and eventually reaches the Core Formation realm, becoming an elder of the Crimson Flame sect. However, when he attains this new level of power, his system suddenly activates. This grants him the ability to gain power as his disciples' cultivation improves. As he takes on new disciples and helps them to grow, he becomes an even more formidable force in the world of cultivation. But with great power comes great responsibility, and he must balance his duties to his sect and his disciples with the growing threats and challenges that arise in this dangerous world of magic and martial arts.

Zaydenn · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Rumored Evil Ghost

At the entrance of Xianwu City, a long line of people could be seen waiting to enter. The city was a hub of activity, drawing in not only merchants seeking to trade their wares but also rogue cultivators in search of powerful artifacts or martial manuals.

The guards stationed in the remote villages were barely able to attain the sixth stage of the Mortal Realm, a mere drop in the vast ocean of cultivation levels in Xianwu City. The average cultivator here had an impressive cultivation level at the ninth stage of the Qi Gathering Realm, making the difference in power between them akin to that of a shallow stream and the boundless depths of the ocean.

Those waiting in line couldn't help but secretly look at Quen Feng with a dissatisfied gaze. They have been waiting for hours, but the young man was just skipping everyone like nothing.

The city lord was known for his fairness, treating everyone equally regardless of their status. This meant even the haughty young masters had to wait in line alongside commoners.

Quan Feng, with his entitled demeanor, was viewed with disdain by those around him. Though they said nothing, they eagerly anticipated the moment when he would be humiliated.

When the city guard noticed Quan Feng's arrogant behavior, he gave him a cold glare and said in a stern voice, "Go back and wait in line like everyone else!"

Quan Feng furrowed his brow, he had anticipated the guard's response due to his young master's appearance. However, as an elder of the Crimson Flame sect, it was unacceptable to be disrespected by a mere city guard.

As the guard was about to give Quan Feng another warning, he felt a sudden, overwhelming pressure bearing down on him. Though he was the target, he could tell that the pressure wasn't coming from the young man, but from the dog at his side.

The people waiting in line were stunned to feel such immense power emanating from a mere animal. Many of them were mortals who had never cultivated, and they struggled to breathe under the weight of the pressure. Panic set in as they fled in terror, desperate to escape the overwhelming force.

Peanut's eyes gleamed with a fierce light, his sharp canine teeth bared. The guard trembled under the dog's piercing stare, feeling as though he was being judged by a higher power. But just as Peanut was about to pounce, Quan Feng's voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

"That's enough, Peanut," he said, his voice low and commanding.

Peanut reluctantly backed off, his eyes fixed on the guard as if daring him to try anything again.

Quan Feng turned to the guard, his expression cold and unreadable. "I am Elder Quan from the Crimson Flame Sect," Quan Feng continued, his voice rising in volume. "If you talk to me like this again, I will kill you."

With that, Quan Feng tossed his token to the guard, who caught it with trembling hands. The guard's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the symbol of the Crimson Flame Sect, one of the most powerful sects in the land.

Kneeling before Quan Feng, the guard begged for mercy, realizing the gravity of his mistake.

"Elder, please forgive me. I had no idea that you were a member of the Crimson Flame sect. I spoke out of turn and disrespectfully, and I beg for your mercy!"

Elders from a sect as powerful as the Crimson Flame were not to be trifled with, and even the city lord would think twice before crossing them. The guard swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of Quan Feng's presence bearing down on him like a heavy stone. He knew he had made a grave mistake.

Initially, Quan Feng's intention was to intimidate the guard, not to take his life. "Fine, I shall spare you for now, but keep in mind that the reputation of our sect is on the line. Do not repeat your blunder."

Quan Feng watched the guard for a moment before turning away, his expression unreadable. With Peanut by his side, he strode purposefully towards the Array Shop.

But the guard remained on his knees, trembling with fear and regret, knowing that he had come close to meeting his end at the hands of a powerful cultivator.

Along the way, however, Quan Feng overheard a conversation that piqued his interest.

"Have you heard the rumor?" A voice whispered.

"What rumor?"

"Many people have been disappearing late at night in the streets. It's best to stay indoors during those hours," the man replied.

Quan Feng's curiosity was piqued, and he desired to know more. He approached the man and asked, "Can you tell me more about this rumor?"

The two men were startled by the interruption but quickly noticed Quan Feng's noble appearance. Even though the city lord treated everyone equally, a young master from a powerful family had a lot of resources at their disposal. It was wise not to offend them as they could hire assassins to get their way.

The man, who appeared to be more knowledgeable than the other, replied, "This rumor has been circulating for a month. People who walk alone on the streets at night have vanished without a trace. Some say that an evil ghost is responsible. The city lord has been investigating the matter, but nothing has been found yet."

Quan Feng asked, "What is the cultivation level of the city lord?"

"I heard that he is about to break through to the Core-Formation realm," the man answered.

"Thank you for the information," Quan Feng said, handing the man 100 gold coins before departing.

The man's eyes widened in surprise as he bowed deeply. "Thank you, young master!"

As Quan Feng walked towards the Array Shop, he couldn't help but think about the rumored evil ghost. If the city lord, who was around the ninth stage of Foundation Establishment Realm, couldn't find the creature, it meant that its cultivation was likely at the Core Formation realm or higher. With the city lord unable to handle the situation, no one in the city could be prepared for the disaster that may come.

'If that's the case, then I'll have to personally take care of this matter.'

"Peanut, tonight, we will hunt down that evil ghost," Quan Feng declared.
