
Path of the Mentor

After being transported to a xianxia world, Quan Feng spends years cultivating and eventually reaches the Core Formation realm, becoming an elder of the Crimson Flame sect. However, when he attains this new level of power, his system suddenly activates. This grants him the ability to gain power as his disciples' cultivation improves. As he takes on new disciples and helps them to grow, he becomes an even more formidable force in the world of cultivation. But with great power comes great responsibility, and he must balance his duties to his sect and his disciples with the growing threats and challenges that arise in this dangerous world of magic and martial arts.

Zaydenn · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Array Shop

Quan Feng had long been fascinated by the art of array formations, yet he had never set foot in the mystical array shop located in Xianwu city. It was said that the shop contained a vast collection of rare materials and magical treasures, each imbued with the power to enhance the potency of any array formation.

Normally, Quan Feng would leave the task of obtaining the necessary materials and manuals to Elder Liu. But today, Elder Liu was preoccupied with overseeing the sect's entrance examinations, leaving Quan Feng to venture to Xianwu city on his own.

As he made his way through the bustling city streets, Quan Feng's eyes were drawn to a grand pavilion adorned with shimmering arrays. Could this be the array shop he had heard so much about?

With a sense of excitement building within him, Quan Feng stepped inside and was immediately struck by the sheer magnitude of the shop's offerings. Shelves and display cases lined every inch of the spacious interior, each one laden with exotic materials and intricate formations of every shape and size.

The array shop was a spacious, well-lit building with tall, arched windows that let in the warm sunlight. The walls were lined with shelves and display cases, showcasing an impressive collection of rare materials, magical plants, and enchanted treasures.

From simple, low-cost designs to intricate, high-end formations, every array formation imaginable was available for purchase. However, even the most basic formations were priced beyond the reach of commoners, with prices ranging from 5,000 to 150,000,000 gold coins.

Quan Feng was caught off guard when a guard approached him, pointing at Peanut. "Sir, animals are not allowed in here," the guard said. Quan Feng noticed that the guard was at the second stage of the Foundation Establishment realm, indicating that he was an elite guard hired by the array shop.

Regretting his decision to come to Xianwu City, Quan Feng wished he had known it would be so troublesome before he arrived. But then, a familiar voice reached his ears. "It's okay. I'll take responsibility if something bad happens."

The young man was of average height, with a lean build and striking amber eyes that hinted at his inner strength. His jet-black hair was neatly braided and rested on his broad shoulders, and he exuded a quiet confidence that marked him as a force to be reckoned with. Quan Feng and Peanut had encountered him back in the forest.

"Since he is a friend of the young master, I won't bother with him anymore," the guard said in a polite tone before returning to his post.

"I am pleased to see you again, senior," Liu Feng said, bowing respectfully. Although Quan Feng was the same age as him, Liu Feng respected him greatly as a talented genius. The young man must have an extraordinary background to be able to give a rank-4 Body-Purifying Pill without hesitation.

As Liu Feng caught sight of Peanut, he tightened his grip on the rank-4 Body-Purifying Pill in his hand. He had already experienced heartbreak once, and he was determined not to let it happen again.

"Thank you your help."

Liu Feng inquired, "If you don't mind my asking, what brought you to the array shop? Are you by any chance an array formation master?"

He hadn't expected to encounter the young man so soon in such a place, and he didn't believe that the young man before him could be an expert in array formations, given his young age and high cultivation level.

Quan Feng, seeing no reason to conceal his intention, spoke. "I engage in it as a hobby in my spare time, and I came to purchase a small quantity of ingredients to build my array formations and ensure their availability for the next few months.."

Upon hearing this, Liu Feng was taken aback. He couldn't believe that Quan Feng could use ingredients to augment the power of his array formations, as only experts were capable of doing so!

"I see..." Liu Feng felt a curious urge about the young man in front of him and made a mental note to have someone investigate his identity upon his return to the sect. "May I know your name, senior?" he asked.

"My name is Quan Feng."

"Senior, do you recall the promise I made to you? I vowed to repay your kindness one day. Fortunately, my sister happens to be good friends with the daughter of the shop's array master. I can help you get a generous discount." Despite being a highly respected genius, Liu Feng remained steadfast in his pursuit of power. He held great respect for those who were both strong and humble, like Quan Feng, and desired to establish a friendly relationship with him.

Upon hearing this, Quan Feng was pleased once again. As an elder of the Crimson Flame sect, he only received around 200,000 gold coins each month, which was barely enough to meet his expenses. Therefore, he wouldn't refuse a good discount.

"Goodbye, senior. I won't trouble you any further. I'll ask my sister to help you get a discount now," Liu Feng said.

"Alright, take care," Quan Feng replied.

After that, they parted ways, and Quan Feng began to browse the array store's merchandise.

High up on the mist-covered mountain, a figure stood with his arms crossed, overlooking the city below. He wore a long, flowing robe, and his silver hair whipped about his face in the wind. His eyes were sharp, and they bore into the young man who had entered the array shop not long ago. The expert's presence was imposing, and even from a distance, it was clear that he was someone to be feared.

"I never thought I'd encounter such talent on my mission here - an 18-year-old cultivator already in the fifth stage of Core Formation, and on the cusp of breaking through to the sixth stage. And not to mention that divine beast at his side..."