
Path of the Goblin King (On Break)

Long ago Monsters of all shapes and sizes ruled the world causing early humans, dwarves and elves to live in only small communities hidden from the world ruled by monsters and beings of darkness alike. But with the creation of those three races gave birth to the gods that they worshipped and seeing the plight of their believers, they gave them the power they needed to fight back against the never ending hordes of monsters around the world. As time passed more and more monster races either died off completely or hid within the Monster Mountain Range, but the three races would have to deal with constant monster stampedes coming from the Monster Lands when their numbers got to high. This went on for centuries, until the humans, who took the brunt of the stampedes had enough and had the one only known as The Great Sage and his 10 disciples to cast a magic that effected the entirety of the monster lands, a curse placed upon all of monster kind. Monsters would have reduced birth rates, all children would be 9 times out of 10 females, and many other curses that varied from monster to monsters, but the weaker monsters had it the worst of all. The Goblins were most effected of all, Male Goblins could no longer get human females pregnant anymore to be used as BroodMothers, and 99 out of 100 pregnancies between goblins gave birth to female goblins, and to make it even worse still the males would always die to impregnate another goblin, effectively bringing the entirety of the goblin race to extinction. Worse still goblin women for the most part we’re great sex slaves for humans as their looks were attractive enough for it, but just barely for human standards it seems. But the god of monsters won’t let his children to go extinct that easily, The last male goblin was born, Blessed by the God of monsters, this marked the beginning of the Greatest Goblin King! ***** cover art made by artist Rapscallion ***** Forewarning later down the line their will be Futa’s added into the mix to give you guys a heads up

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When we got to the large bonfire the girls all began to drool at the plethora of meats to eat that were laying out on the large table made from trees nearby along with logs to sit at and eat while we all ate.

Everybody joined in and began to eat the food before us, but if you were expecting us to eat like mortals then you were mistaken.

We grabbed what we wanted of the pile of cooked meat and began to scarf it down with gusto, but even if we were eating quickly the looks on everyone's faces said it all, this was some really good meat.

Though as we began to all eat Shalla, Ekah, Reka, Paula, Nesha, & Froni all got up and began to dance around the bonfire as they began to sing a tune as they enjoyed themselves.

This made everyone else happy to see the joy that were plastered on their faces, and it didn't take long before my daughters began to join in the dance while me, Regina, Shazza, Vira, Xahka, & Neex clapped along as we watched to keep up with the beat of their made up tune.

(N) Nah Naah NahNahNah, NahNahNah, NahNahNah, Nah Naah NahNahNah, NahNahNah, NahNahNah, i don't remember the name of this song but it has those lyrics or close to them and this is what I'm having them sing out, comment if you know what I'm talking about.

I just smiled as I liked to see the happy looks on everyone's faces as we sang, dance and feasted the night away.

And after a few hours everyone was full and satisfied with the fun and food we all had as everyone relaxed as the sun began to set off in the distance.

While everyone was relaxing by the fire I went over and went to the animal parts that weren't part of the Feast and put them in my inventory before moving to an open area not to far away from everyone and selected the build option and looked at the various types of living places that the Bokoblins can live in together for now at least.

Using four animal pelts and bones of the boars and deers along with 200 logs of wood I set up to have the system build a large hut with bone framed windows and soft pelt floor before the system began to build it.

"I'm really gonna have to find an actual builder at some point, I can only build things one at a time and everything else is put in a que waiting for their turn to be built, luckily everything else was already done by now." I mutter to myself as I look at the hut as it's being built before I left it be to go and relax by the bonfire as I look up at the stars the begin to shine in the night sky.



After a few hours of rest and eating some fruits everyone headed off to bed while I showed the new villagers their new home that they will live in from now on.

Seeing their new hut that they would be living in made them all excited as the younger Bokoblins, that being Shalla, Ekah, Reka, Paula, Nesha, & Froni as Red and Blue Bokoblins are considered by mortal standards to be 18-19 year olds for the red Bokoblins with blue Bokoblins being in their early 20's, though that is relatively speaking as the oldest, be Xahka and Vira are only 10 years old but their strength and level make them much older than that.

Shazza is the leader and the strongest being a Lvl. 40 with Xahka and Vira being lvls 38 & 37 respectively, Neex being lvl 32, Shalla & Ekah around lvl. 20 and Reka, Paula, Nesha, & Froni being anywhere between lvl. 7 to 12.

In all honesty I'm just lucky that my race is at a King Class and that they were desperate for a place to call a home as if they were serious they could have just taken this place and even killed all of us if they wanted, but with their corruption cleared and their Loaylty secured, that's something I'll never have to worry about.

'It's a bit sad that they are Bokoblins or else I could have them as my mates, but I can't get them pregnant now can I?' I think to myself and shake my head, but then I heard a chime.

[User has asked the question if it's possible to crossbreed between Bokoblins and Yourself, Analyzing]

[Analyzing complete, It has been determined that it is possible for User to mate with the Bokoblins before you as they are now free of the corruption of the DemonKing, making it so that they are now once again apart of the goblinoid race, though due to prolonged corruption their fertility outside of those of their own race is lowered than normal, but with your Kings Seed and your natural virility their is at least a 50% chance for you to impregnate them]

'I didn't know you answer questions' I think to myself as I watch them get familiar with their new home.

[I can answer questions so long as I have sufficient knowledge on said question and other knowledge provided to me by Lady Terra.]

'I see…. Tell me, is it possible for me to mate with those outside the Goblinoid race's?'

[If it is to have sex then yes you can, but if you wish to impregnate them then I'll have to say no, if you surpass at least lvl 100 the curse placed upon you will be broken and you'll be able to, though the Women of the Sands and the Elves of the Depths are possible for you to mate with, should you ever meet them]

'Interesting, but that can wait for now, I need to gather more strength before I could think of doing anything like that' I finish thinking and talking with the system before I decide to enter the hut and see what their doing.

After what looks like the younger girls rolling around on the soft ground, they soon laid back and relaxed as they started to fall asleep with Shazza, Xahka, Vira and Neex still awake as they turned to look towards me.

"My King, thank you for making this home for us, not only did you let us into your home, you freed us of our shackles of corruption, fed us plenty of foods and even this house, I don't know what else we can offer you besides ourselves." Shazza says as she and the other three so went onto both of their knees before me.

I smile slightly at the sight and nod my head to them, "Then so it shall be, you will not give me just your loyalty but your love and affection as well." I said before I approached Shazza, who was now slightly shorter than me as she knelt down as I grabbed the side of her face as I pulled her in for a kiss to seal the deal.

Though obviously not the chaste kind as our tongues began to wrestle with one another before I stopped and pulled away as a bridge of saliva formed between us both.

"Now, how about we consummate this new relationship of ours?" I say with a grin as I pulled off my clothes and let them see my body in its full glory.

"Shall we?"