
The Dark King of Imperion [6]

Celestina's blade clanged violently against the Dark King's obsidian armor, the sound of metal on metal ringing in her ears.

The impact sent a shockwave through her arms, reverberating down to her bones.

Her muscles screamed in protest as the sword barely scratched the surface, sliding off with a high-pitched whine.

A thin fracture appeared, but it was nowhere near enough.

She gritted her teeth, stumbling back as the Dark King's arm shot out, extending with unnatural speed.

The wind from his sweeping strike brushed her face, but she narrowly evaded it, rolling to her feet.

"This armor… It's like trying to carve through a mountain."

Her thoughts raced.

"I need to use more power. My whole body has to be in every strike."

Her legs coiled beneath her, ready to spring again, but before she could act, the ground in front of her exploded.