
Path of the Extra

After a tragic accident that claimed the lives of his parents and little sister, Leo, just 17 years old, found himself shouldering all responsibilities alone. Despite contemplating at taking his life several times, he always remembered his mother's enduring words: "No matter how hard it gets, remember to hold onto hope. It's where miracles begin. When you feel like you can't go on, let that hope be your strength." By some miracle, he survived the past four months on his own—attending high school, juggling multiple part-time jobs, and enduring sympathetic gazes that pained him. The only respite he found was in books, which offered him an escape and some semblance of joy. One day, while engrossed in the book 'Path of Heroes: Battle Against the End,' his life took an unexpected turn. Halfway through the story, he inexplicably found himself transmigrated into the world of Path of Heroes, inhabiting the body of Azriel Crimson—a character never mentioned in the story's first half. An extra. Someone seemingly irrelevant to the plot. Unfortunately—or perhaps fortunately—fate had other plans, and Leo soon discovered that being a mere extra was not his destiny after all. -------------------------------------- Character illustrations will be available on Discord. Discord: https://discord.gg/9zZ69PVNFJ Also: Powerstone = PS 100 PS = 1 Extra Chapter 200 PS = 2 Extra Chapters 300 PS = 3 Extra Chapters

Crypthh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Solomon Dragonheart

"Prepare Special Force Alpha Squad and Beta Squad for a rescue mission," Ragnar ordered abruptly, leaving everyone looking bewildered but no one objected.

"Also, prepare the medical team," he added, glancing at Azriel's frozen shoulder through the holographic screen.

"We need to hurry with the interrogation. It isn't smart for him to stay in one place if he really is Azriel Crimson," Thomas added lightly beside Ragnar.

"We'll leave once the SFAQ and SFBQ, along with the medical team, are done preparing. If we don't have our answer by then, we will confirm it with our own eyes," Ragnar spoke again, his gaze fixed on Azriel as he turned on his mic.

"How can we really know if you are truly Azriel Crimson?" he asked, observing Azriel's furrowed eyebrows.

Ragnar was determined not to miss any detail in Azriel's expression, using everything he could to determine his true identity.

"...if I am truly Azriel Crimson?" Azriel muttered to himself through the drone, and before Ragnar could elaborate, Azriel's eyes widened.

"Wait, you don't mean if I am one of those skinwalkers, right?" Azriel's surprise made Ragnar grit his teeth.

'Dammit, what else am I supposed to think? There couldn't be so many coincidences at once!' Ragnar struggled to control his emotions.

After a few seconds, Ragnar spoke again, trying to regain composure.

"...Can you really blame us? Azriel Crimson, son of Joaquin Crimson and Aeliana Crimson, suddenly showing up in the middle of Europe." Ragnar narrowed his eyes at Azriel through the screen, his face showing a complicated expression.

"... That voice," Azriel suddenly spoke, his voice hesitant.

"Is that you, Uncle Ragnar...?"

Ragnar's eyes widened for a second before he resumed his usual cold demeanor.

'No, it could still be a skinwalker that probably has his memories... But then how and when did that happen?'

"Ah, I'm sorry it took me this long to recognize your voice. My body and head aren't exactly in the greatest condition since I didn't exactly have the most comfortable experience arriving here in Paris," Azriel explained, scratching the back of his head awkwardly while laughing.

"Well, this would at least explain why you are so cautious of me."

"A-!?" Before Ragnar could respond, an abnormal presence was felt in the control room or the entire base, making everyone tense.

"Who is there!?"


Ragnar and Thomas couldn't turn their heads, feeling a pressure preventing their movement, as a voice spoke behind them.

"Haha! Well, of course, I doubt a mere child would consider it fun finding themselves in Europe~"

Not a single person in the room failed to recognize the voice.

Ragnar's eyes widened in shock, as did Thomas's.

'Why is he here!?'

Screaming inside his mind, the pressure suddenly dissipated, making everyone sigh in relief.

Turning around, he saw the last person he expected to meet, narrowing his eyes at Thomas and Ragnar dangerously, making both break out in a cold sweat.

The man's eyes weren't smiling in the slightest...

The man in front of him had short crimson hair, vibrant and rare as freshly spilled blood, framing his face with striking allure.

His eyes, matching in intensity, gleamed with a deep, captivating red. Each strand of his hair shimmered in the faint light.

"S-Saint Solomon!?" One of the operators shouted, everyone dropping to one knee, heads bowing, except for Ragnar and Thomas.

Cutting off his mic, Ragnar addressed Solomon.

"Saint Solomon, what are you doing here exactly?"

Solomon maintained his smile as he shook his head exaggeratedly.

"What's the matter, Grandmaster Ragnar? I finished the video game I was playing at home and decided to get some fresh air."

'Fresh air in Europe!?' Veins bulged on Ragnar's forehead as he took a deep breath.

'Calm down, Ragnar. He's still a saint...'

Thomas decided to stay out of it, gazing instead at Azriel, who was impatiently eyeing the drone.

"Besides, I felt the mana of that baby Leviathan suddenly disappear an hour ago. Since you were already here and most competent, I thought perhaps you knew something," Solomon added, making Ragnar narrow his eyes.

"...So you noticed, huh?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, can someone give me one of those headsets so I can speak to him?" Solomon asked casually.

An operator rushed forward with trembling hands, handing Solomon the headset and then darting away without looking at his face.

"Hahah! You guys don't need to be so tense around me," Solomon chuckled, seeing the reactions before putting on the headset.

"Hello, test test, can you hear me?"

Azriel's face showed surprise as he recognized the voice instantly.

"Saint Solomon?"

"Ah! I knew you would recognize me instantly, unlike this boring gramps!" Solomon said excitedly, causing veins to pop on Ragnar's head.

'Since when did I get old!?' 

"Should I consider this good luck or bad luck for you being here..."

Hearing Azriel mumble, Ragnar was confused but chose not to speak, letting Solomon handle it.

'This has become such a mess. Dammit, and what is taking the SFAQ and SFBQ with the medical squad so long?'

A sigh escaped Ragnar's lips as he anticipated the headaches from the great clans and the government once they found out.

"Eh? I mean, why would you consider me bad luck? And besides, didn't I always tell you to call me Uncle Solomon, like you do with the old man?"

Solomon's tone remained light-hearted, as if the situation was nothing serious at all, earning him odd looks.

"A-ah, I mean, it would be bad if you consider me a skinwalker as well, no? I'm not really that eager to die, you see," Azriel spoke nervously.

"Well then, are you a skinwalker or not?" Solomon asked bluntly, as if it were the most normal question.

"Huh, well, of course not."

"Well, there you have it!" Solomon exclaimed suddenly, making everyone flinch.

"Let me go and fetch you, okay? Try not to die in the next 15 minutes or so. See ya!" Solomon tossed the headset away and started walking towards the exit, leaving everyone baffled.

"W-Wait! We are already planning a rescue mission with the SFAQ and SFBQ!" Ragnar shouted, but Solomon waved his hand dismissively.

"Don't worry, don't worry, alright? I've already told them it's fine. Besides, I'm much faster and... stronger," Solomon assured as he left, the door closing slowly behind him.

"Huh, he's going to fetch me?" Azriel's voice came from behind, but Ragnar didn't turn to look at him through the holographic screen.

His eyes were fixed on the closing door, his face unreadable.

'So he already told them that it was fine, huh... He always reminds me in some way to never underestimate him despite that attitude of his...'

Even though everything had become a mess with Solomon...

'Perhaps it is for the best that he is the one going over to check if Azriel really is a skinwalker or not.'

After all...

Solomon Dragonheart was...

A Grade 2 Saint.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Crypthhcreators' thoughts