

Seeing all this, Azriel couldn't blame Yelena for knowing more than the rest, nor could he fault the others for knowing less than her.

In a world where humans had the ability to level mountains, strength and power were respected far more than knowledge and intelligence.

Not that the latter were useless.

It was simply how the world worked.

Many sought strength and power over intelligence and knowledge because the former offered a greater chance at survival—and perhaps even a stable life—in this chaotic reality.

But Yelena was different. She sought all four.

"Now that you know what the Great Reversal refers to, I want you all to do some homework. The lot of you need to ensure you don't embarrass yourselves further with this lack of knowledge."

Immediately, groans and frustrated faces were directed at Instructor Cedric as the cadets realized they'd just been saddled with homework.