
Path of the Exile

Path of Exile is supposed to be about someone who is ripped into another world, just to be denied any interaction. The main character is forced through many trials by himself and I aim to capture the emotions and his state of mind as he goes through tribulation. Now I just need to stop sucking at writing...

Dao_of_Fate · Livros e literatura
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3 Chs

The Desert

I come to confused. Confused about why instead of my bed, I am lying in hot sand, confused as to why the sun is so bright, but most of all, I am confused about what the fuck happened last night.

I honestly can't remember, or at least whenever I try to think about it, everything seems... blurry. It's kind of what I would think having a hangover would be like. Not that I have experience.

Though any one would know that I need shelter and food, I have no idea where I can get anything. Everywhere I look, there is nothing but sand. Well, that and I big blue window that looks like it came straight out of a RoyalRoad fiction.

It still seems like it only has useless stuff about surviving on it. I would try asking questions if not for the now not so blurry memory of the repeated "invalid questions" that I had asked.

I guess I can only hope cliche jargon will work.







Oh God, it looks like one of those actually worked, at least if the blue screen to the right of me says anything. I check on it after swiping away the annoying mission screen.


That... sure is helpful. Based on all the stuff I said this is probably my experience counter.

Now that this system has crushed my dreams, I have an important choice to make. Do I stay in one place trying to conserve energy, or do I explore. Honestly, there is not much of a choice to make. Even if I manage to live without water for three days, I will still die soon after. Most likely despite the fact that I will have fire affinity.

Hopefully a nice walk through nature's wonders will be as good for the soul as they claim it is.

—3 Hours Later—

I never knew how bad wind is in the desert; sand scrapes past your body, scratching you and getting into your eyes. It's a horrible experience. That along with my aching feet and the heat makes one of the worst trips that I think is possible. The only good thing relating to this is that I don't have fucking sand engulfing my shoes yet.

At least I found another system function, it seems that there is a function to tell the time. It seems to go by the command "time". (Right now it is 17:02)

Though knowing the time is good and all, it's practically killing me that I have been walking for three hours without seeing anything, I haven't even seen a cactus.

—7 Hours Later—

The desert slowly but surely got dark so I stopped walking. After all, my feet are tired and my mind isn't exactly in the best place right now. I mean, one moment I was chilling in my air conditioned house, I was with my family in a comfortable place. Then I was... well somewhere.

I'm definitely not an optimistic person, and I am scared of change, especially drastic change. But I feel fine. I know that I should be licking my lips every moment because of the dry air. I know that I in fact would be freaking out, but for some reason, I'm not. I'm not even thinking about my family.

Somehow I feel calm, even indifferent to this circumstance. And that scares me. I never thought something like this could feel so normal.

I fall to sleep.

—6 Hours Later—

Surprisingly, I managed to get a pretty good sleep. Though 6 hours might not sound like much, it did a lot to rest me physically.

After a few morning stretches and a thorough brushing of my clothes, I decide to start walking again. I do make sure to take it slow though, as I can already feel the mornings grogginess turn into genuine fatigue. I guess lack of substance will do that to you.

I wish I had some way to be done with this, but I know walking is still my best choice at the moment. And while my breaks were a bit on the heavy side, I know I am getting somewhere. Especially considering what I found after a days walk.