
Path of the Celestial Sovereign

Born in the remote village of Qingfeng, Yuan Hailong is a seemingly ordinary youth with a mysterious and tragic past. His parents, once powerful cultivators, were slain in a battle against the tyrannical Black Moon Sect. Yuan Hailong discovers his latent talent for cultivation and swears to avenge his parents by rising through the Ninefold Celestial Realms and defeating the Black Moon Sect.

AracSyntax · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Ashes and Resolve

My consciousness slowly returned, and I found myself lying amidst the charred remains of my home. I coughed, choking on the lingering smoke that filled the air. Every inch of my body ached, and the memories of the Black Moon Sect's merciless attack came flooding back. Rage bubbled within me, but I knew I had to push it aside for now. The village was still burning, and I had to help the remaining villagers.

I struggled to my feet, wincing at the pain that shot through my body. I glanced around, realizing that the black-robed bastards had left. Good riddance, but that didn't change the damage they'd done. I clenched my fists, swearing once again that I would avenge my parents and the village.

The screams and cries of the villagers pulled me from my thoughts. I limped my way through the wreckage, my heart aching at the sight of the devastation. Homes were reduced to rubble, flames consuming everything in their path.

"Yuan Hailong, you're alive!" a familiar voice called out. It was Old Man Huang, the village elder. His clothes were singed, and his face was streaked with soot and tears. "We need your help. The fire's spreading, and we can't contain it!"

I nodded, gritting my teeth against the pain. "I'll do whatever I can, Elder Huang. Let's put out this damn fire."

For hours, we battled the blaze, using whatever water and tools we had to douse the flames. I pushed through the pain and exhaustion, knowing that I had to help my fellow villagers – they were all I had left.

As night fell, we finally managed to put out the last of the fires. The village was barely recognizable, and the weight of our loss settled heavily on my shoulders. I looked around, my gaze falling on the weary, tear-streaked faces of my fellow villagers. We had all lost so much, and I knew that we would have to come together to rebuild and move forward.

Elder Huang approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yuan Hailong, I know how much you've suffered today. Your parents… they were dear friends of mine. But we must stay strong, for the sake of the village."

I nodded, my jaw set with determination. "I will help rebuild the village, Elder Huang. But I also swear that I'll grow stronger, that I'll avenge my parents and everyone who's suffered because of the Black Moon Sect."

Elder Huang sighed, his eyes filled with sadness. "I understand, Hailong. Your parents were once great cultivators, and I believe you have the potential to follow in their footsteps. Just remember, vengeance can be a treacherous path. Don't lose yourself along the way."

I clenched my fists, my resolve unwavering. I would walk this path, and I would see it through to the end. For my parents, for the village, and for myself – I would rise through the Ninefold Celestial Realms and bring justice to the Black Moon Sect.

But first, I had to rebuild and protect what remained of my home. The road ahead was long and fraught with danger, but I would face it head-on. The path of a cultivator was never easy, but I would conquer every challenge that stood in my way.