
World Domination

An abundance of either neutrons or protons can cause the instability of the nucleus of an atom. By ejecting nucleons (protons or neutrons), as well as other particles, or by releasing energy in other ways, a radioactive atom will attempt to achieve equilibrium.

Since it releases alpha particles, when inhaled, plutonium is most toxic. They are deposited in the lung tissue when plutonium particles are inhaled. Lung cells can be destroyed by the alpha particles, causing scarring of the lungs, leading to further lung disease and cancer.

However, no one was worried because of recent advances in physics.

They managed to stabilise plutonium without changing the number of protons, neutrons or electrons. This meant they could produce any isotope of plutonium and other radioactive materials and essentially "freeze" its form.

Because energy is given off by alpha decay, a large piece of plutonium feels warm to the touch; bigger pieces can generate enough heat to boil water. But the plutonium metal in his hands felt cool.

This goes against common sense. It would take centuries before this new science would become old and taught in elementary school. It's been over two hundred years since Lazarus was reborn.

Since then, spacecraft has been the norm although only rich people can afford it like a Mercedes Benz. It won't take long before other socio-economical groups have one of their own.

After Lazarus came out of the cloning capsule for the first time, he reached out to his connections and employees. They raked in billions of dollars for his cloning technology. He became the first trillionaire in the world.

However, for Lazarus, immortality was just the first step.

Scientists fear oblivion the most. Why? It was because they wouldn't be able to continue their life's work which may or may not be finished before they die.

Lazarus feared not being able to learn and experience new things.

Since he wasn't religious, he only believed there to be nothing after his death. Just a black void. Not being able to pass a thought, to not even perceive that he was dead was terrifying for him.

By finding the cure to aging, not only could he live forever but if he was murdered or killed in an accident, he could transfer his consciousness or memories to his new body.

Originally, he had to extract the memory bank from the microchip in the corpses and upload the data to the machine. Now, there were wireless backups on the servers and uploads can be done over the city.

Although, a microchip is still useful for finding out what happened in the last 24 hours.

A scientist works hard and long to accumulate a vast span of knowledge. Old and experienced scientists are highly valued and trusted in society.

In a hospital setting, seeing a doctor with grey hair is very assuring because it means that you are getting a good eye over your health. Generally, older doctors (particularly surgeons) have higher positions in the hospital hierarchy, being a department chief, a director, a professor or at least a chief resident.

However, it is opposite at the extremes, a surgeon's surgical and precision skills decline and a scientist's memory and cognitive performance become unreliable. One can leave their work behind or pass on their knowledge to a protégé but the transfer of information leaves much to be desired.

Researchers often spend about one-third of their lives learning and doing tedious work under senior scientists, before researching their topic of interest. It's based on luck and skill whether they join a company that does the research they want or earn higher positions that can either influence or direct research projects to their liking.

Much of someone's life is wasted before getting the funding to do their dream research.

If a scientist was immortal and forever young, how smart can he be? While collective intelligence usually trumps individual intelligence, when one individual has centuries of knowledge that they can connect dots to that the collective couldn't, as their knowledge is all segregated among themselves, the individual can surpass them all.

As someone who is already a prodigy that comes once a millennium, being an inventor who lived longer than anyone else, his intelligence was unmatched in past and future.

Many came before him but Lazarus believed that they all went in the wrong direction. Perhaps not the ones that built the foundation of science but the ones who claimed to change the world for good. The good people who wanted to end suffering, they all failed. The cycle of hate and suffering continued.

Talking big and dying was truly pathetic. To change the world permanently, a war to end all wars, it was necessary to live forever.

Had a ruler been untouchable, his reign would have continued indefinitely. As long as a king dies, justice is never consistent. The world would always fall into chaos and be rebuilt. Lazarus yearned to press the world under his thumb.

When the underground organisations began stealing his cloning capsules and reselling them, he had crashed into their deals and annihilated them.

Then he left the leader alive and struck a deal, to sell his cloning capsules through the black market. With this, he controlled the underground world internationally.

He lured the greatest minds to work under him until they can pay off the debt of immortality which could take hundreds or thousands of years.

Stealing the geniuses around the globe, his corporation grew until 9 in every 10 households have at least one of their products. Lar Corp is the leading supplier in computer technologies, healthcare and pharmaceutical products.

Instead of squandering the money, Lazarus's every bank transaction was made with a purpose in mind for the future (apart from all the cooked-up drugs and sex in the world).

Although Lazarus made significant progress in harnessing a perpetual energy system (limitless energy), he abandoned wasting time on it and instead used his influence and finances to build renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy etc.

There was so much unused energy that it became free. People no longer got billed on energy. He then redistributed the workforce into producing food, water and other raw materials.

Going to finish the first season in a month or so. Then do the "LN version" in volume 2.

Often Japanese webnovels that do well get redone better - and that's the light novel version.

Although, I plan on doing a third redo with another writer and an editor and publish a genuine book. It's my first time writing after all.

It won't be just a copy and paste, much of the work will be fleshed out. I do wish I could do better on quality but then I won't be able to upload it daily with my schedule. Anyways, please do give me suggestions and ideas, constructive criticisms on scenes. I'd love to hear even just your opinions on what you liked and didn't like.

On my second redo, I want every chapter to have some significant or action event, unless its one chapter on character development or background or a flash back, but the subsequenting chapter must have some form of action event.

I also want more human elements and development in Hikaru. I thought of a couple of scenes that made him incidentally heroic, whether or not he will take something when he rolls with it is up to him.

I'm going to make the second redo a lot better before a third redo. Anyways, you guys are champions for making it this far.

GamingWolf1creators' thoughts