
The Future

The ends of the powerlines were shoved into Mega's ears and a great surge of electricity went through him. Electricity coiled around him so brightly that he was covered in white. Hikaru closed his eyes and looked away but he was still seeing white.

Then the light disappeared and Mega fell onto his knees. He tried getting up but fell onto his palms.

After Hikaru finished healing, he ran straight to Botan's body over a 100 metres away. Hikaru's third eye warned him of approaching blue fireballs.

Mega was overloaded and couldn't keep his arm still. His cannon shot blue fireballs everywhere. Hikaru dodged left and right and jumped but before he reached Botan's body, it was hit by a fireball and lighted up.

Hikaru summoned wings that were ten times bigger than usual and pressed his hands on each of them and then clapped. Most of the flames dissipated but there was still a faint blue glow on Botan's charred body.

He started absorbing it and excreted the heat out of another end.

Hikaru's body burned as he absorbed Botan's body. Everything took less than three seconds but Botan's xenoxium was taking the time. Although it seemed to be progressing faster because of the blue flames which had weakened it.

Mega's system rebooted. He looked at his battery percentage...


He had absorbed more energy than he could handle but Hikaru's scheme had turned against him.

Mega flew over and saw that Hikaru had finished absorbing Botan's body.

He landed in front of a smiling Hikaru. Mega stood there looking indifferently.

Hikaru wondered if Mega had given up.

"What's wrong? Have you given-"

Hikaru's face scrunched up. Sweat dripped from his hairline. The sirens from the distance finally became noticeable.

"What did you do to me!" Hikaru asked in a low angry voice.

There was a burning sensation in his body, but it wasn't from the heat. He had already taken care of that.

"I doused the body that you absorbed in radiation with my flames earlier... You should watch what you put in your mouth." Mega said matter-of-factly.

Mega had a dual flamethrower weapons system. Mega's red flames were not pressurised gas but instead made of pure energy.

Whereas the blue flames came from the liquid-operated part of the flamethrower. The red energy flames acted as a propellant to expel the flammable liquid fuel which can stick onto surfaces and even non-flammable targets.

Even if the target jumped into the water, they would still burn.

Mega's blue fireballs weren't made of actual blue flames. The colour blue came from incandescent radioactive plutonium filaments mixed in with the thermogel. Once the filaments burn into their victims or enter the lungs through the air, they will continue to cause continuous long-term damage because of the radiation.

Hikaru realised that the blue glow he saw was actually the radioactive plutonium and not blue fire he had thought.

"You will find it hard to regenerate or manifest your abilities... This was how we killed you."

As a result of alpha decay of plutonium, high-energy helium nuclei were being ejected from plutonium and tearing his cells apart like shrapnel.

New cells were destroyed immediately after being formed. His healing rate was barely keeping up.

He had completely absorbed Botan's body which contained about 10,000 Grays (1 million rads) of absorbed radiation dose. The lethal dose for the average person is about 3-5 Grays.

"Do you wish to know your future?"

Hikaru was focusing on expelling the plutonium filaments from his body and wasn't listening. If Mega would start his monologue and become distracted, that would be great.

"I will tell you how you really die."

Hikaru's ears perked up.

"You die alone."

Something tugged on Hikaru's heartstrings.

"You will collect abilities and become more powerful. You were stronger than all of us. But you were alone. We all came at you. No one came to help you. And then... you died all alone."

Something that Mega said bothered him.

"I'm sorry but I'm not here to change your fate. I came to save the world from you."

As he said this a police car arrived and parked not too far from behind Mega. Two police officers got out of the car and aimed their guns.

"MPD! Put your hands up!" One of the officers demanded.

The words passed by Mega's back while Hikaru bent over and dropped to the floor.

The officer incorrectly assuming Hikaru's intentions yelled "Put your hands on your head and you too! Get down on the ground!"

Hikaru vomited up a black substance.

The first puke sprayed on the ground like a popped water balloon. The subsequent retching was like a milk bottle tipping over. The liquid came out in waves unlike a water stream from the tap.

The two officers had a bewildered look.

Radiation ravaged his body like a poison. Hikaru was expunging it from his body.

"Run! Get away! He's going to kill you too!" Hikaru warned them.

Mega turned around.

The pair freaked out when they saw his cyborg body and his monstrous glowing red eyes.

Seeing the fear in them, Mega put his palms out and calmly said "Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you-"


*Bang Bang Bang*

They panicked when they saw his palms pointed at them and started shooting.

They didn't even fire warning shots. They quickly emptied their revolvers, but the bullets all sparked off his body.

The kid who was hiding in his house earlier now dares to run out to the police. He sprinted across the road.

Hikaru zipped past Mega while he was distracted.

Hikaru fired spikes from his palm which impaled both officers in the chest and stomach area and rushed towards the little boy.

He was intent on taking the boy hostage to use against Mega.

The boy running towards the police car saw the two officers fall in slow motion and he looked at the monster reaching out to him. Black smears ran down Hikaru's eyes and mouth on his pale skin.

Wanted to do a double upload today but must appease some people. Unfortunately I can't do it tomorrow because of a family dinner.

Friday I'm going to my ex's friend's house with their kids. Ahhhhhh, I really wanted to finish the double uploads but I may have to save it for Parazyte 2.0

GamingWolf1creators' thoughts