

ዪቿፕክል ነርልክ ዪቿዒሁጎዪቿዕ.

ዪቿፕክል ነርልክ ርዐጠየረቿፕቿ


Name: Vera Violta

Begining Outfit: Vera usually wears a black colored beanie, a black and white skirt, a white tee with a cropped black sweater on it, black mask, as well as leather high top converse sneakers.

Personality: Vera is a liar, she's one of those people who lies mostly for fun. She is adventurous and is usually looking for an adventure, though she attracts a lot of trouble with her personality.

Vera is very loyal, egotistic, and mostly sarcastic. But when she needs to be she can be very serious and intimidating.

past: past will be revealed in future chapters <3

age: I'm changing the ages of most of these characters. Gon, Killua, and Vera will all be at the age of 14 in the begining. While Kurapika and Leorio keep their ages.

family: classified

occupation: classified

anyways- onto the STORYY