
Parallel Souls

Parallel Souls Volume 1 Harry Hank in Soul Summoner Parallel Souls Volume 2 Hunter Hale in Impending Apocalypse In a world parallel to earth, every mage was born with unique hair and eye colors which determines what type of magic they can control. On turning thirteen, young mages are sent to various magic academies to learn and become great Witches and Wizards. Hunter had white hair and black, colors that spelt doom for him. Although this would have meant light magic and black the opposite, the combination of the two made him unable to access any magical energy rendering him useless. Finally hitting rock bottom, Hunter decided to take his own life. In a parallel earth without magic, Harry's heart surgery goes wrong sending him to the afterlife. In the parallel earths, two souls leave their bodies and are switched with one another Harry Hank opens his eyes in an unfamiliar world in the beat down body of an abandoned boy. Hunter Hale opens his eyes in an unfamiliar world in a healing body of broken boy Two boys. Two Destinies. Two Earths One mission. To save their worlds Quote: It's not a perfect world, not a perfect life but we only get to experience it once. Make the most of it. ~ Francis Beauty (Author) Starts ~ Tue, July 25, 2023

CAS_Create_a_Story · Oriental
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3 Chs

Ch2 ~ Harry Hank

Question of the day:

What did you have for breakfast today? Was it good?


Warning. Mentions of DEATH, DEPRESSION, SUICIDE, BLOOD below.


The Eastern Country was one of the four major Countries in Blue Dream Continent.

The four major countries were namely, Eastern Country, Northern Country, Western Country and Southern Country.

These four countries were the major building block of the continent.

In terms of power, the four countries have strict rules that help keep balance between them.

On the surface, these countries were in peace with one another however, below that was endless power struggles.

Chanting Town was one of the towns in Brook City which was located in the small state of Aster City, Eastern Country.

The town was small and had regressed to such a point that over the years, the townfolk have left in search of greener pastures.

It didn't take long for the town to only be occupied by the old, poor and powerless individuals.

In the outskirt of the town, there was a small community of farmers. These farmers are form an organization to produce food for those who reside in the town.

It wasn't that they wanted to stay in the town themselves. They just didn't have the money to leave.

The houses were these farmers live simply showed their financial situation. Many of the houses were built with mud with tattered rooftops and only a few were built with blocks.

One of those such houses was the little hunt  further away from the other farmers houses.

This hunt was in a particularly sorry state. The mud structure had large holes on it and even the roof was not intact.

It's surrounding was worse than the house itself. Tall blades of grass litter around the house. They were well mature and bore flowers.

Countless broken items scattered around. The house seem to have not been inhabited for a very long while.

The interior of the house wasn't any better than it's exterior.

The only furnitures in the round room was a table, two chairs, a small cupboard and a small bed. The wooden furnitures were in bad conditions, their pieces almost falling apart.

The ground was unkept and spider webs hung all over the roof. Even the ground was cracked in several places.

The bed appeared to be the only furniture that was in a useable condition.

The dirty ground had a pool of dark red substance on it. The dark red substance pooled around an unmoving body.

The body belonged to a male. The male's eyes were still open, staring lifelessly at the roof.

He had a face of someone who has gone through many tribulations and have finally been drown in the seal of suffering.

Those lifelessly eyes suddenly moved, bright red iris shifting from the former stiff position.

The male's face squeeze up as though he had eaten the sorest lime. The male was motionless for a few seconds before he finally gained control of his body and slowly moved into a sitting position.

The male looked down at the red substance he had been lying in.

His eyes widened on horror and he yelped, scrambling away from the pool of blood.

He stared with eyes full of dread at the the scene before him, quickly backing up against the wall.

Slowly lifting his shaking hands, the boy looked down at them and let out another help at the sight of his hands covered in blood.

He got up abruptly and ran out of the house, mind in a daze, eyes looking everywhere in fright

He spot a drum and ran to it. The drum was full of water and the boy didn't wait to use it to clean his hands and everywhere he could see or feel the blood.

Only when he was completely clean and drenched with water did he allow himself to breath.

He held his wet hair out of his face, panting softly, gaze steady on the house he had just ran out of.

"What the fuck is going on here?" He asked out loud, taking in his environment.

The area was filled with tall blades of grass. There were a few house built close to each other like a small village.

Apart from those, there were no other buildings for as far as he could see.

Confusion swam in his head as he took in the scene around him. The last thing he remember is...

The last thing he remember is...

A flash of light appeared in the boy's mind as his memories came crashing into him.

His legs trembled and he grabbed his head, stumbling around before dropping on the ground.

The boy yelled and groaned as pain shot through his being. It felt as through a hammer kept slamming into his head, the continuous ringing sound worsening the situation.

It wasn't until after five minutes that the pain finally subdue and the screaming stop.

The body however doesn't calm down. His cries could be heard as his body shook. He folded into himself on the ground sobs racking through his fragile body as he cried.

The moon had made it's appearance by the time the boy finally calmed.

He moved slowly, feeling even more out of place than he did before.

He stood up and staggered to the large drum of water. The water had settled and as he looked into it, an unfamiliar face looked back at him

The boy gasped, covering his ajar mouth. A tear drop rolled down his cheek, dropping into the water and the reflection vanished with the ripples.

He had expected it, the change, but wasn't the least prepared to see it.

The memories he had were not his at the same time his.

He wasn't in his body anymore. Wasn't in his world.

The memories had left him mentally, emotionally and physically weak. He didn't have the strength to think or comprehend what was going on.

How he got into this body, this world was a puzzle even his new memories could not explain.

He knew he had, no...the original owner of this body had, taken his own life after going through many tribulations

The original owner of this body didn't have a good life. His memories began from the age of three and it has been suffering every since.

Like him, the original owner had just turned fourteen. The original owner however didn't see any reason to live on.

He suffered depression for six years, combined with the harsh life he lived. It wasn't a surprise such a person choose to end his life.


That was his name, the original owner.

The boy couldn't blame him for his decision though. Couldn't bring himself to feel that Hunter was a coward.

Hunter simply had no one to turn to, no one to listen to or help him. He was completely alone. Broken since a young age and carrying loads heavier than he could carry.

Not only was he isolated, he didn't have money to feed himself or cloth himself.

No matter how he thought of it, he felt Hunter had made the best choice.

However, if Hunter died and I end up in his body, did I died in my original body too?

The boy frowned deeply, his thoughts building fast. He suddenly had a lot of quests and a burning desire to return to his original world, to his own body.

"I must find a way to leave this body. I can't stay here" he said eyes once again scanning around his environment.

He suddenly remember a piece of information from his own memories

"Harry Hank" the boy said, is eyes lighting up in recognition "Harry Hank. That's my name"

The bod didn't have any memory from his original world but he suddenly remembered his name.

Since he could remember his name, he could definitely remember other things about himself.

When the time comes, he'd definitely be able to find a way out of this earth

A spark of hope lit up in him, his resolve hardened.

"It's doesn't have to be today, or tomorrow or even this year. I, Harry Hank, will definitely return back to my world!" He yelled with the little strength he had.

At the back of his mind, he felt something stir and heard a ring in his head.


Quote of the day:

Everyone suffers in their life. There are many sad days. But rather than sad days, we hope to have better days. That's what makes us live. That's what makes us dream.

~ Kim Namjoon (RM)

Hi guys.

How's your day going?

Already done with it? How did your day go?

No matter what happens or happened, please remember to eat well, sleep well, do some exercise, socialize and drink enough water.

We only have one health bar. Don't let the stress you feel affect your health.


CAS_Create_a_Storycreators' thoughts