
Parallel Memory

A person's perspective plays a vital role in developing one's personality. What happens when you realize the world you live in is the same as a Novel. Zero Elea gets a Skill called Parallel Memory which allowed him to get the memory of his alternative self of a different universe. He realizes that the world he lives in is similar to the novel he used to read in his alternative world. The world will face catastrophe in the future but there is no need to worry as there is a main character working hard to save the world. And what about me? I am but a mob character. ======== Discord Link: https://discord.gg/taRUJMkDrc

SomDxD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
513 Chs

Shadow Style Proficiency:Expert!

Zero spent the next few days honing his skills and mastering his Shadow Style. He spent hours each day practicing and experimenting, pushing himself to his limits and beyond.

As he fought with the same monster every day, Zero was easily able to predict their attacks and counter them.

As he gained experience and grew more powerful, Zero began to notice that the monsters on Floor 15 were no longer a match for him.

Zero's strength had grown to the point where he was able to take on multiple monsters at once and emerge victorious with ease.

Zero had even defeated the Floor-15 boss monster which was War Troll. These trolls are larger and more powerful than regular trolls with tougher skin, sharper claws and teeth, and greater strength and endurance.

Not once but twice, he defeated them and obtained the teleportation scroll. However, for the time being, he did not go to the higher floor.