
Paragon of Wrath

A boy who's happiness is ruined again and again. Is it fate?Or is this God's wrath? Is it just bad luck? Will the boy face it lying down. Or give back with a greater wrath.

zippzapp · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


"Gaspp! " The boys took a deep breath after looking at the scene before their eyes as they hid themselves in some bushes or at least what was left of them.

It's been a while since they arrived here but when they reached here the scene before their eyes had shocked them still. Only after few a minute or so of standing still like statues did they regain their senses and found a hiding place

"Booooooom! " Another blast resounded in their ears forcing them to the boys to plug their ears.

The before green trees were now burnt to ashes, a wide area of ash lay before their eyes, some trees were still burning.

They could see what looked like an exchange of fire and water between two people which was beyond their understanding. Some corpses lay near the two people which for sure were fighting made obvious by the way they keep cussing each other, from which only a few the two boys recognised. Some corpses were charred black from fire and some looked like they had been drowned in a river, it was mess overall.

But what interested the two boys was what they understood as magic at a level that they had never seen before.

"Wow that's too cool " whispered Kazuki in low voice.

"Mmm" nodded Milo without much thought.

'But is it natural for someone to curse so much. 'Both boys wondered inwardly while making an awkward face.

Both boys didn't even turn to look at each so as to not miss the fight even as their bodies were sweating.

With the final boom something changed they couldn't see it clearly before but it seems one of the man before them had disappeared. The other man sat down and rubbed his face as he rested after the exhausting fight.

"No wonder his mouth hurts. " said Milo in a low voice while suppressing his laughter.

"Pfft! " a sound escaped from Kazuki as he heard Milo. He hurriedly grasped his mouth but alas it was too late.

Both of them looked hurriedly at where the man was supposed to be resting, but there was no sign of the man wherever they could see.

"What's so funny hmm brats? " A cranky voice came from behind them.

"Not- Nothing at all! " Both boys stuttered as they spoke at the same time. They had both seen how powerful this man was and also the corpses lying told them it's better not to annoy such a person.

The old man before them had wild uncombed red hair and unshaven beard of same deep red color could be seen on his face. He looked a little tired from the fight but his dark brown eyes radiated energy they had never seen before. Although he looked tired there wasn't a scratch to be found on his clothes. They were sure if they annoyed this man even their corpses won't be found by anyone.

"Tch! First that annoying pest and now these fucking brats. I should just kill you to relieve some anger. " The man clicked his tongue in annoyance.