
Paragon of Light- Overlord

Omni-benevolence is a sweet dream for puny mortals but hardly a reality. Beings of power are much more like us than we can believe...petty, cruel, lustful, greedy and vengeful. This is the story of one such being.So let's begin the tale of the supreme sinner. "You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit."

LastsonofZod · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2

Azazil slowly lifted his body from the throne, even after planning for this very moment for years it still felt a little unnatural to him, was he truly biologically immortal, or was he dancing on the palms of some cosmic entity he didn't even know of? Before he could lose himself in his thoughts a feminine voice reached out to him,

"Is something wrong, Azazil-sama?"

"There is indeed something wrong Albedo. It seems Nazarick was caught in some kind of spatial event which has changed our location. Sebas could kindly scout our surrounding one mile radius in the Amphitheatre in an hour." Azazil spoke as he admired the NPC's and then turned toward their overseer,

"And my Dear Albedo could also gather the Floor Guardians except for Gargantua and Victim in the amphitheater in an hour too?"

"As you command Lord Azazil!" the succubus spoke with her widest possible grin.

"Now Pleiades Sisters deliver the guild weapon to Aureole Omega!" the Seraph commanded

"Hai Master!"

As the NPC left for their own tasks, he stood alone in the throne room, he took a deep look at his equipments, his main weapon was the Divine class Item, "Spectre of Heaven" a staff-like weapon whose core was made out the divine essence of Ten Archangels of the Sephira which was why it was probably the strongest weapon for a faith-based spell caster could possess and the numerous divine and legendary rings that adored his inhumane fingers. But most prominent of them was the 'Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown', as he unleashed its power, the world before him turned obsidian, and right after that, he found himself in a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, he could see what looked like a giant lowered portcullis. Within the tunnel were artificial lights. He walked down the wide and high passage, toward the portcullis ahead of him. The portcullis swiftly raised itself into the ceiling at just the right moment to let him through. Past the barrier, what Azazil saw was a circular arena, surrounded on all sides by many tiers of audience seats. The colosseum was oval in shape, one hundred eighty meters on its long axis and one hundred fifty meters on the short axis. It was forty meters tall and modeled after the arenas of the Roman Empire. There were「Continual Light」 spells cast everywhere, illuminating the grounds in white light, so one could observe the entire Colosseum like it was daytime.

He walked into the center of the arena and looked into the heavens. Before him stretched a black expanse of the night sky. Perhaps he might have been able to see the stars if there were no light around him. However, this place was the Sixth Floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, so the sky here was merely a virtual imitation. Even that imitation required a massive amount of data, but as a result, the sky here could change with the time of day, even showing an actual sun with appropriate daylight effects.


After the shout, a figure leaped from the VIP box. The figure jumped down from a height of about six stories, somersaulted in mid-air, and landed as though it were a butterfly descending on a flower. There was no magic involved, only pure physical prowess. It negated the force of the impact with a simple flexing of the knees, and it smiled broadly.


It made a V-sign of victory. A child of about eleven had descended from above. Her face bore a smile that was as bright as the sun. She was adorable, with the androgynous appeal of both a boy and a girl. Her hair resembled threads of spun gold, and it grazed her shoulders. The light reflected off the strands of hair resembled an angel's halo. Her mismatched eyes, one blue, one red, seemed as eager and sparkly as a puppy's. Her ears were long, and his skin was dark. She was a Dark Elf, a species related to Forest Elves. She wore a shirt of light leather armor, reinforced with red dragon's scales. The emblem of Ainz Ooal Gown was proudly displayed on her vest, stitched in gold onto a white background. Below that, she wore a pair of white pants, matching her vest. A necklace with a glittering golden acorn pendant hung from her neck, and she wore a pair of gloves reinforced with plates of enchanted metal. A whip coiled across her waist and right shoulder, and there was a longbow on her back. The bowstave and grip seemed to be covered in strange decorations.

"Aura was it?"

"Azazil-Sama!! I Aura Bella Fiora Guardian of the sixth floor welcome The supreme lord of Nazarick to the Sixth Floor: Jungle!"

"I see... speaking of which, if you're here, Mare..."

Upon hearing his question, Aura blinked in surprise, as though she had realized some great truth and turned around, shouting loudly upward:

"Azazil-Sama has graced us with his presence! How rude are you going to be by not showing your face to him?"

There was movement in the shadows of the VIP box.

"Was Mare there too?"

"Yes, that's right, Azazil-Sama. He's really timid... Oi, jump down here now!"

An almost inaudible reply came from the VIP box. Judging by the distance between there and here, it was a miracle the other party could even hear Aura. However, that miracle was the result of the magic on Aura's necklace.

"I, I can't, Onee-chan..."

As Azazil observed the elder of two elf sibling discipline the younger, it was pretty obvious to him that Bukubukuchagama definitely liked Shotas and traps. Maybe not as much as her brother but she was definitely a rather cultured person.

"Now you two, the other Floor Guardians are gonna come in around an hour, so why don't I summon something for you to fight and enjoy your time as we wait for them?"

"Eh? Then, then we need to get ready for—"

"No, there is no need. All you need to do is stay here and wait for them."

"Is that so? Hm... all the Guardians — that means Shalltear's coming too?"

"All the Guardians."


"C'mon let me summon something for you to fight"

"Hai Azazil-Sama!"

"Nee-chan I think I just remembered about some work..."

"Boost Magic+Summon Ophanim Thrones (Tier 8)"