

Arran's Sense recovered quickly once he left the city. While the pressure of Essence inside the city had temporarily desensitized him, the effect began to subside within a day after he left the formation, and within a week, his Sense was completely restored.

Worried as he was about Snowcloud, the fast recovery brought him little comfort. It had already been nearly a month since she was supposed to return, and still, there was no sign of her.

Several times, he was on the verge of setting off in search of her. If nothing else, it might relieve the feeling of helplessness that weighed on him as he waited outside the city walls.

That had also been his original plan — to go off in search of Snowcloud the moment his Sense had recovered, doing whatever was needed to track her down and find her.

Yet after he gave it more thought, he reluctantly decided against it.