

The strategist led me through the massive room.

"This is where we monitor all locations our spies were deployed into, everyone working on the computers here are tasked to track their movement and document any finds that the spy discovered."

The strategist opens a door to another room, next to the door were the words "Meeting room"

Inside was a round table, with 8 chairs surrounding it. and a big screen on the wall. All the seats were empty except for one with somebody sitting on it.

"This is Doctor Maxwell, he helps in researching our virus, mainly how to make the virus better in every aspect and to improve it." The man wore a white lab coat.

"Take a seat." The strategist ordered. I sat down on a random chair on the roundtable and awaited whatever will happen.

"Damon, right?" The doctor asked, I nodded in reply.

"I heard about the visions, I heard something like that happening to someone in this academy, a mercenary. He had a trait similar to that, seeing through other people's eyes. Now he left us because he attained a far higher occupation than a mercenary." The doctor slips a piece of paper to me.

"The paper is the document I wrote about it, as I studied him day after day. He got more and more control over it, until one day he managed to use the vision while awake." The doctor explained. "Perhaps we can work together, you can utilize and get more control on this trait. It will not only help the academy but you will also help your team and even the alliance." The doctor continued.

So something like this happened before. They said it can help my team, if it can help my team then I guess I now have a new job to do in this academy.

"Now Damon, the choice is yours, would you like to pursue in learning more and more and to control your visions? Or not?" The doctor asked me. The strategist and the doctor stared at me. Awaiting my response.

"Yes." I replied to them. They both looked at each other and nodded, the strategist stood up and left the room. With me and the doctor sitting in the empty meeting room.

"Excellent, for now you must sleep, the pattern I saw with the mercenary before was it started with sleeping first or when he was unconscious. Let's start with sleeping. Unsure though if naps also induce the visions. Have you slept in the last 24 hours?" The man questioned.

"Yes about a few hours ago." I replied. The doctor nodded.

"Do you feel like you want to sleep now?"


"Well shit," The doctor pulls out a syringe, "Coincidentally, I had this syringe filled with a very strong sleeping drug. Don't worry, the drug was already used in medicine and non lethal raids. All i knew was that the mercenary got his visions from sleeping and napping or getting knocked unconscious with blunt force, though I wasn't told by him or anyone else if he still had visions after being chemically knocked out. So I want to see if you can get visions from being chemically knocked out."

Well if he says it's safe, hopefully he's being truthful.

"This dose though can make someone pass out for as long as an hour, it's one of the more tame drugs we use." The man hands me the syringe, it was one of those jab needles where all i had to do was jab it at an area with a vein and it will do the rest. "The strategist is waiting for you outside, he will guide you back to the main elevators of the academy. Once you're awake, come meet me at the rooftop of the academy. Skies must be calm since there's little missions now, well for now. I suppose you know how to use syringes right? I believe they taught you in mercenary training on how to use medical supplies in case of injuries." The doctor stands up and begins to leave the room, I grabbed the syringe and headed out, leaving the meeting room, outside the strategist was waiting for me. He gestured me to follow him back.

We got to the elevator and awaited our destination back to the hallway. The doors open back to the hallway, the strategist led me back to the original elevator. As I entered through the opened doors of the main elevators the strategist walked back to the planning room. I awaited in my descent down back to my quarters to rest, is this gonna be my new job? A person to be studied on? At least though if I managed to control this power I can help my team, perhaps also use it against the empire if I could.

The doors open and i walk to my quarters, clutching onto the syringe in my hand. I walk inside the main room of my team's quarters, empty and barren. i walk to my room to start my first task, inject myself with this sleeping drug and wait for a vision.

I sit down on the edge of my bed, I don't have a band to wrap my arm with, but i can faintly see the veins on my wrist, so I guess that can work. At the end of the syringe, the short needle was covered by a plastic lid, removing it I position it at a vein. I quickly jab the needle in my wrist, in an instant i feel a cold feeling flowing into my wrist, after the feeling went away I removed the syringe. Where do I throw this, looking below the desk, I see a trash can, one I didn't see before, before I began waiting I walked to the trash can to throw the used syringe. After a few minutes of waiting I feel sudden fatigue consume my whole body. I lie down in bed and let the strong fatigue consume me, bringing me to slumber.

In the darkness of my sleep, my vision suddenly shifted to a blurry light, after a few seconds i can see in front of me. This is it, a vision.

As my vision got more clearer, I can see where I was in. It's a desert, with a clear blue sky.

"Fucking hot in this place." A voice complained, my vision then shifted focus to where the person spoke, it's another parabellum mercenary.

"Thank god our contract wasn't a military joint one." The person continued, his face covered by his mask. The sun was high up, beaming heat down with no sign of civilization from this view.

"Our plan is just recovering a something from a wreckage, should be somewhere here." Another voice replied, but it sounded like it was coming from the person i was looking through.

"Xavier, how far are we?" The mercenary asked.

"About a few minutes." A voice responded from behind.

"Best we keep our guard, they raided the convoy and they may still be there scouring. Hope those sons of bitches didn't get what we were looking for." The man I was looking through raised a rifle up, removing the magazine to check for the ammo and cocking his rifle to check.

"Were about 5 minutes away it says." A voice who I presume is Xavier said.

"I can see smoke from here, let's move faster guys." The mercenary at the side led the way, running in front.

The group ran for a few minutes until they went on top of a hill. At the bottom of it is the smoking wreckage of a small convoy of 3 cars and 2 armored trucks.

"There, some of those fuckers are still there. Jesse try picking em off from here." The leading mercenary ordered.

A merc went forward in front of him, holding a sniper rifle. The merc fired 3 shots and went back to the rear of the group.

"Alright i guess that's all of em, but keep watch. Maybe some of those bastards are hiding in the wrecks." The group descended down the hill all readying their weapons including the mercenary i was looking through. He walked to one of the destroyed armored trucks, and started rummaging through anything inside it, opening boxes and containers left on the truck. As he looked through the containers, as he rummaged he found a box, one with a lock.

"I think I found it." He spoke to his team.

One of the mercenaries walked to him and grabbed the box, with a knife in hand, mercenary attempted to pry open the locked box. As the mercenary continued to pry it open, a loud engine alerted them.

"Where is that coming from." As the merc holding the knife asked, a spray of blood emerged from his body as he was shot in the stomach.

"GET TO COVER" He ran to his injured teammate, grabbing by the legs and quickly dragging the wounded mercenary to the back of the truck.

In an instant as he lowered the body and readied his weapon, my vision went black again. I jumped out of bed, sweating from the vision. Well I finished my task, I should meet the doctor now.

Perhaps Damon's new found trait of seeing through somebody may be something more than a vivid dream.

Thank you so much for reading fellow huntsmen and enjoy!

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