
Pandemonium's Wake

In a world ravaged by the unchecked power of magic, the remnants of humanity cling to survival within towering bastions, their only refuge from the chaotic wasteland outside. Magic, once a myth, erupted into reality and tore civilization apart, leaving behind a landscape twisted and mutated by its influence. Pandemoniums—violent accumulation of polluted magic that drive creatures and the environment to madness—are a constant threat, and Pan, a young scavenger, seems to share a cursed relationship with them. When Pan uncovers an ancient artifact buried deep in the wasteland, he awakens a force that could give him the salvation he always desired, control of his destiny. As he delves deeper into the mystery of his own connection to the magic that haunts him, Pan must navigate a world where the boundaries between order and chaos blur, and where the true nature of magic threatens to consume everything in its path.

Slaytr · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


As Pan's consciousness slowly returned, the world around him embedded a murky blur of shadows and echoes. He lay sprawled on a cold, uneven surface, his body aching from the fall. As his senses gradually sharpened, he realized he was enveloped in a profound darkness that seemed almost tangible. The silence was unnerving, punctuated only by the faint drip of water somewhere in the distance. Panic surged through him, but his scavenger instincts, honed through years of surviving in the harsh wasteland, quickly brought him back to rationality.

He struggled to his feet, the remnants of his essence flickered weakly from his palm, but it was enough to cast a dim light barely enough to penetrate the suffocating gloom, yet it was enough to reveal the cavernous expanse he had landed in.

Pan's heart raced as he scanned the cavern and his weak light revealed a more defined structure ahead—an ancient chamber constructed from a material unlike anything he had seen. The walls were made of a smooth, dark substance, veined with faintly glowing runes that seemed to pulse with a subtle, rhythmic energy. The runes were intricate, swirling in patterns that defied easy interpretation. Pan's eyes widened with curiosity and a touch of trepidation; he had stumbled upon something ancient and profoundly significant.

His eyes were drawn to a narrow crevice embedded in one of the chamber's walls, clearly designed to hold an energy source. Pan's mind raced with possibilities. He reached into his bag, pulling out his essence detector, then grabbed a piece of scrap from the bag and pried the glowing stone from the detector. However, the stone was too small and did not fit properly. He tried to force it, but the fit was loose, and the stone's glow began to fade as he struggled.

Frustration and desperation began to gnaw at him as his essence dwindled, his light dimming further. His thoughts were consumed by the hopelessness of his situation. As he stared at the runes, a sudden surge of activity caught his eye. The runes began to glow brighter, reacting to the diminishing light of the stone. Pan's heart raced as the crevice seemed to absorb the last flickers of the stone's energy. With a rumble that reverberated through the cavern, the heavy doors slowly began to creak open, revealing what lay beyond. Pan's breath caught in his throat; a flicker of hope ignited within him as the path forward was illuminated, but he knew he had little time before the essence in his body ran out completely.

It was a desperate measure, and as he slotted the stone into place, he realized it was too small. The stone fit loosely, its glow rapidly fading. Pan's heart sank as he saw the chamber's runes flicker, their light slowly dimming as the stone's energy ebbed. The chamber seemed to mock his futile efforts.

Then, as his essence light grew dangerously dim, the runes flared up suddenly, illuminating the chamber with an eerie brilliance. The crevice seemed to accept the stone, and with a grinding sound, the chamber's heavy doors creaked open, revealing what lay beyond.

The chamber beyond was a bizarre contrast to the desolation Pan had experienced so far. It was an ancient workshop, a wall was lined with rows of skeletons crumpled upon each other, the bones shimmering with a metallic sheen as if infused with an otherworldly alloy. The air was thick with magic essence, and as Pan approached the bones, he could feel a weight pressing down on him, a testament to the radiating essence contained within the skeletons. His untrained sensitivity to essence told him that the power stored within these bones was extraordinary, for him to be able to feel it.

Pan carefully stepped over the skeletal remains, each bone resonating faintly with magic. His instincts drove him to explore, and he approached a table cluttered with old surgical instruments. As he investigated the eerie artifacts, his heart pounded with anxiety. The room was silent except for the occasional creak of the ancient structure and his own labored breathing.

Without warning, a low, unsettling crunch echoed through the chamber. Pan spun around to see a monstrous, eight-legged arachnid emerging from the shadows where he had come. The creature's eyes glowed with a malevolent intelligence, its legs moving with predatory grace. A wave of terror surged through Pan, his mind racing as he scrambled for anything that could be used as a weapon.

The arachnid's legs pinned Pan to the ground with an ironclad grip, their sheer force crushing him beneath their weight. He struggled with every ounce of his remaining strength, but the creature's overwhelming power left him barely able to move. Its mandibles clicked menacingly above him, and he could feel its hot, rancid breath on his face. In the chaotic melee, the surgical instruments scattered across the floor became deadly hazards. One jagged edge, sharp as a shard of glass, embedded itself deeply into Pan's back. The sudden, searing pain was a cruel reminder of how hopeless his situation had become. Despite the excruciating injury, he fought against the webbing that started to encase him, its strands tightening with each passing second.

As the webbing enveloped him, Pan's vision narrowed and his breaths came in ragged gasps. The suffocating pressure of the webbing cut off his air supply, leaving him gasping for breath in the constricting embrace of the arachnid's trap. His muscles screamed in agony, each movement a struggle against the relentless web. The heat rising within him was overwhelming, a burning sensation that seemed to tear through his very being. His senses were clouded by pain, and the world around him became a blur of darkness and relentless pressure. The realization that escape was slipping further away began to sink in, amplifying his sense of impending doom.

Desperation clawed at him as darkness crept closer. Pan's heart pounded furiously in his chest, each beat a painful reminder of his dire situation. Then, amid the encroaching void, he felt an intense surge of essence flood through him. The surge was unlike anything he had ever felt—raw, untamed, and overpowering. It surged through every nerve, filling him with a volatile energy that defied the controlled magic he was accustomed to. The very essence that governed the rules of magic seemed to collapse around him, leaving him both invigorated and agonizingly disoriented. His body felt as though it was being torn apart and rebuilt in an endless cycle of excruciating transformation. As the essence coursed through him, Pan could only wonder if his existence was just a cruel designation of fate.

His consciousness teetered on the edge of oblivion, but the essence surged stronger, almost as if it were fighting to keep him alive.

The surge of essence within Pan reached a breaking point, and the pain became an all-consuming inferno. His entire body seemed to ignite from within, the searing heat radiating outwards with an intensity that defied comprehension. The raw magic essence erupted in a blinding explosion, a torrent of supernatural fire that enveloped him in a blistering blaze. The arachnid's shrieks of terror were swallowed by the roaring inferno as the flames scorched through its webbing and burned it to cinders. The intense heat consumed everything in its path, turning the workshop into a raging cauldron of magical fury. Pan's body, overwhelmed by the immense pressure and energy, seemed to dissolve into the very flames that he had unwittingly unleashed.

As the inferno raged and the last remnants of the arachnid were reduced to ash, the overwhelming strain on Pan's body took its toll. His consciousness began to fade, the edges of his vision blurring as the inferno slowly dimmed. Exhaustion and the relentless pain pushed him toward the brink of unconsciousness. The blinding heat receded, leaving behind a smoldering, scorched ruin of the once-ancient workshop. With his strength utterly spent and his body drained, Pan collapsed to the ground, his form crumpling amidst the remnants of the magical conflagration he had inadvertently created. As the last flickers of essence dissipated, he fell into an unconscious void, the world around him fading into darkness once again.