
Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife#

She, breathtaking and indifferently gentle, soft and adorably clueless. She was a Divine Doctor who could bring the dying back to life, and also a poison expert who killed without trace! She possessed a pair of clairvoyant eyes, and also a body filled with mysterious vital energy! People said: Even Yama Raja had to give way to those An Yiqing wished to save! He, cold and aloof, stunningly handsome like a deity. He was the most outstanding descendant of the Ancient Martial Arts Families and also the youngest general of Xuanjin Country! He was an emperor who emerged from darkness and blood, holding great power and deciding over life and death! When the gently indifferent her and the cold and proud him met, what kind of sparks would they ignite? Affection chapter: An Yiqing asked, "Hm, I heard you like me?" Gu Yelin stiffened, "Yes!" An Yiqing's eyes fell, her voice flat, "But I can't be with you." "Reason." Gu Yelin's voice was dark and heavy; his heart clenched in pain—he had been poisoned, and only this little white rabbit in front of him was the cure! "Master said I have an incurable disease." "If you live, I live; if you die, I die!" Gu Yelin's voice was low and resolute. An Yiqing's downcast eyes gradually reddened, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly, "Every time I see you, my heart races, I struggle to breathe, and my cheeks turn red. Master said that's the incurable disease, and only you can heal me." Gu Yelin's dark eyes surged with waves of joy and excitement, like a surging undercurrent. ...Only she could cure his poison, and only he was the medicine for her. Underdog chapter: At the banquet Qin Jia: "Who do you think you are? Just an orphan with no parents, what right do you have to cling to Young Master Gu's side?" An Yiqing's eyes swept over coldly, a mocking smile on her lips, "Relying on you who would be nothing without the Qin Family, relying on me who could pinch you to death with one hand!” “You slut!"— Qin Jia, furious, raised her hand to slap An Yiqing. "Sick of living!" Suddenly, a pair of iron-like hands gripped Qin Jia's arm tightly; he had only left for a moment. Who was this blind person daring to bully his treasure? Qin Jia roared resentfully, "Young Master Gu, why are you doing this to me? She's just a wild child with no parents!" "Who dares to say that the An Family's only jewel is a wild child?!" A furious rebuke erupted like a thunderclap, shaking the entire banquet. Baby chapter: The plump Little Bun wriggled his little bottom, his glutinous voice carrying a complaint, "Daddy, why won't you let me sleep with Mommy?" Gu Yelin's mouth twitched, "You are a man, you cannot cling to my wife." "Hmph! Jealous men are so annoying!" Little Bun mumbled, "The Uncle Duan who came to see Mommy yesterday is nice, so is the Uncle Bai who I met last week, and there's Uncle Li who gave me a big red envelope during the New Year and that pretty auntie, they are all nicer to me than Daddy!" Third Young Master Gu's temples throbbed. Why, even though his adorable little white rabbit was married, did those wolves with greed in their eyes still not give up? Men were one thing, but even women were trying to get involved! Third Young Master Gu felt aggrieved; the road to being a henpecked husband is long and arduous~ ************************************ The author says: This story slightly incorporates special abilities with fantasy elements. Every place name, medical term, and jargon used within the context of gambling-stone craft is all fictional. Industry insiders, please do not criticize, thank you!~

Master An · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
537 Chs

Chapter 2 First Encounter (2)

In the study

"Still no sign of her?" The man's voice was hoarse, completely devoid of his previous handsome and scholarly charm.

The subordinate fell silent, the situation evident. After a while, the man leading them called out, "Chairman, we've mobilized all our manpower, and sealed off airports, train stations, and major traffic routes. But the young miss seems to have vanished from the face of the earth... Could it be that—"


The man abruptly looked up to see his wife entering through the door; her face deathly pale, pupils contracting sharply upon hearing the dreadful news, her entire body collapsing weakly to the floor.

"Wife, don't worry, our daughter will come back." The man quickly strode over to the woman, comforting her with heartache.

The woman sat on the floor without uttering a word. Her eyes were somewhat vacant, her bloodless lips trembling violently, as if her soul had departed.


"My daughter—!"

After a moment of silence, a heart-wrenching wail erupted from the villa!

——I am the foodie divider——

Nine years later

In the back mountains of a small village, within a tranquil and elegant courtyard.

"You little brat! Did you put drugs in the food again yesterday?!" An old man with a rosy complexion glared at a little girl, his whiskers bristling. This little girl, growing bolder by the day, actually dared to test poisons on him!

"Hmm..." The little girl lying on the bed slowly opened her sleepy eyes, and in an instant, it was as though the galaxy flowed within them, clear and ethereal. "Master, my meager skills are not worthy of your notice. See? Aren't you doing just fine now?"

"Nonsense! Old man itched all night long!"


The old man stared helplessly at the little girl who laughed heartily, his eyes brimming with affection.

"Girl, recite the 'Inner Canon of Huangdi' from beginning to end."

"In ancient times, there was Huangdi. Born a spiritual being..."

"Hmm, not bad. Now recite the Medicine Sect's Heart Method."

"The Way manifests as substance, sight but a blur and flurry. Blurred and flurry..."

"Good, now show me the set of boxing techniques I taught you yesterday."

"Umm, I'm hungry, can't practice." The little girl refused to move.

"You little glutton!"

The sunshine was warm, with birds chirping through the mountains, a scene of tranquil serenity...

——I am the foodie divider——

Nineteen years later

Xuandu City, the center of power in Xuanjin Country. It was a city overflowing with desire and dreams.

Down an abandoned alley near Xuan University, rumors said the place was haunted, so even in daylight, few ventured there. The alley's stone pavement was cluttered with broken planks and bamboo baskets, its surroundings eerily quiet.

"Tap—Tap—Tap—" Soft, slow footsteps approached from a distance, each one echoing as if weighing on the soul.

At one end of the alley, a slender figure shrouded in sunlight slowly appeared. Her white dress fluttering, hair cascading over her shoulders, her exquisite silhouette just visible through the intense light.

The girl stepped steadily to the center of the alley, steadied her breath, and lowered her gaze.

"Whoosh—!" Suddenly a few thick and massive wooden planks flew up, slamming fiercely towards her like rogue waves.

The girl didn't move. The planks drew closer, and the men hiding in the shadows thought they saw the girl's bloodied body sprawled on the ground, a malicious smile curling their lips.

At that moment, with a fierce shout, the girl suddenly spun around and struck with her palm, unleashing a gust of wind like a tumultuous wave that instantly shattered the planks! The hidden men felt an overwhelming Inner Breath surge forth, their throats as if gripped tightly, their bodies flung uncontrollably through the air!

Such profound Inner Breath!

The four exposed men were shocked, quickly regrouping and adopting defensive stances.

"Little girl, although you are the Sect Leader's disciple, you are still inexperienced. The few of us together would be more than a match for you. The grudge of the Medicine Sect has nothing to do with you; why press us so hard?"

"Your personal vendettas are none of my concern, but I must apprehend the traitors who stole the Medicine Sect's Secret Technique!" Her voice, melodiously delightful like a nightingale and usually soft, was now chillingly cold.

"Bratty girl, we intended to spare your young life, but since you are so ungrateful, don't cry foul when you're in the Hall of Yama King!" Seeing their plan foiled, the men turned murderous, "Ha!—" The lead man bellowed, his iron-like fist driving fiercely towards the girl along with the wind, while the others attacked swiftly and ruthlessly, closing in with each move!

The girl encircled by the men circulated her Inner Breath throughout her body, facing four opponents without a trace of panic. She lightly tipped on her toes, leaped into the air, and with her pale fist, she struck an assailant's temple with formidable force!

The opponents, seeing this, struck back even more viciously. For a time, the alley was filled with chaotic winds and heavy killing intent!



The last man alive was slammed hard to the ground, limbs convulsing as blood spewed from his mouth, ceasing to breathe in mere moments.

The girl took a delicate porcelain bottle from her bag, poured a few drops, "Sss!—", and the corpses on the ground began to emit white smoke, the unknown liquid boiling over them.

After a short while, the girl slowly walked out of the alley, hailed a taxi, and left the place,

The eerily quiet alley was now filled with the stench of rotting flesh. On the disordered stone path, only a moist puddle remained, as if the bodies of several men had evaporated into thin air!