
Chapter 5

The news of me breaking off the alliance with the Crossfire family spread like a wild fire all throughout Credia the next morning. It was the hot topic all the Mamas spoke about during tea time, and the subject of discussion at the square.

But what surprised me the most, was the fact that I was being stigmatised for being an overly ambitious woman, with a short sighted dream.

My thoughts were preoccupied with these new accusations, that I did not hear my name being called.

"Miss Bellemere." Odet called out to me once more, reminding me that I was no longer in the Crossfire mansion but within the confines of my bedroom chamber.

"Sorry, I had a thing or two in mind." I told her, dropping the apple I had been toying with on top of my silver tray.

"You're the centre of attention in the capital, almost everybody and anybody has your name on their lips. Though, you are only second place to the gossip of the prince's arrival at the kingdom after sixteen long years." Odet filled me in, serving me a spot of Earl grey tea.

I mouthed a thank you to her and sipped from my little white teacup, lost in my own pool of ambition. I had no business thinking about the sheltered son of the king and queen, after all, marriage was none of my concern.

"That being said, no one is appreciating my dream, I'd say I've jumped from Pan to fire." Last night's events wouldn't stop playing in my mind, I barely caught a wink of sleep last night.

Odet opened my drawer and pulled out some dresses, presenting them to me to know my pick.

"The black one, and the black laced gloves as well." I told her, brushing my hair as I stared as my reflection.

"But yet, there's a smile drawn across your face, I take it that you weren't at peace with the engagement?" She asked, setting my clothes on the bed, as she readied the things for my bath.

The engagement being called off made me happy, that was certain, but it would be wrong to blame that as the only reason behind my smile.

"There's that, but some other reason is attached to it, which is why we need to set out immediately. I have some investigating to conduct." I said in haste, rising from my seat and heading straight towards the bath to prepare myself for today.


Mama and Papa were not at home when I came downstairs, the servants informed me that they left on a trip before I even woke up.

After my scandal last night, my parents refused to say a single word to me in resentment against me. A sentiment I could completely understand.

"Where are you headed in such a rush milady?" Odet asked, holding a black umbrella over my head, as the Coachman pushed away anyone in our path, whilst we walked on the streets.

I could see with my own two eyes, that everyone had their gaze on me while we crossed the street. They must believe that some devil has possessed me into breaking up my engagement.

Little did they know just how handsome and persuasive that devil turned out to be.

"I have to search for somebody you see, he's my benefactor and I have to take him up on his word." I tried to explain, barely making any sense whatsoever.

Odet simply nodded at me making sure a ray of sunshine didn't hit my skin. In her free hand were the basket of scones I had her prepare for me.

For us.

"You may leave us now, be sure to wait at the designated meeting spot." I told the coach man once we reached the street where the old mansion was located, dismissing him.

Odet stared at the name written on the plague of the first house on the street and gasped in shock.

"Are you here to beg for forgiveness? I admit it's a bit too late after the scandal you pulled off, but it's a wise choice." She lectured, ignorantly marching towards the gates of the Crossfire family.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked past their villa, keeping my eyes pointed straight ahead, with every hope of seeing my mysterious acquaintance.

Last night, I could clearly remember what he said to me after we parted ways...

*Flashback to last night*

My companion pulled out a huge black umbrella and shielded me with me, despite the fact that the rain had just concluded.

He had insisted on escorting me to the gates before we said our final farewell.

"Will this be the last time we see each other, my benefactor?" I inquired in a teasing tone, inwardly hoping we would be chanced to encounter each other once more.

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me fully, a serious expression drawn across his face.

"Would you like to have an audience with me again?" He asked in return, trying to force a confession out of me.

"No." I responded all too swiftly, causing his lips to curl into a full fledged smile.

"It's just that..." I continued to walk ahead of him, hiding the red patches of blush that painted my cheek.

"You made a promise to take responsibility for my actions. How ever am I supposed to take you for your words if I can't get ahold of you?" I took an indirect approach, saving myself from the embarrassment of admitting I enjoyed time with him.

Although I was the one trying to tease him, my words couldn't rub off that all knowing smile on his charming face.

"I'll be wherever you want me to be and do whatever it is you require of me." He casually said, as though he was passing off a greeting to her.

Agatha felt her heart stop at his words, "don't be silly. We only just met by chance, if anything I am in your debt." I admitted, realising that if this gentleman hadn't come when he did, I might have just died.

"How about tomorrow then, we meet at this same well and talk on how to even the score with each other?" He proposed, talking a halt as we drew nearer to the gates of the Crossfire mansion.

"It's a date then!" She blurted out with no restraint whatsoever. "I mean to say, it's fixed, we shall meet here and I'll surely settle the score with you." I inserted all too quickly, buried in bashfulness.

"As you wish." And with that said, he took a bow to me and went his way in the opposite direction, leaving his umbrella with me.


Odet stood at the gate of the abandoned mansion, reluctant to walk inside, insisting that the land was cursed and unlucky.

I on the other hand had started to develop second thoughts about this stranger of mine honouring his words.

"The place looks deserted. Perhaps he took me for a fool..." I voiced under my breath, walking into the green house, which had been swallowed up by nature.

I stared in amazement at the thick vines that wrapped themselves around fragile walls of the green house. A crack in the ceiling dispensed light into the dull room, shining down on some dead plants.

No one had tended to these plants for years, so I didn't expect any of them to survive. But...

"What's this?" My eyes landed on a newly placed flower pot, stationed on one of the freshly cleaned surfaces alongside others.

Someone must have done this... I picked it up and examined it, noticing how damp the soil was, hinting it had been watered.

"Who could have—"

"I take it you're interested in gardening?" A familiar baritone voice asked from directly behind me, alerting me of his presence.

My entire body tensed up in shock, allowing the flower pot to drop from my hand, destined to fall and break.

Or so I thought...

"I didn't mean to frighten you." I looked behind me to lock eyes with the owner of the familiar voice.

And in his palm he held the flower pot I was certain was meant to fall and shatter into a thousand pieces. A thin lipped smile pre

ssed upon his face.

"I see we meet again." He said to me, his piercing gaze locked on me.