
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

13. A Contract Formed; Power Sealed

"Divinum Iram Palatini."

"Aeternum Tenebris Vortex."

The two fire their spells in a final contest of strength. When the attacks collide with each other it creates a force so powerful the entire building vanishes around them, yet they only focus on their spell and each other. Shadow smiles and increases his power output, pushing Victor's attack back, with a determined yell Victor matches Shadows power output causing further destruction.

"I must admit, you're unique among your kind. No human would be alive after the amount of power you've used to fight me."

"I don't know a lot but, I know for certain my parents are special so it wouldn't be difficult for them to birth a miracle would it?! AAAARRRRRGGGG!!!"

With the last of his strength Victor increases his attack to it's limit, slowly his flesh begins to tear, exposing his bloodied muscles. Intense agony overtakes his body but he doesn't let up, causing even more flesh and muscle to tear.

Shadow is stunned by the boys determination but he doesn't stop, instead he puts out even more power than before causing Victor to fall on one knee.

"You know you'll die if you keep this up, yet you are so determined to defeat me that you'd even risk your own life to accomplish your goal, even if it was unreachable in the first place? You truly are an interesting one."

Victor cannot speak through the amount of pain he is feeling as more of his body breaks and shatters from the sheer power of their attacks. He looks up an notices a giant hole where their attacks are pushing each other. Out of nowhere both their attacks fuse creating a super-sized energy ball that doesn't hold long before cracks start forming.

Shadow and Victor realize what's about to happen and try to make a run for it but when Victor moved, he fell straight on his face only to turn around and realize both his legs have been shattered into pieces. With no chance of escape, he surrenders himself to death smiling on.

"I was able to hold my own against a primordial, but it's cost me my life. Heh, at least I can die happy."

Closing his eye's the energy ball explodes sending shockwaves and heat so intense it incinerates everything. The shockwave is so powerful even the heavenly realm shakes violently from the force.

"What was that? Someone answer me!"

"We don't know lord Fregen, but it's origin stems from the prison dimension."

"Hmmm.... That's where Shadow is being held captive. I wonder if he was the cause of this or someone else?"

Victor opens his eyes and finds himself floating in nothingness. There is no end nor any top or bottom, he looks around in confusion and awe wondering where he is.

"Quite a site isn't it?"

Victor looks around and he's eye's catch a figure in the distance that looks vaguely familiar. He moves towards it only to find it's Shadow who's sitting there.

"Where the hell are we?"

"This is the inside of your very soul. I never knew a mortals soul could be so vast."

"What are you doing here Shadow?"

"I've got a proposition for you. You weren't able to get me on both my knees but the potential inside you is vast and your soul proves it. So I'll still form a contract with you but it will be to both our advantage."

"What are the rules of this contract?"

"I will only reside within you, not interfering in your personal life. But, if you come across an adversary that is too powerful for you I will take over your body to fight them."

"Why are you persistent to follow through with this?"

"You interest me too much and your potential is vast, obviously I want to see what you will accomplish later on. Also I want to make sure you don't run the risk of endangering yourself again by overuse of your power. For now though return to your normal life and we will talk again. Here is the contract take your time to read through it. I will also put a seal on your power so you don't try and kill yourself again. Don't worry, as you grow and mature your ability to control vast amounts of magic will increase and I will release your power gradually."

Shadow disappears into mist leaving Victor by himself to reflect on their conversation.

"That damn ancient fossil, he's too cunning and knows exactly what to say without letting on too much. But I know I will be able to use his power for my own gain. I'll have to play my cards carefully."

Without a second thought he signs the contract and is enveloped by a bright light. When he opens his eye's, he is staring at a ceiling surrounded by lights and magic circles. He looks around and sees a figure sitting at a desk, when he tries to move instant pain rushes through his body and he screams in agony. The person sitting at the desk runs to his bed, all Victor can see is the shape of a face with long brown hair and a gentle touch.

"It's alright Mr. Fellowing you can rest now."

Her soothing words are like a spell that causes him to pass out. Two months after the event Victor opens his eye's and sees a few students around his bed and the same figure he'd seen before.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like every bone in my body has been shattered."

"Well you can rest easy now, you're in the medical wing of the academy. Please enjoy your stay."

"Just who are you ma'am?"

"Halo Gaiger, medical mage and nurse of the academies medical infirmary. Pleased to meet you Benjamine Fellowing."