
Chapter 2 - Pervert Darius

Rain village, located on the farthest east side of the Silver Glory Prefecture. Though it is called a village, the Rain village is very progressive since it houses one of the best docks used in trading in East Glory Prefectures.

The Amber family can be identified as one of the local powers of the Rain village, and they pride themselves over their impressive craftsmanship in weapon smithing and inscribing. In a room of one of the houses at the compound of Amber family a fair maiden is lying on bed full of sweat. "Ughhh.." cried the maiden clearly in pain while staring at the man beside her.

"Push Lena push, the baby is almost out", said the healer assisting Lena on her labor.

"Lady Matea is my wife and child alright?" asked by the man beside Lena on the healer as he could see that her wife is in pain due ti the labor. his father told him that Lady Matea is the best healer in town an that her wife can have a safe labor, he is having some doubts right about now. Then without a warning a soft baby cry filled the room.

"Oh, Robert is that our baby?", Lena asked directed to the man beside her

"Yes dear, Lady Matea is just cleaning and prepping the baby, we can definitely hold the baby after that so just rest for a moment okay", Robert replied and Lena answered by nodding.

A few moments later when everyone left leaving the husband and wife alone, in the arms of Lena a baby boy is lying sleeping peacefully. "What will be his name?" she asked.

"How about Darius?" Robert said while stroking the forehead of the baby in front of him, tracing a peculiar birth mark.

"Darius is good."Lena agreed and said "Come sleep with us tonight."


Eight years later, Darius grow up healthily, her mother as the daughter of the family leader was very doting on him, but since his fathers disappearance when he is around four, his uncles and some of his cousins doesn't treat him well and his mother never explained the circumstances of his fathers disappearance. Due to that he became recluse and always holed up on places that has few people, seeing this his grandfather have him direct his sullenness in studying so they hired a tutor for him to learn reading and writing.

In the back of the main compound of Amber family in a distance of 1 km Mount First Ridge can be seen, it is the first of the seven mountains near the Rain Village. At the foot of the mountain a boy lying on the tall grasses sleeps.Though Darius can be seen as sleeping, in actuality he is meditating and training his mind, he is practicing a cultivation method for mental power. Darius always go here after the morning training he is required to do. As a family of weapon makers physical strength is important, that is why as man he is expected to follow the tradition of his mothers family, he is to become a Blacksmith and an Inscriber, or the very least a Blacksmith or an Inscriber.

"Increasing my mental power is not really that easy." Darius sighed as he stands up and started walking back to the family compound.

It is well given for a Blacksmith to have a strong physical body in order to forge a proper weapon, and inscriber on the other hand needs another requirement to be qualified as one, mental power. Physical strength can be trained through physical exercises which Darius has been doing since he is six years old with increasing intensity, while mental power can be trained if you have the ability, in Darius's case it was no surprise that he has the talent for mental power since he is from the family of inscribers, his mother for example is a second circle inscriber. In the Amber family they owned four Physique Cultivation and one mental cultivation, though what Darius practices is not from his family, he is practicing the methods he saw in his dreams.

On the night of Darius' fifth birthday he dreamed that he was on a very dark place with a scroll in his hand named "Mantra of Void Mind". Opening the scroll Darius Read it but seemed cant get past the first line. He spent the entire time trying to read the full scroll but was unsuccessful, when he woke up he realized that he can remember the first line and every time he recites the line verbally or silently he seemed to fall into trance, he really didn't really understand it at first but it seems every time he woke up from the trance the he felt refreshed and unusually alert, and strangely he never dreamed that dark space again but he still remembers the name of the scroll and the first line. his unusual trances kept repeating for the next week until until one night he dreamed the dark space with the scroll and he can read the second line. After that dream Darius' understand that he can keep repeating the trances to be able to read the next lines. Also he noticed that he became more proficient in reading and writing and understanding the books he is given are easier to understand. Now after 3 years he is able to chant a paragraph and two lines from the "Mantra of Void Mind".

On Darius' seventh birthday another scroll appeared in his dream named "Black Lightning Physique".

When Darius read the scroll he didn't find it difficult to finish unlike the mantra but what he could understand is that the scroll is about a series of exercises that he could practice on a specific place, it is to be practiced on an area where it is raining or under a storm. the exercise tells about that the practitioners body should be near the essence of a storm or rain. This is another reason for him to frequent the foot of Mount First Ridge since the whole mountain range seemed soaked in rain or storm almost everyday.

After Three years of practicing the Mantra of Void Mind he could tell that he was more matured compare to children his age and he is also far more intelligent than them as well, while after a year of practicing the Black Lightning Physique, he could tell that he strength is abnormal for his age as well as his general silhouette is well developed past his age of 8. He attributed this abnormalities to the scrolls he practices while his mother thinks that he got his demeanor and physical appearance from his father.

When he arrived at the gate of their family compound Darius saw a girl around ten or eleven years old standing at the gate staring at his approaching figure coldly. Darius felt involuntary chills in his spine. He honestly dreaded this cousin of his.

When he was ten meters away from his cousin he heard her say "Where have you been, its seems that you disappear every morning. Are you going around the town peeping again? You really are perverted!"

On his mind Darius silently protested on what he heard 'not this again' but he replied "Hello cousin Jinny, I didn't realized you finished your first year in the academy."

"Now that I'm here you better behave little pervert or I'll skin alive even if your mother protested. Hmph! By the way Grandpa says that he will be the one to tutor you personally, I don't know why but grandpa thinks your worth his time" Jinny said bossily. he

"What you mean by that?!" Darius protested loudly while glaring at his cousin.

"Nothing just that all the education you get seems to be a waste since you're perverted since young." Jinny replied then turned her back walking inside the family compound.

any suggestions and constructive criticisms are well appreciated..

Pure_Firecreators' thoughts