
Painter, Paint Her

A place where artists from all over the world assemble, and an island of art in many forms. As a painter, Techne Island is the island of Yohan Benedict Chavez's dreams. As soon as he set foot on the island, he was instructed not to paint at night. However, on his first night, this young artist neglected the rules, which led to a terrifying incident. A widely held belief is that when you draw something at night, the subject is believed to be staring at you. The woman he painted appeared before his eyes. His curiosity never caused him to quit. Chavez painted the lady again during the night and discovered that she was a cursed, lost soul. He gradually began to grasp how gloomy the island was—completely at contrast with the colourful it is. It's an enormous disaster, but Yohan won't give up until he breaks the curse placed upon the lost soul. Let's join Yohan as he unveils Techne Island's mysteries.

ylabbles · Fantasia
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51 Chs

An Unexpected Encounter

After eating dinner with Sai, we went back to the hotel to rest. I tried sketching Iseul once, but she didn't appear. I stopped immediately, I know I'll end up disappointing myself. I covered my face with my arm and lay on the bed.

I couldn't sleep. Something's bugging me. Then a stupid idea came into my mind, and it's midnight!

I just drew the mystic manta ray based on my photographic memory of it. Fantastic! What am I even up to? It's a freaking animal; why the hell would something like that appear? But because of Ara's story, I have this small hope inside me that this might work.

I added some details to my drawing.

"Wow, that looks fantastic!"

"Holy sh-"

"Words, young man!"

I jumped out of bed, and I felt pain when I stumbled on the floor!

It worked. It fucking worked! There's a freaking manta ray inside my room! My heart started skipping faster, just like when I saw Iseul for the first time.

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was like a projector was flashing it in front of me. There's no water, but it was floating up there. I blinked twice and even rubbed my eyes a couple of times.

"Are you the Mystic Manta Ray?" I asked while sitting on the floor.

"The mystic what?" The fish even moved its head as if it were confused.

"The mystic manta ray! From the show! The main character looks exactly like you!" I tried to explain.

"Oh, say what now?" It sounded confused!

Argh! I stood up and grabbed my phone. I sat on the corner of my bed and searched for the animation on the internet.

"This? Is this you?" I asked.

"I look like that."

"Duh! You're a manta ray just like this one."

Wait, how could I even talk casually with this fish?

"That's not me; I'm not a mystical creature. I'm just a dead fish," it laughed.

And that hit me! I rubbed my face; this was so stupid. "You're just the animator's reference! How did I forget? Are you an anima perduta?" I asked.

"A what?"

"Anima perduta, the uh... lost souls? The ones that appear whenever artists paint them at night? Are you one of those?"

"Oh, that! I thought you asked if I was an animal; that's stupid of you!" it laughed again. "But yes, I'm an anima perduta. How are you knowledgeable about that, young man?"

"I drew someone at night, and I'm helping her find a way to break the curse," I said shortly.

"That's like finding a needle in a haystack! Nevertheless, I admire your determination. I just don't understand, why did you draw me? I didn't even look for someone who could draw me?" the manta ray said. It continued floating around the room.

"An animator told me that she based her character on a manta ray that appeared when she drew it. I just thought... I can summon her reference and ask if they know my friend," I explained.

"Hmm... There are a lot of manta rays on the other side; there's a possibility that I'm not that animator's reference. Anyway, I must go now. Bye bye!"

"Wait! I need to ask you something!" I gestured my hand for the fish to wait for me. This is definitely a situation that I never imagined to happen with me. It may look weird, but I should grab this chance.

"Alright. It's been more than a decade since the last time that I've been summoned. I'll give you some time to have a little conversation with me." It moved towards me.

"Do you know Iseul?"

It looked up, as if thinking of something. I patiently waited for the manta ray to talk.

"Iseul, can you describe that fish to me?"

"N-no, she is a person. Iseul is a girl, and she has green eyes, her hair is long and curly, she always wears a black dress whenever I summon her; and her skin is also pale," I explained. I silently hoped this fish knows her. Please tell me you know her, please.

"Oh... that Iseul... I don't know her." it laughed.

I did a facepalm. "Okay, I guess we have nothing to talk about anymore."

"Wait, is she the gloomy woman who talks in Italian?"

I immediately nodded. "Yes! Iseul's like that!"

"I remember... she's a persistent one. She never stopped wandering around, finding opportunities to appear in front of an artist and seek help."

It's just like what Iseul told me before. But I was glad this manta ray knew her! It's definitely pertaining to Iseul.

"We have our own world too. Us anima perduta are the invisible citizens of Techne Island. Generally, there are two types of lost souls: those who accepted their fate and never did anything, and then those who never stopped seeking freedom."

My mouth formed an 'o' upon hearing its story.

"Iseul is one of the anima perdutas who never stopped seeking not just her freedom but the freedom of every lost soul on this island." Even this fish showed me sadness. "She's a great soul. I'm glad there's an artist helping her out. You must've been calling her for days."

I nodded. "I tried summoning her, but she never appeared. My first theory is that anima perdutas wouldn't show up in the South. But you appeared, which means I was wrong."

"What's your second theory?"

I slightly moved my head down. "My second theory is that she just didn't want to see me."

"Is there a third?"

I gulped. "My third theory is that she might be in trouble."

"Anima perduta can appear anywhere on this island, but they have a choice if they will appear when one makes an art based on their appearance. Oh boy... I'm sorry to say, I haven't seen her in a while. Normally she would show up to us every day since she has no other places to go every morning."

"Where is she?" I almost whispered.

"Iseul's in trouble, that's for sure."